Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 891

"We also go to the remnant of the devil. If we miss this opportunity, we have to wait another 10000 years.".

The fire crow has a faint voice.

The heavenly magic fruit is equally important to the fire crow, because the holy embryo of the fire crow is also an ordinary holy embryo. If you swallow the heavenly magic fruit, his holy embryo can also evolve into the most powerful "emperor embryo".

Jin Shengyuan said, "could it be that the magic fruit can mature only after ten thousand years?".

The fire crow said, "yes, it takes 10000 years from flowering and fruiting to maturity, and nine fruits will be produced at a time"!

"OK, great. We must grab some magic fruits.". Lin Feng clenched his fist.

This is the treasure of crazy cultivation.

Such opportunities.

How can you miss it?

If you miss it, you will regret for 10000 years.

It may not be possible to get it in 10000 years.

Moreover, ten thousand years is too long to seize the day.

"Every time the magic fruit is mature, the remnant of the magic will be heavily guarded. It\'s not so easy to rob it. However, this time someone should use the emperor\'s soldiers. There may be an opportunity. If you succeed in robbing the magic fruit this time, you will be free.".

The fire crow said.

Lin Feng and Jin Shengyuan showed their joy. They didn\'t stop and flew in the direction of the remnant of Tianmo.

The Tianmo family is located in the Tianmo mountains of the death swamp.

The Tianmo family subdued many fierce beasts and toured the mountains. The Tianmo family\'s guard is very strict.

After coming here, huoya, Lin Feng and Jin Shengyuan didn\'t hurry to lurk in.

Because the target is too large during the day, it is easy to be found by the fierce animals patrolling.

They waited for the evening to come.

When night fell, after avoiding some fierce beasts on patrol, they lurked into the nest of the remnant of demons.

Looking from a distance, we can see that more than 300 people of Tianmo\'s family are now gathered together.

Deep in the magic fog, there is an ancient tree.

It\'s a magic tree. It can bear magic fruit.

It is said that this is a mysterious magic tree formed at the beginning of the founding of the world. Up to now, it is estimated that it is difficult to find ten trees after searching all over the sky.

It\'s really amazing that the remnant of the heavenly devil has a heavenly devil tree.

The wounded demon overlord was also present.

"Patriarch, someone came with imperial soldiers".

Said the demon.

An old devil\'s voice was cold, "anyone who thinks of the holy fruit of our Tianmo family has only one way to die".

Now the monks in the years cave have not appeared, so the fire crow, Lin Feng and Jin Shengyuan will not move. They are waiting for the opportunity to come.

These demons are very strange. Some have three heads and six arms, but others are no different from humans.

"This is not the true face of the devil. The devil can change freely into what he wants to become.".

The fire crow said.

Lin Feng and Jin Shengyuan couldn\'t help taking a breath. Is the demon so strange?

The fire crow said, "therefore, we should remember each other\'s life breath and never be confused by the devil.".


Lin Feng and Jin Shengyuan nodded.


These demons set up a sacrificial platform. They want to sacrifice the heaven.

Although the demon race is very evil and ferocious.

But this race is really powerful and has many terrible means.

Demons exchange mysterious power through sacrifice.

This mysterious force will flow into the Tianmo fruit and make the Tianmo fruit mature.

Under the leadership of the patriarch, more than 300 demons offered sacrifices piously.


A terrible energy fell from the nine days and shrouded the demon tree.

Then nine demonic fruits swallowed up the energy.

Then the fruit of the devil changed from black to gold.

"Mature..." Rao, the strong one of the remnant of the heavenly devil, was also excited.

After ten thousand years of waiting, nine heavenly devil fruits will naturally make the heavenly devil survivors ecstatic.

"My family wants to borrow some heavenly devil fruits. I hope the heavenly devil survivors can give up their love, and there will be compensation at that time.".

The friar in white came with the sword of years.

"That\'s the man...". The wounded demon overlord looked at the monk in white with venomous eyes. He was also a top expert in the remnant of the demon.

"Who are you?". The patriarch of the demon family said coldly.

"Don\'t leave the cave in the years"!

Said the friar in white.

"It\'s the man from Tianzhou years cave. Get back quickly. My family can spare you from dying.". Said the old patriarch.

"I really don\'t know how to live or die. In that case, let\'s do it.".

The friar in white shouted coldly.

"Ha ha, devil fruit, we\'ve been looking forward to it for a long time.".

Laughter came.

A monk with a huge axe appeared.

"Tianzhou shenaxe sect".

"The remnant of demons is not in ancient times. Now your family has declined.".

Cold laughter came, and a monk with a halberd painted by Fang Tian came.

Tianzhou Xushen gate.

"Since the remnant of Tianmo is so ignorant of current affairs, we simply take all Tianmo fruits today and leave none.".

Another strong man came, a strong man shrouded in gray fog.

Tianzhou, evil spirit sect.

"Giggle, giggle, in that case, it\'s better to take away the Tianmo fruit stored by the Tianmo family for so many years. I don\'t believe their family doesn\'t store Tianmo fruit.".

Jiao\'s laughter came. This time, a woman came out. She was enchanting. She was wearing a long pink dress and perfectly displayed her convex and concave figure in front of everyone. This woman seduced all sentient beings.

"Tianzhou Hongchen Pavilion"!

"Good guy, the five Taigu forces in Tianzhou are here.". Jin Shengyuan said in surprise.


Then, figures came one after another, and there were more than 3000 monks.

These friars are obviously the masters of the five Taigu forces.

The five Taikoo forces are well prepared.

Lin Feng said, "the emperor soldiers are so powerful. I\'m afraid it\'s difficult for the remnant of the heavenly demons to resist these five forces?".

The fire crow nodded and said, "we\'ll do it when the battle is the most intense.".



A low roar resounded through the sky.

Don\'t leave the cave in the years. Hold the emperor\'s soldiers to kill the patriarch of the deceased family of Xiang Tianmo.

Obviously, Xiao Moli wants to kill the leader of the Tianmo clan. As long as he can kill the leader of the Tianmo clan, the Tianmo clan will be in chaos.


With a cold hum from the leader of the remnant family of Tianmo, an ancient and mysterious stone soldier appeared in his hand.

I don\'t know what age the baby was. It was made of stone.

The treasure is three meters long and shaped like a huge knife. The clan leader of the remnant of the heavenly devil cuts into the sky with a stone soldier.


The two babies collided and both sides flew backwards.

"What weapon is that? It\'s so powerful that it can resist the power of imperial soldiers?". Lin Feng and Jin Shengyuan were shocked.

Emperor soldier, supreme.

Almost invincible weapons.

It\'s really too shocking to be resisted by stone soldiers now.

"It\'s a stone tool. It\'s like the Holy Spirit of the stone family. The weapons bred by heaven and earth and the top stone tools are really comparable to the power of the emperor\'s soldiers.". Said the fire crow.

Lin Feng was surprised. He was also very impressed that the creator\'s ability to nurture such a terrible weapon was incredible.

"Boom, boom...".

Thousands of experts from the five forces surrounded and killed the demons of the remnant of the demons.

"Humble creatures, die.".

The voice of demons of the remnant of demons is cold. These demons are really too powerful.

Although they are small in number, their combat power is against the sky.

Poof! Poof!

The strong of the five forces are constantly killed by the demons of the remnant families of the demons.

"It\'s too strong. I\'m afraid these thousands of experts are not enough for the Tianmo of the remnant of Tianmo to kill.". Lin Feng was shocked when he looked at the five forces experts who were dying.



At this time, the high sound of dragon singing came, and a black dragon with two heads flew in the distance.

Longwei is vast and powerful.

"Dragon, it\'s a black dragon.".

Lin Feng was shocked.

It\'s really shocking that there are terrible creatures like dragons in the death swamp.

"This is the super overlord of the death swamp, the black dragon saint. Even it is coming. We are ready to rob the demon fruit.".

The fire crow cried.


In the mountains and forests in the distance, the stone man came driving the stone horse.

The golden light soared into the sky and the golden villain was killed.

The skeleton creatures came with swords and endless murderous Qi.

The mountain demon walked in the swamp, and the earth trembled violently.

The serpent king turned into a demon youth.

The crocodile turned into a strong man.


The existence of the death swamp overlord level is also killed under the leadership of the Black Dragon Emperor.