Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 885

"Stop, it\'s a curse to the cave. We can\'t go in to avoid being cursed"!

The stone man said with a gloomy look.

The little golden man roared angrily, "Damn it! Damn it! Let them run away!"

The skeleton said, "cursed slaves, they are lucky this time. The next time they meet the cursed crow, they will kill him.".

The voice fell and the bones flew away.

Although the stone man and the little golden man are unwilling, they also choose to leave.


The cave is deep.

A chilly smell enveloped the whole body, making Lin Feng shudder.

Jin Shengyuan obviously has the same feeling. Although the fire crow saved their lives, Lin Feng feels that the fire crow has its own purpose.

As for the purpose, he doesn\'t know yet.

Finally, the fire crow landed in the depths of the cave. It threw Lin Feng and Jin Shengyuan to the ground.

"Thank you for saving your life, elder.".

They saluted quickly.

The fire crow\'s dark eyes looked at Lin Feng and Jin Shengyuan, which made them feel cold on their backs.

This Flamingo is obviously making some ghost ideas.

"There is no love or hate for no reason, so everything has two sides. I saved you at great risk, so you have to help me do things.".

The fire crow said.

"I don\'t know what the elder asked us to do?" Lin Feng asked hard.

"What\'s the age now?" asked the Flamingo.

"Nearly ten thousand years have passed since ancient times," Jin Shengyuan said.

"It\'s a quiet time. Thirty thousand years have passed in a twinkling of an eye," sighed the fire crow.

Lin Feng and Jin Shengyuan both felt their scalp numb.

What era does this fire crow exist in the end?

In a twinkling of an eye, more than 30000 years have passed. Doesn\'t it mean that we have lived for at least 30000 years?

Is this Shouyuan too old?

"Elder, do you have the skill of longevity?" Lin Feng asked carefully.

The fire crow smiled and said, "do you want to have such a long life?".

Lin Feng said, "can I get such a secret skill?".

The fire crow said sadly, "who says this is a secret skill, this is a curse"!

The voice of the fire crow suddenly became lonely. He said, "this cave is called the curse cave. I became a fire crow. I was trapped here for more than 30000 years. I can\'t leave and never get rid of the control of the curse cave.".

Lin Feng and Jin Shengyuan only felt the hair all over their body.

Curse the cave.

Now they have entered the curse cave. Will it be the same as the fire crow?

If you are imprisoned here forever, life is better than death.

The fire crow said, "you don\'t have to worry. Not everyone is qualified to be cursed by the cave. Obviously, you two don\'t have such qualification. If the three guys come in, you can guarantee that they will never return.".

Lin Feng and Jin Shengyuan breathed a little.

But obviously they are still worried, because now they have fallen into the hands of fire crows, and their future fate is unknown.

"What do you want us to do?". Lin Feng asked.

In the face of crisis, Lin Feng is not a person who will shrink back.

Even though he knows that the future may be unpredictable and life and death are unpredictable, he will not choose to avoid it.

The fire crow giggled and said, "when it\'s time, naturally I know. Of course, I won\'t keep your freedom. When I get what I want, I\'ll let you go.".

Lin Feng and Jin Shengyuan nodded and found a place to rest.

Just sitting down, Lin Feng felt something. He looked down and was startled. There were a pile of scattered bones around him. He caught a skeleton head.

Lin Feng jumped up from the ground and looked surprised and uncertain. He asked, "elder, who is this skeleton?".


The fire crow smiled strangely. It didn\'t answer Lin Feng\'s question.

Lin Feng asked for nothing and touched his nose to hide his embarrassment.

"Look, a lot of bones"!

Jin Shengyuan points to all parts of the cave.

I saw a large number of bones piled up on the ground. I\'m afraid there are no less than hundreds.

"Are they all like us? Friars detained by fire crows into the cursed cave?".

Lin Feng\'s face was ugly.

So is Jin Shengyuan.

They are also worried about the death of so many people.

"Don\'t be pessimistic. When things are done, you can be free. They are all abandoned by years.".

Said the fire crow.

Lin Feng and Jin Shengyuan can\'t be optimistic.

They found a place without bones and sat down to rest.

Lin Feng asked, "elder, who was it more than 30000 years ago? I think it must be an amazing figure?".

The fire crow was silent, then sneered and said, "don\'t ask what you shouldn\'t ask.".

Now life and death are uncertain, and Lin Feng has great courage.

He said, "Why are you so cold, sir? We are under the same roof now.".

The fire crow couldn\'t help saying, "are you going to break the jar? So dare to ask questions in front of this seat? I\'ve seen people like you in the long years, and I\'ve seen more than once. People with this mentality will end up with the white bones around you. Maybe you will become one of them soon.".

Lin Feng said, "who says I want to break a jar? In fact, the younger generation wants to discuss the distribution of interests with the older generation.".

The Flamingo almost didn\'t fall to the ground.

It said silently, "boy, you are working hard for this seat in exchange for freedom and want to distribute benefits. Can you be more shameless?".

Lin Feng said, "just as the so-called bustling world is for profit, our brothers now have to fight hard and seek life in nine deaths. If our brothers can also get benefits, they will naturally work harder.".

The fire crow didn\'t like the way, "the evil reason of the crooked door is a set".

Then the fire crow stopped making a sound.

Three days later, the fire crow left with Lin Feng and Jin Shengyuan.

They flew for ten days towards the depths of the death swamp, passing through a mountain range.


Suddenly, in the mountains, endless demons rose into the sky.

"Hahaha, we have been imprisoned for 50000 years, and we still live. Humble human beings, when we recover, we will eat you up.".

In the rolling magic Qi, a mysterious man in black appeared.

The man\'s breath was extremely evil, his eyes were cold and ruthless, and his gloomy voice rang through the world.

"God, devil, run away.". Jin Shengyuan said pale.

Lin Feng was also pale with fear. He even met a heavenly demon here.

Demons, but they exist at the same level as gods.

Don\'t talk about them. Even if the fire crow meets the devil, there is only a dead end.

"Shua Shua".

But it seems too late to go at this time. The two cold eyes of the devil looked at the fire crow, Lin Feng and Jin Shengyuan in the distance.

Touched by the eyes of the devil, Lin Feng felt his soul tremble.