Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 883

"Master Zijie was killed..." many experts of Xiang family roared, and their eyes were full of killing intention.

Xiang Zijie is the Tianjiao of the Xiang family who has revived his special physique. He is one of the top three figures in the young generation of the Xiang family.

Xiang Zijie\'s position is more important than that of a strong man like Xiang Jin.

Now, the Xiang family masters are like clouds, but Lin Feng still killed Xiang Zijie among the Xiang family masters.

The senior members of the Xiang family will be held accountable.

Those present will be severely punished.

Thinking of this, many experts of Xiang family are full of hatred towards Lin Feng.

"Kill this boy"!


"Boom, boom...".

The Xiang family master shot at Lin Feng with all kinds of powerful magic powers.


The attack of the Xiang family master immediately killed Lin Feng.

The flesh as strong as Lin Feng was flushed with blood, and even white bones were exposed in many places.

"The boy has been seriously injured. He can be killed next time"!

Seeing that Lin Feng was seriously injured, the experts of Xiang family were excited and roared one by one.

All kinds of powerful supernatural powers killed Lin Feng again. The attacks of these supernatural powers formed an attack torrent and flooded Lin Feng.

"Undead body".

Lin Feng sneered, and he began to run his immortal body.

Immortal blood radiates immortal power into all parts of Lin Feng\'s body.

Then Lin Feng\'s body quickly recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Isn\'t that abnormal?". Many experts of Xiang family almost didn\'t stare out when they saw this scene.

When their second wave of attack killed Lin Feng, Lin Feng\'s previous injury had recovered.

Under the second wave of attack again, Lin Feng was badly hit and his whole body was torn open.

In many places, the bones were even broken.

However, Lin Feng\'s body soon recovered under the repair of immortal blood.

At this time, Jin Shengyuan has killed more than a dozen Xiang family experts and came to Lin Feng. The seven colored lights falling from the seven treasure glass tower protected Lin Feng.

Let\'s go.

Under the protection of the seven treasures glass tower, Lin Feng holds a black dragon sword.

Jin Shengyuan holds a bloody sword.

The two people killed the four sides, and Sheng fought his way through the siege of thousands of people.

Then they rode away and flew away.

Lin Feng has golden body and wings.

And Jin Shengyuan, not to mention.

He was flowing with the blood of the golden winged ROC.

In ancient times, the golden winged ROC spread its wings and shook its wings for 80000 miles.

Jin Shengyuan\'s speed is even much faster than Lin Feng\'s.

Ten days later, they came to the junction of snow state and Luan state.

But here Lin Feng and Jin Shengyuan are in trouble.

In the sky, there is a huge mirror scanning the sky.

"This mirror is very similar to Zhou Tianjing. We must have nowhere to hide. Go and go somewhere else to see if we can cross the snow state to luanzhou.".

Lin Feng said.

Jin Shengyuan nodded. He and Lin Feng went to other places. However, the border between xuezhou and luanzhou has been completely blocked by Xiang\'s family. Everywhere, there is a mirror suspended in the air, scanning the monks coming and going.

As long as Lin Feng and Jin Shengyuan show up, they will be quickly locked by the Xiang family.

"Such a mirror is so valuable that the Xiang family in xuezhou took out so much. It is really worthy of being a Taigu force.". Lin Feng frowned.

Jin Shengyuan said, "this is the inside story of Taigu forces.".

Three days later, Lin Feng and Jin Shengyuan saw the arrival of experts led by Xiang Jin.

"Maybe you can choose to cross the death swamp," Lin Feng said.

Death swamp is an extremely dangerous place, with poisonous gas, fierce animals, and even legendary demon survivors.

When you enter it, you will die, and the death swamp will cross xuezhou and luanzhou.

The place of death swamp is obviously not guarded by Xiang\'s family.

"OK, let\'s cross the death swamp.". Jin Shengyuan bit his teeth.

Now there is no time to delay. The experts of the Xiang family are gathering at the frontier fortress.

If you don\'t go again, you really can\'t go away.

Lin Feng and Jin Shengyuan entered the death swamp. At a glance, there was a black fog, and there was no place to settle in the death swamp.

After flying for more than 30 miles, Lin Feng and Jin Shengyuan were poisoned. They kept coughing up blood and their faces became paler and paler.

"This damn place", Lin Feng cursed and said, "we need to find a place to stay. I\'ll refine some antidote pills. If there is no antidote pill, we will be poisoned in three days.".

Jin Shengyuan nodded. He and Lin Feng continued to fly towards the deep. Half an hour later, they finally saw a bare mountain peak.

They landed on the top of the mountain. Lin Feng quickly took out the medicine tripod, then took out all kinds of miraculous drugs and began to refine the antidote pill.

There are 72 antidotes in one furnace. Lin Feng refined two furnaces of antidotes. He and Jin Shengyuan each have one furnace.

"Take it once every three days to resist the strong poison in the death swamp".

Lin Feng said that he took an antidote pill, then sat cross legged on the ground and began refining.

Jin Shengyuan also took out a pill, like Lin Feng, and began to refine the pill.

But just then, the mountain they were staying at suddenly shook violently.

Then the whole mountain became a huge stone man.

The stone man stretched out his palm and grabbed Lin Feng and Jin Shengyuan.

This is too sudden.

Fortunately, Lin Feng and Jin Shengyuan were fast enough. They catapulted up, excited and shot out. They avoided danger and opened the palm of the stone man\'s hand.

"It\'s a mountain demon"!

Lin Feng looks dignified and the mountain rocks have spirit. After cultivation, he can become a mountain monster. If the mountain monster is promoted again, he is the mountain demon. If the mountain demon is promoted again, he is the mountain god.

Lin Feng and Jin Shengyuan rushed to the distance quickly, but the mountain demon\'s huge palm had patted them. It was obvious that the mountain demon had cultivated Taoism.

Lin Feng can\'t avoid it.

"Together". Lin Feng bit his teeth. He offered up the black dragon sword and chopped it at the huge palm of the mountain demon with the black dragon sword.

And Jin Shengyuan was holding a bloody long sword and cut out with a sword.

Bang Dang!

A loud noise came out.

Lin Feng and Jin Shengyuan were slapped by the mountain demon and flew out.

Their bodies quickly fell towards the swamp.


At this time, in the death swamp, a wild beast like breath came out.

At the next moment, a crocodile with a length of 10000 meters emerged from the swamp.

The size of this crocodile is too huge. Don\'t mention it. Lin Feng had never even heard of such a huge crocodile in the world before.

The giant crocodile opened his mouth and swallowed Lin Feng and Jin Shengyuan.