Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 888

Falling from the sky, like a fairy flying out of the sky.

The young emperor\'s first strike made Lin Feng feel threatened.


Lin Feng roared loudly. His supreme way is to sweep all enemies and be invincible in the world.

What about the young emperor?

The young emperor was not necessarily better than himself when he crossed the robbery.

This is the importance of "Tao".

If there is no "Tao" to support faith and feel the breath of the young emperor, the whole person may collapse.

But with the "supreme way", Lin Feng established his faith.


Is invincible.

Crack the sky!

Sword meaning!


Merge swords and kill the young emperor.


The attacks of both sides were bombarded together, and destructive waves spread out from the center of the bombardment.

Lin Feng was swept by the energy afterwave. He was shocked and flew out.

The young emperor was also shaken out.


The young Emperor didn\'t stop and rushed to Lin Feng again.

He waved as if he could cut through the eternal sky and came directly at Lin Feng.

In the void, a dazzling killing light condensed, tore the world and shrouded Lin Feng.

"What a powerful blow".

Lin Feng felt the destructive power from this blow.

That destructive force is hidden in the killing. Once it breaks out, it will be thunderous.

Sure enough, it is worthy of the attack of the young emperor. It is really powerful.

Lin Feng showed his ancient magic power this time.

Take the stars with big hands and catch the sun and moon.

A huge palm condensed from the void and grabbed it towards the killing light from the young emperor.

Taikoo\'s star picking hand can even pick off foreign stars.

What\'s more, the attack formed by the cohesion of only supernatural powers?


Sure enough, Taigu\'s star picking hand directly pinched the kill out of the young emperor.

Then break it up.

Jin Shengyuan said in surprise, "it\'s too strong for brother Feng to press the young emperor in the same realm?".

The fire crow said, "this is just the beginning. The young emperor will not have only this strength.".

As if to verify the words of the fire crow, the young emperor walked towards Lin Feng step by step.


Suddenly, one is divided into two, two into four, four into eight

There were hundreds of young emperors, and it was unclear which one was true and which one was false.

Hundreds of young emperors killed Lin Feng, waved their magic fist and swept at Lin Feng.


This time, Lin Feng was hit. His body moved out and was dripping with blood. The young emperor hurt Lin Feng.

Even Lin Feng couldn\'t tell which emperor was the one for so many years.

The young emperor obviously didn\'t want to give Lin Feng a chance to catch up quickly.

Hundreds of figures attacked Lin Feng.

Lin Feng was swept out again, and this time he was hurt more seriously.

His left arm was almost cut off directly, and his abdomen was pierced with a blood hole.

Lin Feng quickly retreated to avoid the thunderous attack of the young emperor.

At the same time, Lin Feng began to run the immortal body to repair his injury, but what changed Lin Feng\'s face was that there was a strange force preventing the immortal body from repairing the flesh.

Obviously, this is the strange power left in Lin Feng\'s body when the young emperor just hurt Lin Feng.

All the forces in this world are mutually reinforcing.

Now Lin Feng\'s immortal body is suppressed by the young emperor.

The ability of undead to repair the flesh cannot be shown, so Lin Feng is very dangerous.

Jin Shengyuan obviously saw the crisis Lin Feng is facing now. He said with worry, "brother Feng\'s special physique can\'t be displayed, and the young emperor\'s attack is so strange. How can brother Feng resist the young emperor\'s attack?".

The fire crow\'s look was also slightly dignified, which was indeed the same as what Jin Shengyuan was worried about.

In the fire crow\'s opinion, if you can\'t even exert your special constitution.

Then Lin Feng is afraid of a dead end.

The young emperor killed Lin Feng again, and figures appeared one after another. Dense figures killed Lin Feng.

It\'s another weird and terrible move.

"It\'s really worthy of being a young emperor. It\'s really powerful.".

Lin Feng took a deep breath. This time he didn\'t avoid, because there was no way to avoid.

He blinked slightly in the middle of his eyebrows.



Sky demon snake eyes open.

The sky demon snake eye is known as the original eye and sees through all vanity.

"Sky demon snake eye"! The fire crow exclaimed.

Jin Shengyuan obviously heard of the heavenly demon snake eye, and he also exclaimed, "brother Feng still has the heavenly demon snake eye, which is the original eye. If the heavenly demon snake eye is powerful, the strange unique skill of the young emperor may be useless".

The moment the snake eye of the heavenly demon opened, in Lin Feng\'s view, all the figures disappeared one after another.

Between heaven and earth, there is only a young emperor left.

That\'s the young emperor.


Lin Feng killed the past, the word on his left hand died, and the word on his right hand died.

Two kinds of Tao words bombard and kill the young emperor.


The young emperor was shocked and flew out.

All the "fake bodies" disappeared, leaving only the real body. After taking Lin Feng\'s blow, the young emperor\'s body obviously became illusory.

Lin Feng rushed forward quickly to solve the young emperor.

But the young emperor tied his hands.

"Great emperor seal".


This is the "emperor\'s art", created by the great emperor. It can be said that it is invincible and kills Xiang Lin Feng.

Lin Feng, who was shrouded by Emperor Shu, felt that his body didn\'t belong to him. His body began to crack.

"It\'s not good. The young emperor knows the art of the emperor. The art of the emperor is an inheritance beyond the ancient gods. It is a unique skill created by the strong at the level of the emperor. Now the young emperor shows the art of the emperor, and the boy is afraid to fall.".

Jin Shengyuan\'s face suddenly changed wildly. He said, "senior, please save brother Feng.".

"The fire crow said," the monk needs to fight against the natural disaster, not the help of others. If others help, there will only be a more terrible natural disaster, and there will be no doubt of death at that time ".

"What about this?". Jin Shengyuan\'s face was pale and looked anxiously at Lin Feng.

The young emperor gathered the seal of the great emperor. This move is really terrible. Lin Feng has not been attacked. Lin Feng\'s body has been seriously injured. It can be imagined that once Lin Feng is attacked, what terrible injury will Lin Feng suffer?

I\'m afraid I\'ll be killed in an instant.

"Is this imperial art?".

Lin Feng\'s expression was full of dignified expression. He also knew that it was time for life and death.

The five devouring martial spirits are moving.

Lin Feng\'s combat power increased five times in an instant.

"I\'ll give you a taste of my unique skill.".

Lin Feng\'s eyes were cold.

"Supreme reincarnation fist"!


Lin Feng roared, stepped forward and punched.

In Lin Feng\'s body, the supreme way works.

Around the supreme way, the ancient dragon elephant formula, the five emperors\' Dragon boxing, Dadu Huashu, batian thunder formula, the ancient star picking hand, and so on all revolve around the supreme way.

After breaking through the realm of creation, the friars with Tao will obtain a powerful ability, which is the ability given to friars by Tao.

However, friars can also feel and create their own magical powers according to their own Tao.

Since ancient times, which emperor\'s art has been given by "Tao" on its own initiative?

Not at all.

Every emperor\'s imperial art is created by them according to their own Tao and continuously improved.

Emperor\'s skill is much more powerful than the ability given by "Tao".

After Lin Feng established his own way, he began to practice his own "unique skill".

This supreme reincarnation boxing is a unique skill created by Lin Feng.

This is Lin Feng\'s first performance of supreme reincarnation boxing.

This supreme reincarnation fist.

Between heaven and earth, there was a sound of blowing a conch and hitting the longevity clock.

"The potential of emperor Cheng, my God, that boy has the potential to become a great emperor. It is said that only when the friars with the potential of emperor Cheng appear, will the sound of blowing the great Dharma Gong and hitting the longevity clock ring between heaven and earth".

The fire crows shouted in shock.


Lin Feng\'s supreme reincarnation fist collided with the great seal of the young emperor.


Like two planets crashing together.

The afterwave of energy that destroys all worlds radiates.

Lin Feng and the young emperor were shocked and flew out.

After the collision, Lin Feng stood in the void, bent over and gasped.

The young emperor stood in the distance and stared at Lin Feng. Finally, his shadow disappeared between heaven and earth.