Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 881


The void trembled, and the king Dapeng appeared. He fell from the air.


King Dapeng spewed out a mouthful of blood and turned pale.




Jin Shengyuan and Lin Feng ran quickly. Jin Shengyuan held the king of Dapeng in his arms. Now the king of Dapeng has a weak breath, and the situation is really not very good.

Jin Shengyuan\'s face was full of panic. He was worried that King Dapeng would die.

"Uncle, don\'t leave me. If you leave me, Shengyuan will have no relatives anymore.".

Jin Shengyuan\'s voice is sad.

"Mother-in-law, hurry up and see how elder Dapeng Wang is?". Lin Feng said anxiously.

Feng left her mother-in-law and looked at it. She sighed, "the Dao injury has relapsed and hurt the root. I\'m afraid it\'s difficult to insist.".

"Mother-in-law, help my uncle, please mother-in-law.". Jin Shengyuan begged.

"As for the natural stone, take it out. I want to refine it into his purple house.".

Said Fengli\'s mother-in-law.

Zifu is a very important hole in the body of friars and the habitat of Yuanshen.

It is also a bridge between monks above the realm of creation and heaven and earth.

If you hurt yourself, destroy the purple house first.

After the purple mansion is destroyed, the Taoist wound will quickly spread to the whole body of the friar, and then kill the friar.


Lin Feng quickly took out the fossil.


Feng Li\'s mother-in-law took a knife and cut off half of the natural stone. This is half of the fossils belonging to King Dapeng and Jin Shengyuan.

Then, Feng Li\'s mother-in-law pinched out all kinds of complex decisions.

This is the formula of refining tools.

"There\'s not enough time. I can only refine it for a short time.".

Feng Li\'s mother-in-law said in a deep voice.

Now Xuejiao, Xiang Hongtu, Taoist Yuan Zhen, Chu Dongchen and others must be looking for their traces everywhere, which Lin Feng naturally knows.

Therefore, time is life.

After a short sacrifice, mother-in-law Fengli broke the fossils into the purple house of King Dapeng.

The breath of the ROC King began to become stable.

"Thank you, Taoist friend"! King Dapeng opened his eyes.

"It really subverted my cognition. Being hurt by Tao, she insisted on not dying for 300 years, which was enough to shock the world." Fengli\'s mother-in-law sighed. She immediately looked at Jin Shengyuan and said, "help your uncle, let\'s find a place to let your uncle rest.".

"Thank you for your mother-in-law\'s kindness". Jin Shengyuan was full of gratitude. He helped King Dapeng up.



Feng Li\'s mother-in-law cut again and divided the remaining half of the natural stone into two pieces.

She took one, and the other was obviously for Lin Feng.

Lin Feng was stunned and then showed a happy look.

He didn\'t expect that mother-in-law Fengli would give him a part of the natural stone.

During this period of time, Lin Feng came into contact with Fengli\'s mother-in-law. Lin Feng felt that Fengli\'s mother-in-law was cold outside and hot inside. It can be seen from her treatment of Dapeng king.

Thank you, mother-in-law. Lin Feng collected the natural stone and saluted Fengli\'s mother-in-law.

"Don\'t be so literate. I don\'t like this. Let\'s go and find a quiet place. I hope we can hide it.".

Feng Li\'s mother-in-law used her magic power to wrap the people and flew away.

Finally, they stopped in a mountain.

Snow has always been flying in xuezhou, so even the mountains are covered with snow.

The four found a cave and hid in it.

Then Feng Li\'s mother-in-law showed her spirit array technique and sealed the cave.

Lin Feng smiled bitterly.

It seems that he has always underestimated Fengli\'s mother-in-law before. Now Fengli\'s mother-in-law\'s array is much better than Lin Feng\'s.

Mother-in-law Fengli is not only a powerful forging master.

And he is also an extremely powerful spirit array master.

"Hurry up and have a rest. There may be a big war.". Feng Li\'s mother-in-law raised her eyelids and said.

She was afraid that she would be found out sooner or later.

After all, xuezhou is the territory of Xiang family.

Now, not only the Xiang family\'s experts, but also the Chu family, Taoist Yuan Zhen and Xue Jiao are looking for their whereabouts.

Lin Feng and Jin Shengyuan nodded. They closed their eyes and rested.

But neither of them was sleepy.

From time to time, Jin Shengyuan looked at the Dapeng king sitting cross legged in the depths.

Full of sadness.

"There is Zifu where fossils are made to suppress the elder. Taoist injuries should be suppressed. The elder will gradually get better. You don\'t have to worry too much.". Lin Feng patted Jin Shengyuan on the shoulder and said.

Jin Shengyuan gritted his teeth and said, "if my uncle hadn\'t been hurt by the Tao, Xuejiao, Xiang Hongtu, Taoist priest Yuan Zhen and Chu Dongchen would be a clown in front of my uncle.".

"How did the elder get hurt?" Lin Feng asked curiously.

In Jin Shengyuan\'s eyes, there was hatred. "Three hundred years ago, my uncle was robbed by ferry. At the most critical time of ferry robbery, he was secretly attacked by nine experts. Although my uncle was successful in ferry robbery, he was also hurt.".

"Who is this?". Lin Feng was surprised.

"I don\'t know. My uncle never mentioned it, but I heard an elder of the clan say that there are Buddhist monks in the western regions, Taoist experts, the emperor of the ancient imperial dynasty, the Lord of the ancient holy land, and even the ancestor of the demon clan...".

"It seems that these people don\'t want Dapeng king to become a strong man in the realm of reincarnation", Lin Feng sighed.

After Lin Feng had some contact with Dapeng Wang, he felt that Dapeng Wang did not have the airs of any strong person and was approachable, just like a friendly elder.

King Dapeng became famous when he was young. At that time, many old people of the demon family hoped that King Dapeng could unify the demon family in the future, end the chaotic power division of the demon family, unite the demon family and reproduce the glory of the demon family in the past.

Perhaps this is also the reason why some forces are afraid of Dapeng king.

As for the experts who besieged King Dapeng, it can also be understood that the ancestors of the demon family.

The power distribution of the demon family is very chaotic. Some demon families don\'t care about the world and fight with the world, but some demon families are ruthless, kill innocent people, and have great ambition.

Most demon families may support King Dapeng, the "wise king", to unify the major forces of the demon family.

But some demon families absolutely don\'t want to see this scene. The kings of those demon families want an unrestrained and free life.

If he is subdued by King Dapeng, such days will never return.

Therefore, the ancestors of some demon families also participated in the war and wanted to kill the king of Dapeng before the king of Dapeng completely grew up, so as to prevent the king of Dapeng from unifying all tribes of the demon family.

Lin Feng suspected that the demon clan ancestors who secretly attacked Dapeng king had something to do with more than a dozen demon kings such as the flame demon king, because more than a dozen demon kings such as the flame demon king were big demons who killed without blinking. They absolutely didn\'t want to be subdued by Dapeng king and then restrained by Dapeng king, so they wanted to kill Dapeng king.

King Dapeng spent a day getting familiar with the use of fossils and suppressing daoshang at the same time.

Then they set out. Before leaving xuezhou, the four people obviously won\'t separate. King Dapeng proposed to go to luanzhou, which is adjacent to xuezhou and the nearest state to them.

If you can enter luanzhou and leave by transport array, Xiang family, Chu family, Taoist Yuan Zhen and Xue Jiao can\'t help them.

Having made up their mind, they went in the direction of luanzhou, but the four were stopped by the experts of the Xiang family.

Xuejiao, Xiang family, Chu family and Taoist Yuan Zhen are responsible for searching the whereabouts of Dapeng Wang, Fengli\'s mother-in-law, Lin Feng and Jin Shengyuan.

The Xiang family is responsible for the road to luanzhou.