Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 884

The power of terror surged in and directly rolled Lin Feng and Jin Shengyuan.

They were shocked to find that they could not resist.

The cultivation of giant crocodiles is too powerful. Facing the devouring of giant crocodiles, they can only watch themselves die.


A roar of anger came.

The mountain demon was very angry because the giant crocodile was going to devour his "prey".

The mountain demon waved his right hand and directly hit the giant crocodile\'s huge head.

The giant crocodile\'s thick tail was pulled directly at the mountain demon.


If two ancient demon gods collide, the earth will shake and the mountains will shake.

Both the giant crocodile and the mountain demon are strong enough. Their confrontation is difficult to suppress each other immediately.

Lin Feng and Jin Shengyuan broke the swallowing power of the giant crocodile\'s big mouth at the moment of the collision between the giant crocodile and the mountain demon, and then rushed to the distance quickly.

Before the giant crocodile\'s mouth closed, it narrowly escaped.

"It\'s dangerous...". Both of them were scared out of a cold sweat. Now they escaped from the sky and couldn\'t help breathing.

They dare not stay, speed up and rush to the depths, and get rid of the two terrible statues of mountain demon and giant crocodile.

"This death swamp is more dangerous than we thought.". Lin Feng frowned.

Jin Shengyuan nodded and looked worried, but now he and Lin Feng had no way back. They had to cross the death swamp to live.

Three hours later, the sword in front of me was heavy.

It\'s like a peerless magic soldier is about to be born.

Lin Feng and Jin Shengyuan were surprised. They rushed forward quickly.

A large area of mountain forest appeared in the swamp.

The mountain forest is gloomy.

Lin Feng and Jin Shengyuan did not land in the mountains and forests, because the death swamp is full of danger everywhere, indicating what terrible existence will appear underground.

After arriving at the outer area of the mountain forest, the sword meaning became stronger and stronger, which shocked Lin Feng and Jin Shengyuan. They accelerated their speed and rushed to the depths of the mountain forest.


Lin Feng and Jin Shengyuan were surprised. They saw a sword inserted in the soil.

It\'s the sword that sends out the idea of flying sword.

This is definitely a treasure.

Next to the sword, there was a corpse, which has now become a white bone.

"Is it the strong swordsman who died here?". Lin Feng said.

Jin Shengyuan nodded and said, "it\'s possible.".

They flew over and wanted to check the skeleton and sword.

But when they came to the bones.

The skeleton jumped up like lightning, grabbed the sword and cut it towards Lin Feng and Jin Shengyuan.

The sword is full of Qi.

At the moment of being shrouded in the sword Qi, Lin Feng felt a breath that made his soul tremble.

This is the smell of death.

He was shocked to find that he could not even avoid the sword.

The bones are too strong. The breath locks Lin Feng and Jin Shengyuan, so that they don\'t even have the power to resist.

At the moment of life and death, Lin Feng ran the Taigu dragon elephant formula, and finally the terror that enveloped his body dissipated. He quickly sacrificed the seven treasures glass tower to protect him and Jin Shengyuan.

The sword that was supposed to cut Lin Feng and Jin Shengyuan\'s waist was killed on the seven treasures glass tower.

The seven treasures glass tower was like being hit by a mountain. It hit Lin Feng and Jin Shengyuan hard. Both of them were hit and flew out. Each one was pale and coughed up blood at the corners of his mouth.

The strength of bones and creatures is too strong.


Just at this time, the golden light in the mountains and forests rushed to the sky. Then, a golden villain drove a golden chariot.

The golden little man is only the size of a palm, but his breath is towering.

Lin Feng has seen the golden giants, but he saw a small man the size of a palm for the first time. He doesn\'t know what race it is. His body is so small.


In the other direction, there was the neighing of war horses.

Drive, drive!

Three stone horses pulled a stone cart, on which stood a small stone man half a meter high.

"Stone horse, stone man, my God, it\'s the Holy Spirit of the stone family".

Lin Feng felt his scalp numb.

Stone Holy Spirit, it exists like the fighting Saint ape.


Once you breed success from stone.

So strong can\'t imagine.

"I haven\'t seen human monks enter the death swamp for many years. I really miss the delicious flesh and blood.".

The golden villain licked his lips, and his voice was unspeakable.

"Han Qi, you even want to swallow these two prey without telling us. Don\'t you pay attention to us?". The stone man looked at the bones coldly.

The skeleton\'s head turned and made a click.

"Didn\'t you come in time?". The opening of the skeleton.


Lin Feng and Jin Shengyuan were terrified. These three creatures were too terrible for them to fight. Lin Feng offered the seven treasures glass tower and wrapped him and Jin Shengyuan with this treasure. Together, they urged the seven treasures glass tower to rush toward the distance.

"Daoqi! It must taste good.". The golden villain said sadly.

He raised his right hand and cut out a golden light.

The bones were cut with a sword, which shocked the sky.

The little stone man controls the stone horse, the stone horse collapses in the void, and a destructive force bursts out in the void, killing Xiang Lin Feng and Jin Shengyuan.


The attack of three terrible creatures instantly killed them on the seven treasures glass tower.

The defense of the seven treasures glazed pagoda structure was instantly broken.

Then the seven treasures glazed pagoda lost its spirit and took the initiative to drill back into Lin Feng\'s body. It could not be summoned again within a few days.

Lin Feng and Jin Shengyuan also suffered a heavy blow, and they were shocked to bleed.

The strength of the three creatures is too strong. In front of the three creatures, Lin Feng and Jin Shengyuan have little power to resist.

"Go to hell, boy.".


Three terrible creatures rushed over, each with awe inspiring killing intention.

Lin Feng and Jin Shengyuan are pale.

But now faced with such a situation, there is really nothing to do.

Just when the life and death crisis comes.

Quack quack!

Suddenly, a crow\'s cry came out of the mountain forest.

Then, a crow with a flame around it flew out.

That is a very rare fire crow among the crow family.

The Flamingo spewed out three fireballs and killed the bones, golden villains, stone men and stone horses.

"Damn it, it\'s a curse crow. Dare to spoil our good deeds. Let\'s go together and kill this curse crow.".

The three creatures roared angrily. They broke the fire crow\'s attack and then killed it.

The fire crow curled up Lin Feng and ran away madly in the distance.

"I can\'t walk away...".

The little golden man shouted darkly.

"I will tear you to pieces.". The stone man roared.

I will eat your flesh and drink your blood. The bones grinned.

The fire crow fled with Lin Feng and Jin Shengyuan, and almost died in the hands of three terrible creatures several times, but finally the fire crow rushed into a deep cave with Lin Feng and Jin Shengyuan.