Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 887

"Boy, this is the origin of our demons"!

The fire crow roared and stirred his wings to fly Lin Fengzhen out.

Lin Feng rushed over again, and he ignored the fire crow.

The only way in the world to stop me from plundering the origin of the devil is to kill me.

Jin Shengyuan also rushed to the past and began to devour the origin of the devil.

Lin Feng absorbed enough of the origin of the heavenly demons, and then refined the origin of the heavenly demons to improve his accomplishments.

They landed on the bare mountain in front of them and began to practice.

Although the fire crow is not the strongest existence in the death swamp, it is not a fierce beast that dares to provoke.

In the place where the fire crow is closed for cultivation, the fierce animals in the dead swamp give way one after another.

Lin Feng runs the ancient dragon elephant formula and begins to refine the origin of heavenly demons.

Now Lin Feng is the pinnacle of the seven heaven realm of yin and Yang.

The origin of the heavenly devil contains the power of doom. After refining, Lin Feng estimates that he can lead the heavenly doom soon.

The eight fold heaven of Yin-Yang realm needs to be robbed.

Only by successfully crossing the robbery can we break through this important realm.

Of course, crossing the robbery was a huge and difficult test for friars.

from ancient to modern times.

More than 90% of the monks in the seven heaven realm of yin and Yang failed to cross the robbery in order to break through the eight heaven realm of yin and Yang.

If you are lucky, you can get back your life, but you can\'t break through it all your life.

But more people died miserably.

Therefore, Lin Feng has been suppressing his realm and precipitating his cultivation, because crossing the robbery is too critical.

Never fail.

Once he fails, it means that his road of cultivation has come to an end.

It took Lin Feng three days to refine the origin of the devil. At the center of Lin Feng\'s eyebrows, the power of doom surged up. It was the power of doom.

"There is doom in the eyebrow, my doom is coming"!

Lin Feng looked up.

In the void, dark clouds rolled and thunder intertwined.

A destructive force surged in the thunder.

This destructive power is combined with the power of thunder, which is "Heaven\'s robbery".

The disaster is coming, the death swamp becomes quiet, and some powerful beasts stay away from the area shrouded by the disaster.

Lin Feng flew into the air.

Fire crow and Jin Shengyuan woke up from their cultivation. Jin Shengyuan showed a happy face. "Brother Feng is going to cross the robbery. Brother Feng\'s savings are so strong that it should not be a problem. Once the robbery is successful, brother Feng\'s strength will be raised to an unimaginable level".

The thunder clouds above the nine days are getting bigger and bigger. Originally, they only cover ten miles, but more and more thunder clouds are gathering. Soon, the thunder clouds will cover fifty or sixty miles. In the end, the thunder clouds will cover hundreds of miles.

The fire crow was surprised. "The friar can build a road only after he has overcome three disasters and nine difficulties, a total of 12 robberies. This boy is only the first robber. How can the area of this day be so huge?".

The first time a friar crosses a robbery, the area of the robbery can be two or three miles, which is already very rebellious.

But Lin Feng\'s disaster shrouded more than a hundred miles.

It\'s really shocking.

Even the well-informed ancient existence of fire crow feels incredible.


Lin Feng stood in the void and looked at the disaster that covered hundreds of miles in the sky. He couldn\'t help smiling bitterly.

His savings are 300 times that of monks of the same level.

This ensures that he has the strength to kill high-level friars in a low state.

But God is fair.

Since I have given you such great strength.

It is bound to be suppressed in other ways.

For example, Lin Feng\'s breakthrough is far more than that of other monks. Now, when he crosses the robbery, the horror of the robbery is far more than expected.


The first robbery hit Lin Feng.

The purple thunder as thick as a mountain roared down, and the void was about to collapse.

"Well come"!

Lin Feng not only didn\'t have any fear, but looked excited. He went up against the sky and hit a huge thunder like a mountain.

Lin Feng\'s way is the supreme way.

The supreme way is to look sideways at the heavens and be invincible.

Even in the face of terrible disaster, Lin Feng will not shrink back.

All the strength condensed into this punch.


The thunder as thick as a mountain was smashed by Lin Feng\'s fist.

Then the second robbery came down.

Lin Feng\'s second disaster is a huge thunder snake.

The kilometer long thunder snake fell from the sky, opened its big mouth and swallowed Lin Feng.


Lin Feng roared and killed batian thunder.

The second robbery broke.


The high sound of dragon singing came out, and the third heaven disaster came with it.

The third robbery is a Thunder Dragon.

Lin Feng was so arrogant that he went up nine days and directly tore Lei long.

"This...". Jin Shengyuan is completely stupid.

He had never seen such a man.

Others are trembling when they cross the robbery, and it is extremely difficult to resist the robbery.

Lin Fengdu robbed, but he took the initiative.

In a short time, three natural disasters were broken.

Don\'t say Jin Shengyuan, even the fire crow is stunned.

The fourth robbery is an ancient war car.

The void collapsed where the ancient war car passed.

Lin Feng roared and hit the past with three fists in a row, breaking the ancient war car.

The fifth heaven robbery condensed a sword Qi.

The sword cuts the world and sweeps towards Lin Feng.

Lin Feng shows his own understanding of kendo.

Gather the supreme sword and kill it.

They collided with the sword Qi condensed by Tianjie, and both sword Qi were annihilated.

The sixth heaven robbery condensed a thunder knife.

The attack power of thunder knife has been increased crazily.

Lin Feng\'s face became dignified, because he felt that this robbery was different from the previous one. Although the power of the previous robbery was also improving, the power improvement was limited, about twice or twice each time.

Lin Feng felt that the power of this thunder knife robbery was more than 100 times stronger than the previous one.

Increase the power by more than 100 times at one time.

This promotion is terrible.

This time, Lin Feng was injured by a thunder knife and his body was almost cut off.

"What a terrible thunder knife".

Lin Feng was moved. He offered the golden elixir and broke the thunder knife.

Then run the immortal body to repair the damaged body.


The seventh heaven robbery gathered a giant spirit God, holding a giant axe and chopping it at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng\'s golden elixir rose into the sky, absorbing the power of heaven\'s robbery and fighting against the giant spirit God.

Bang Dang! Bang Dang!

After 36 consecutive collisions, the giant spirit was broken by Lin Feng\'s golden elixir.

Lin Feng\'s gold elixir, like a whale sucking a cow drinking, crazy absorbs the power of heaven\'s disaster, and the fluctuation of his gold elixir is becoming stronger and stronger.


The eighth heaven robbery is a gathering of thousands of troops and horses.

Lin Feng rose to the sky and fought with thousands of troops and horses. He was almost annihilated by soul flying several times, but Lin Feng\'s immortal body was too strong and repaired his flesh again and again.

The fire crow was very moved. "From the sixth robbery, it was a natural disaster that would only appear when he broke through the realm of life and death. This boy resisted such a terrible natural disaster.".

Jin Shengyuan was shocked when he heard the words of the fire crow. He asked: "since it is a catastrophe that needs to break through the realm of life and death, why did Fengge start to cross such a terrible catastrophe the first time?".

The fire crow said, "that\'s because the sky doesn\'t allow such an evil spirit to be born, so we should erase him.".


At this time, the Ninth Heaven disaster was condensed on the Ninth Heaven.

It was an illusory figure.

Like a young emperor.

After he appeared, the world was silent.

"This is an imperial robbery"! The fire crow exclaimed.

"What is imperial robbery?" asked Jin Shengyuan.

"Imperial robbery is the virtual shadow branded by the friars of the strong in the imperial realm in the void. The illusory figure in the void should be the mark formed when the great emperor crossed the first heaven robbery when he was young, and now it has become the Ninth Heaven robbery of the boy".

The fire crow said solemnly.

Jin Shengyuan\'s face changed greatly and said, "doesn\'t that mean that brother Feng can\'t make a breakthrough until he defeats the young emperor in the same realm?".

The fire crow smiled bitterly, nodded and said, "yes, the emperor robbed now. If he can defeat the young emperor, he will succeed in the robbery. If he fails, he will be killed by the young emperor.".

The voice of the fire crow fell, and the young emperor on the nine days had jumped out, turned into a fairy light, and killed Lin Feng.