Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 880

Lin Feng and Jin Shengyuan rushed into the depths of the cave.

When they came to the depths of the cave, they saw a strange stone in the cave.

This stone is half shrouded in black air, half shrouded in white fog, and surrounded by Yin and Yang.

"Good guy, this should be a natural stone, and it has formed a complementary Yin and Yang. No wonder Xuejiao\'s cultivation is so powerful.".

Lin Feng was surprised.


He used his powerful mana to collect the natural stone, but at this time, powerful array patterns surged out, and large arrays were intertwined around the fossils.

The array pattern erupted into a terrible force and came towards Lin Feng and Jin Shengyuan. At this time, Xiang Jin, Xiang Zijie, Chu Jian, Taoist priest Tianquan and Taoist priest Tianzong also rushed in.

"You block these people with Taoist weapons, and I\'ll break the array.".

Lin Feng said in a deep voice.

Jin Shengyuan nodded solemnly. Holding a bloody sword, he chopped and killed more than a dozen people entering the cave.

The sword Qi immediately killed Xiang Jin and others.


Xiang jinleng shouted and also offered the golden bell. The golden bell is also a Taoist instrument with infinite power. Now it is activated and emits waves like destroying the sky and the earth, bombarding Jin Shengyuan.

Bang Dang.

The attacks of the two Taoist weapons collided violently in the void.

Powerful waves swept out, and many people vomited blood by the energy aftershock. This is the Tao instrument.

The lethality caused by the collision of Taoist instruments is extremely great. Even monks in the realm of yin and Yang may die under the collision of Taoist instruments.

Now, the Dao and Qi collide together, which has indeed formed a huge destructive force.

Xiang Jinshen shouted, "everyone, follow me to urge the Taoist instrument. As long as you kill Jin Shengyuan, Lin Feng will die, and the fossils will fall into our hands.".


The powerful mana of more than a dozen monks poured into the golden bell. Under the joint urging of more than a dozen monks, the power of the golden bell immediately increased.

The golden bell swept and collided with the bloody sword in Jin Shengyuan\'s hand.


Jin Shengyuan was shocked by the power of the Golden Bell and spit blood. His face was very white.

Also master the Tao apparatus.

The other side is a dozen monks who urge the Taoist instrument together. The power released by the Taoist instrument is naturally far more powerful than that released by Jin Shengyuan alone.

But Jin Shengyuan knows he can\'t step back now.

Once he retreats, Lin Feng, who is cracking the array, will be attacked by these people.

It will fall short.

They will take the natural stone.

Fortune stone has won the fortune of heaven and earth. Jin Shengyuan is still waiting for fortune stone to renew his uncle King Jinji Dapeng\'s life.

"Life combustion"!

Jin Shengyuan roared and his Shouyuan burned wildly.

Jin Shengyuan is only a thousand years old.

But he instantly burned his five hundred years of life.

Jin Shengyuan is a completely deadly burning Shouyuan trigger.

Lin Feng\'s face also changed suddenly. He didn\'t expect Jin Shengyuan to be so crazy.

"My uncle is my only relative. I won\'t let my uncle die. I want to save my uncle.".

Jin Shengyuan gritted his teeth.

His words moved Lin Feng. This is blood and family affection.

It\'s like Lin Xiong, Lin Feng\'s third uncle, pushed Lin Feng away in order to save Lin Feng. Then Lin Feng survived, but Lin Xiong was killed by Dugu Aotian.

In order to save his uncle, Jin Shengyuan can also burn his life without killing himself.

After burning 500 years of life yuan, the spirit of the bloody long sword revived.

"Blood robe sword respect, sword swing for nine days"!

I saw endless blood mist escaping from the blood colored long sword.

In the blood mist, a mysterious man wearing a blood robe appeared.

This is the spirit of the bloody long sword.

With the revival of the spirit, the power of this Taoist instrument has been greatly improved.

Then the bloody sword Qi went towards Xiang Jin and others.

"Is this guy crazy?".

Xiang Jin and others suddenly changed their faces.

Friars cherish their lives most.

In general, few monks use their life to activate magic weapons.

Xiang Jin and others did not expect that Jin Shengyuan would burn his life.

Not just burning life.

And it burned for 500 years at one time. It\'s crazy.

Xiang Jin and others quickly manipulated the golden bell to become bigger, and the golden bell stopped in front of them.

The dense sword gas exploded on the golden bell, like the giant spirit hitting the golden bell.

Jinzhong was directly hit and flew out, and then Jinzhong hit Xiang Jin, Xiang Zijie and others, and knocked them out, one by one, as pale as paper.

Xiang Jinshen said in a loud voice, "gentlemen, the boy Jin Shengyuan burned 500 years of Shouyuan to awaken the Taoist spirit. Let\'s not cherish our lives. Let\'s also burn Shouyuan to awaken the spirit. Otherwise, they will take the creator stone.".

Although a group of people don\'t want to burn their own Shouyuan, they obviously have no other way now. They start to burn Shouyuan one by one to urge the golden bell.


When Xiang Jin, Xiang Zijie and others burned Shouyuan to urge the golden bell, Lin Feng shouted. He directly broke the ban on fossilization, and then collected the fossils.

Seven treasures glass tower come out!

Then Lin Feng offered up the seven treasures glass tower to protect him and Jin Shengyuan with this defensive device.


Jin Shengyuan was full of excited expressions.

"Stop them".

Xiang Jin, Xiang Zijie and others are almost crazy, and their faces are distorted. They have more than 20 people at most. Experts are like clouds, while Lin Feng has only two people. If such a huge strength is robbed of the natural stone, we can see how they will be oppressed.

More than a dozen people madly urged Jinzhong to collide with Lin Feng and Jin Shengyuan. The spirit of Jinzhong was also revealed. It was a golden man.

Hit with a fist.

However, Lin Feng\'s seven treasures glass tower defense was too strong to resist Jinzhong\'s attack.

Jin Shengyuan sacrificed his bloody sword to kill the monks who were blocking the way.

Poof poof!

Cut three masters in a row.

Lin Feng and Jin Shengyuan fought a bloody battle.

They rushed out quickly. Jin Shengyuan offered up the flying shuttle. Lin Feng and Jin Shengyuan entered the flying shuttle and rushed up quickly.

Angry Xiang Jin, Xiang Zijie and others also chased out. They entered the fire rhinoceros boat and rushed up.


The shuttle rushed out first.

"Got it"! Lin Feng shouted.

"Feng Li\'s mother-in-law, you take them first, and I\'ll stop these people.".

The golden winged ROC king shouted.

Feng Li\'s mother-in-law just hesitated for a moment, then quickly rushed to Lin Feng and Jin Shengyuan, wrapped them up and tore the void away.


Xue Jiao, Xiang Hongtu, Taoist priest Yuan Zhen and the four strong men of Chu Dongchen were almost crazy. They roared one by one and killed all the king Dapeng. They wanted to kill the king Dapeng.

"After three hundred years of injury, I sealed myself. It\'s time to untie the seal.".

King Dapeng\'s eyes were cold.

He pinched out thousands of Dharma formulas into his body. Suddenly, an indescribable breath of terror came out of the body of King Dapeng.

As the ancient demon God came to the world.

King Dapeng untied the seal.

Click, click

At the moment of releasing the seal, the Taoist wound in the body of King Dapeng also broke out.

The body of King Dapeng began to crack like porcelain. This scene was frightening and sad.

Dapeng King seals not only his own strength, but also Dao injury. Now Dao injury can no longer be suppressed. He wants to destroy Dapeng King\'s body.

"Disillusionment of all worlds"!

Dapeng Wang shouted and pressed his right hand across the void.

An illusory world.

The illusory world seems to contain hundreds of millions of worlds and endless starry skies.

The illusory world is crumbling and destroying.

The world was suppressed by the four strong men, Xue Jiao, Xiang Hongtu, Taoist priest Yuan Zhen and Chu Dongchen. If they were struck by lightning, the four strong men flew out upside down, one by one pale and bleeding.

When the energy dissipates, the ROC king has disappeared.

"Sure enough, he deserves to be one of the two young supremacies of the demon family. It\'s really powerful. However, he untied the seal and the road injury in his body recurred. He won\'t last long. As long as he can catch up with them, they will die.".

Xue Jiao roared angrily.

"It\'s absolutely impossible for these four people to escape from xuezhou. They\'re dead. They\'re dead.". Xiang Hongtu\'s face also twisted.

"If you catch them, you must frustrate them.". Chu Dongchen roared to the sky.

"We will put their souls into Purgatory and never exceed life.". Taoist Yuan Zhen\'s eyes were full of sense of killing.

Whoosh, whoosh

The four giants tore the void and went to hunt down the escaped Dapeng Wang, Fengli\'s mother-in-law, Lin Feng and Jin Shengyuan.