Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 882

The number of monks, who are crowded, may not be less than a thousand.

These are the experts of Xiang family. They have surrounded Dapeng Wang, Fengli\'s mother-in-law, Lin Feng and Jin Shengyuan.

We have been waiting here for a long time.

When the cold voice came out, Xiang Hongtu stepped out, and his gloomy eyes swept towards the four people. After seeing the king Dapeng, he looked very surprised, "your Taoist injury obviously relapsed. How did you suppress the Taoist injury again?".

"Own way".

King Dapeng looked indifferent.

"Originally, you are the Dapeng king, the young supreme of the demon family in the past, but now you will fall into the hands of our Xiang family.".

Another cold voice came out, and a white haired old man came out.

The old man looked cold and swept to the king Dapeng. His eyes were full of killing intention.

This old man is called Xiang Mu, and he is also the ancestor of the Xiang family.

The Xiang family dispatched two ancestors at one time. Obviously, it is inevitable to win this war.

"Mother-in-law Fengli, now I\'ll give you a chance to hand over the natural stone and leave. How about sparing you from death?". Xiang Hongtu smiled sadly.

"Don\'t show off this trick of deceiving children in front of the old man.". Feng Li\'s mother-in-law said faintly.

"I don\'t know how to live or die", Xiang Hongtu sneered.

Xiang Mu said, "I\'ll give you the two small ones.".

"Yes"! Xiang Jin, Xiang Zijie, etc.

Xiang Mu and Xiang Hongtu shot. They killed Dapeng Wang and Fengli\'s mother-in-law respectively.

Xiang Mu\'s strength is even stronger than Xiang Hongtu. His attack is very violent and overbearing.

Moreover, Xiang Mu has a treasure on his body. He seems to be waiting for King Dapeng to untie the seal in his body, and then immediately sacrifice the treasure against King Dapeng.

Xiang Mu has rich combat experience.

He knew that the king of Dapeng untied his body seal. Although his strength increased sharply in a short time, the counterattack of Dao injury would seriously hurt the king of Dapeng.

Xiang Mu wants to drag king Dapeng to death.

On the other side, Xiang Hongtu\'s fight with Fengli\'s mother-in-law is more intense, and their strength seems to be between Bozhong.

In the martial arts of monks, the more powerful they are, the more tragic they will be once they fight.


"Break these two boys to pieces.".

Xiang Zijie laughed grimly.

"Boom, boom...". Thousands of experts from the Xiang family offered various magic weapons and bombed Lin Feng and Jin Shengyuan.

So many experts offer magic weapons to attack, even if the friars in the realm of creation are careless, they will be killed.

However, Lin Feng has the seven treasures glass tower, which plays a key role at this moment.

The seven treasures glass tower was sacrificed by Lin Feng and suspended above Lin Feng and Jin Shengyuan. The dense magic weapons attacked and were resisted by the seven treasures glass tower.

"Midrange defense device"! Xiang Zijie\'s face was extremely gloomy.

Defensive weapons are more precious than attack weapons.

Because forging Taoist wares is very difficult, when finding precious materials to forge Taoist wares, friars naturally choose to forge attack Taoist wares first.

If you have attacking Dao like devices, you will consider forging defensive Dao like devices the second time you forge Dao like devices.

Therefore, this leads to the fact that the number of attack Tao like devices in the cultivator world far exceeds that of defense Tao like devices.

Rare things are expensive. The number of defensive Taoist devices is rare, and the value is naturally expensive.


"Watch me break his defense with magic weapons.".

Xiang Jin looked indifferent. He offered a golden bell, which was an attack like Taoist instrument.

The golden bell hit Lin Feng\'s seven treasures glass tower directly.

"Hum". Jin Shengyuan snorted coldly and offered a bloody sword. With a sword, he chopped the Golden Bell and flew it out.

"Don\'t stop. Continue to attack with magic weapons. There are so many of us. There are only two of them. These two people will consume mana quickly when they activate the Taoist instrument. They won\'t last long.".

Xiang Zijie shouted.

Xiang Zijie really deserves to be the outstanding pride of the younger generation of the Xiang family. At a glance, he saw the weaknesses of Lin Feng and Jin Shengyuan.

The consumption of Taoist devices is huge. Lin Feng and Jin Shengyuan really can\'t keep urging Taoist devices.

The people of this family only need to grind slowly, and they can grind Lin Feng and Jin Shengyuan to death.

Lin Feng said in a deep voice, "we can\'t wait to die. There\'s only one way to die. Now my mother-in-law, my predecessors and the two giants of the Xiang family are fighting together. It shouldn\'t be too difficult for them to get out. As long as we break through, my mother-in-law and my predecessors can leave without scruples.".

Jin Shengyuan nodded and said, "then let\'s break through. In which direction?".

"Break through from Xiang Zijie\'s direction".

Lin Feng sneered.

Jin Shengyuan was obviously surprised. Xiang Zijie was strong and hard to bite. Jin Shengyuan thought Lin Feng would choose another direction to break through.

But since Lin Feng said he would break through from Xiang Zijie\'s position, Jin Shengyuan had no opinion.

"Later, you will urge me to kill Xiang Zijie.". Lin Feng said.

"No problem..." Jin Shengyuan nodded. As the nephew of Dapeng king, he has extraordinary means. Even if he uses two tools at the same time, he has no problem operating the two instruments at the same time.

"Go...". Lin Feng whispered and rushed to Xiang Zijie\'s position with Jin Shengyuan.

"Boy, are you coming to die? Go up and kill them.".

Xiang Zijie shouted coldly.

Hundreds of monks around Xiang Zijie offered magic weapons to kill him.

Not far away, Xiang Jin once again urged the golden bell to kill him.

In all directions, the experts of the Xiang family sacrificed magic weapons and killed them.

These people just want to kill Lin Feng and Jin Shengyuan.

Numerous magic weapons came. Although these magic weapons could not hurt Lin Feng and Jin Shengyuan, such a powerful force could shake them back to their original position, so that they could not break through and become a turtle in a jar.

At this time, Lin Feng offered up the heaven swallowing pot.

This is a broken imperial soldier.

Swallow the treasure of the great emperor.

Although the power is greatly reduced because it is broken into half.

But it also has strong phagocytosis.

In particular, it can devour all kinds of magic weapons.

After the heaven swallowing jar was sacrificed, it quickly became larger, and the black fog was towering. It frantically swallowed the magic weapon from the bombing.

One magic weapon was swallowed by the heaven swallowing jar, and then the heaven swallowing jar cut off the spiritual connection with the original owner.


Many monks of the Xiang family were eaten back and vomited blood.

Of course, the sky swallowing jar is broken, so it can\'t swallow all kinds of magic weapons. There are still many magic weapons to kill Xiang Lin Feng and Jin Shengyuan.

But the magic weapons that came from the bombardment were resisted by the seven treasures glass tower.

Lin Feng rushed out and killed Xiang Zijie.

"Boy, are you here to die?", Xiang Zijie laughed grimly when he saw Lin Feng killing him.

He showed his magic power of freezing for thousands of miles and wanted to freeze Lin Feng.

"Undead body, nine steps of death".

Lin Feng has no reservations.

He revived the undead.

Then Lin Feng showed the special ability of the undead body, the nine steps to death.

Lin Feng took three consecutive steps.


Xiang Zijie\'s magic power was destroyed in an instant.

Xiang Zijie was shocked and flew out, spitting out three mouthfuls of blood in a row. His face changed greatly in horror.

Xiang Zijie didn\'t expect Lin Feng to be the owner of special physique.

He retreated quickly, hoping to avoid kailinfeng\'s attack.

When he stepped back, Xiang Zijie was also recovering his special physique.

But Lin Feng\'s speed was too fast. He didn\'t give Xiang Zijie time to recover his special physique. He came to Xiang Zijie. Lin Feng stretched out his right hand, grabbed Xiang Zijie\'s head, made a sudden effort, and directly took Xiang Zijie\'s head off his neck.


Xiang Zijie\'s headless body suddenly gushed blood.