Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 886

"What are you afraid of? It\'s just a demon who has been suppressed for tens of thousands of years. The body has been destroyed, leaving only part of the origin and residual soul, which is not enough to be afraid.".

Said the fire crow.

Lin Feng and Jin Shengyuan are at ease.

Lin Feng said, "do you have the confidence to kill this demon?".

Lin Feng had the idea of the origin of the devil.

If you can kill the devil, you can refine the origin of the devil.


Your accomplishments may be able to break through immediately.

The world of cultivators has always been brave to death and timid to death by starvation.

The fire crow glanced at Lin Feng and said, "you are a bold Lord, but this is what I want. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.".


The terrible breath surged into the world.

The devil has rushed towards the burning crow, Lin Feng and Jin Shengyuan.

The heavenly demon was suspended in the air. His gloomy eyes looked at Lin Feng and Jin Shengyuan and said with a grim smile, "I didn\'t expect to be able to eat such delicious food just after birth.".

Tianmo is the most bloodthirsty and cruel demon family, and it is also the most powerful demon family.

There are no demons in tianwu continent.

Obviously, the demon in front of us is likely to be a demon from abroad during the medieval turmoil.

Lin Feng pointed to the fire crow around him and said, "our cultivation is low. Eating us won\'t help you. This fire crow elder has high cultivation. You might as well eat it.".

The fire crow rolled his eyes wildly and stirred his wings to sweep Lin Feng out for hundreds of meters.

"Are you kidding? Why so angry?". Lin Feng got up from the ground.

The devil sneered and said, "I don\'t have time to gossip with you. The crow, leave now and spare you.".

The fire crow was furious immediately. He sneered and said, "are you blind? I\'m a fire crow, not a crow.".

In fact, the fire crow has always been very depressed. In those days, he was also a handsome figure, but he was cursed and became a fire crow.

Today, the devil calls it a crow, which makes the fire crow surprisingly angry.

Crows are a lower race.

Fire crows are at least a noble race.

"Whatever crow you are? Go away quickly, otherwise this seat will turn you into a dead crow.". The devil was very arrogant and sneered.

The fire crow trembled with anger. It sneered, "after being suppressed for tens of thousands of years, I see your head has broken down with your body. Even your body has disappeared, leaving only part of the origin and residual soul. How dare you speak so loudly in front of this seat and die.".

The fire crow rose directly into the sky, spitting endless fire clouds and shrouding the devil in the past.

"Devil swallows heaven".

The devil sneered, opened his mouth and sucked it suddenly.

Suddenly, the fire cloud ejected by the fire crow was swallowed up by the devil.

Then the devil rushed up, waved his right fist and smashed it at the fire crow.


With a dull crash.

The fire crow was swept out by the devil.

"Isn\'t it?". Lin Feng and Jin Shengyuan were speechless for a while.

They thought that the confident fire crow could defeat the devil, but they didn\'t expect that the fire crow was swept out by the devil.

"Run". Lin Feng shouted in the distance.

The fire crow quacked twice and said, "you two go up and delay for a moment. I have my own way to deal with this demon.".

Lin Feng and Jin Shengyuan can only fight to kill the devil.

Lin Feng offered the seven treasures glass tower to protect him and Jin Shengyuan.

The devil sneered, "humble mole ants, your destiny is swallowed by this seat.".

The voice fell, and the devil came with a fist.


Lin Feng holds the black dragon sword to kill the demon.

And Jin Shengyuan is holding a bloody long sword to cut to the devil.

Defense device protection.

At the same time, they urged two pieces of attack treasure to kill the devil.

However, the strength of the devil is too strong.

Lin Feng and Jin Shengyuan\'s attack was broken in an instant.

Then the Tianmo\'s fist was mercilessly blasted on the defense mask formed by the seven treasures glass tower. Lin Feng and Jin Shengyuan were blasted out, and their faces were extremely pale.

"Daoqi is good"!

The sky demon was indifferent and came with another blow.


The powerful and heavy punch then killed again on the defense mask constructed by the seven treasures glass tower. This time, the defense mask was directly broken.

Lin Feng and Jin Shengyuan were swept away by the energy fluctuation.

They kept coughing up blood in their mouths.

Lin Feng really wants to cry without tears.

The existence of fire crow is not the opponent of the devil. How can he and Jin Shengyuan be the opponent of the devil?

The fire crow asked him to compete with Jin Shengyuan against the devil. Isn\'t it hitting the stone with an egg?

The demons rushed to kill Lin Feng and Jin Shengyuan.

Their faces changed greatly and they wanted to turn around and escape, but the magic fog rolled up and directly shrouded them. It was too late to escape.

"Master firecrow, you\'re going to kill us," Lin Feng shouted.

"No one can save you", the devil sneered and held out his big hand to Lin Feng and Jin Shengyuan.

At this moment of crisis.

A deep voice resounded through heaven and earth.

"The power of the curse across the ages has existed in the world since the founding of the world. Now I have become the embodiment of the God of the curse on the earth. Someone has desecrated the great way of the curse. Please come down and curse the power to punish this humble creature.".

As the sound fell.

A terrible curse fell from the sky and killed the devil.

"Great curse, this is great curse. Isn\'t this unique skill lost in ancient times? You can even do great curse!"

The devil screamed in horror.

He didn\'t even care about Lin Feng and Jin Shengyuan, so he turned and ran away crazy in the distance.

"It\'s useless. Once the curse power condensed by the great curse comes, no one can avoid it.".

The fire crow\'s voice is indifferent.

The next moment.

The power of the terrible curse was blasted on the devil.

Click, click.

The demon\'s body began to crumble.

"No, no, no, I\'m not willing to die like this. I\'ve been trapped for tens of thousands of years and managed to escape. How can I die like this? The great law of the disintegration of demons"

The demons roared, and he began to display the top powers of the demons.

Seeing this move, Lin Feng\'s face suddenly changed. He got the cultivation method of the great Dharma of the disintegration of the heavenly demons in the tomb of the heavenly demons, and Lin Feng also cultivated this magic power.

He knew the horror of the magic.

Once this great method of disintegrating demons is used, it can break out ten times its combat power in a short time.

Of course, the performer will lose most of his life yuan, and his cultivation may also be greatly reversed. It is the most overbearing means.

The devil is obviously going to work hard.


Lin Feng rushed over quickly. With a sword, he blasted the demons who were performing the great method of disintegrating the demons.

Demons must be stopped!

Otherwise, once the heavenly demons display the great law of the disintegration of the heavenly demons, the demon cultivation will be increased ten times that day, and everyone will die.

"Boy, just because you want to stop this seat? It\'s beyond your power.".

The devil smiled grimly, and a magic hand came out of the void.

The magic hand clapped in the void.

Lin Feng\'s half body exploded directly.

Strong as his body is also unbearable. If someone else is replaced, he is afraid that he has died and has no place to lose his life.

Lin Feng endured severe pain and rushed to the devil. He killed the devil with a sword. The devil who was performing the disintegration of the devil was immediately interrupted.

At this time, the fire crow has rushed, and its wings vibrate.

The curse force like river and sea poured into the demon\'s body.


The body of the heavenly devil exploded directly, and the remnant soul was destroyed, leaving only the original force suspended in the air.

"Ah, the origin of the devil, I swallow...".

Lin Feng runs the immortal god body to repair his flesh body, while frantically swallowing the origin of the devil.

He needs to race against time, because the fire crow will definitely devour the origin of the heavenly demons later. If the speed is slow, the origin of the heavenly demons must be devoured by the fire crow.