Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 877

"There has been no news about you for 300 years. It is widely said that you have fallen. Although the rumors are not true, you seem to have been hurt.".

Taoist Yuan Zhen narrowed his eyes and looked at King Dapeng.

Tao injury is the injury left in the body by the Tao of heaven.

Once a monk is injured by Tao, the medicine stone is difficult to cure.

It is said that even if you take immortal medicine, you can\'t cure the Tao injury in your body.

Only by looking for the source of the road and making up for the road injury in the body can we be cured.

"Taoist friends are burning with eyes.". King Dapeng nodded, and he did not deny it.

The four strong men couldn\'t help taking a breath.

It is said that the life of a person injured by the Tao is no more than ten years.

King Dapeng disappeared 300 years ago. It is likely that he was injured at that time.

This cultivation has to go against the sky to suppress the Taoist injury for 300 years without falling?

If it weren\'t for Tao injury, the cultivation of King Dapeng would be unpredictable.

However, King Dapeng was injured, but Xiang Hongtu, Taoist Yuan Zhen and Chu Dongchen breathed a sigh.

If the ROC king didn\'t hurt, they might not be the opponent of the ROC King together.

But now, King Dapeng has a wound on his body, which is not enough to fear.

Xiang Hongtu said with a smile, "we don\'t know each other today. Please come in and talk inside.".

King Dapeng nodded and entered the hall.

At this time Xiang Hongtu said, "you all go out and wait in the side hall.".

This is a negotiation between the five giants. Obviously, the rest are not qualified to stay here.

The Mohists called everyone into the side hall to have a rest.

Taoist Yuan Zhen brought two young Taoists. One of them was fat, his face was full of flesh, and his eyes were yellow. If he wasn\'t wearing a Taoist robe, he really didn\'t look like a Taoist.

The other was a thin man with fierce eyes.

Chu Dongchen was followed by a young childe named Chu Jian, who looked 25 or 26 years old and was the leader of the younger generation of the Chu family.

Xiang Zijie, two young Taoists and Chu Jian gathered together to talk in a low voice.

Lin Feng sat on the other side with the nephew of the golden winged Dapeng king.

"Lin Feng, what do you call this brother?" Lin Feng hugged him.

Seeing that it was a young friar who helped his uncle and nephew speak at Longling Inn a day ago, the nephew King Dapeng with golden wings showed a smile. He also hugged his fist and said, "I\'m Jin Shengyuan. Thank brother Lin for arguing for my uncle and nephew yesterday.".

Lin Feng said, "brother Jin is polite. I can\'t stand the domineering attitude of the Mohist people.".

At this time, Mo Yu led several maidservants into the hall with tea, nodded and bowed and said, "gentlemen, this is a special snow tea in the snow area. It\'s cool and refreshing. Please taste it.".

Lin Feng tasted a mouthful of snow tea and felt a cool feeling sweeping the whole body. The snow tea rich in ice and snow naturally has an extraordinary place.

"Young master Jin, there are many things that offend me before. Please don\'t worry about villains and don\'t see the same as me.". Mo Yu came and made a careful apology.

Now that he knew the identity of Uncle Wang, the golden winged Dapeng, he was almost scared out of his wits.

At this moment, I came to apologize and wanted to make up for it.

"Well, I\'m too lazy to care about this with you.". Jin Shengyuan said coldly.

"Thank you, Mr. Jin.". Mo Yu quickly saluted and then withdrew.

Lin Feng said, "among such aristocratic families, there are many people who pretend to be powerful and support others.".

Jin Shengyuan said, "it\'s true. In my opinion, cleaning up such people also dirty their hands.".

Jin Shengyuan, the nephew of King Dapeng, is the Tianjiao of the younger generation of the demon family. Although he looks less than 20 years old, a few years younger than Lin Feng, he has seen a lot with King Dapeng over the years.

Jin Shengyuan naturally has his pride.

"It seems that Xiang Hongtu, Taoist Yuan Zhen and Chu Dongchen will join hands. I don\'t know if my mother-in-law will join hands with master Dapeng Wang.".

Lin Feng glanced at Xiang Zijie, who gathered together, and couldn\'t help frowning slightly.


Jin Shengyuan sighed and looked sad. He was obviously worried about his uncle.

"Elder, you have been injured by Tao for many years. Haven\'t you found a cure yet?". Lin Feng asked.

"There\'s a lack of Avenue, and it\'s hard to heal. Uncle heard that Xuejiao occupied a mysterious cave, and there\'s the origin of Avenue in the cave. So he came here. Now uncle\'s injury is becoming more and more serious, and it\'s urgent. I hope we can find the origin of Avenue and cure uncle\'s injury this time. I\'m worried that if we drag on, uncle\'s body will not be able to bear the internal injury." 。

Jin Shengyuan said with worry.

If someone else is injured by the Tao, it will fall within ten years.

And King Dapeng has persisted for 300 years.

Even if it is as strong as the king of Dapeng, it will not hold up.

"Don\'t worry, you can find the source of the road and cure the elder\'s road injury.". Lin Feng said.

"Hehe, even if the source of the avenue can be found, it\'s not sure who to belong to. Moreover, if such a baby is used by a sick ghost, it\'s too wasteful.".

At this time, a strange voice came out.

Xiang Zijie glanced at Lin Feng and Jin Shengyuan with a pair of contemptuous eyes.

Xiang Zijie had always felt very oppressed when he saw that King Dapeng had retreated from Xiang Hongtu, the ancestor of the Xiang family, with his seriously injured body. Now he couldn\'t help sneering when he heard Lin Feng and Jin Shengyuan talking about King Dapeng\'s injury.

"Xiang Zijie, who do you say is a sick ghost?"

Jin Shengyuan stood up with cold eyes and the power of demon yuan in his body. It was obvious that Jin Shengyuan was on the edge of violent walking.

"Everyone knows who is sick.".

Xiang Zijie sneered.

"You want to die...". Jin Shengyuan shouted angrily. He wanted to do it and was stopped by Lin Feng.

"Brother Lin, don\'t stop me." Jin Shengyuan gritted his teeth and his eyes were burning with anger.

Lin Feng said, "brother Jin, have you ever heard a word?".

Jin Shengyuan looked at Lin Feng suspiciously and asked, "what\'s the word?".

"A dog bites a man, but a man cannot bite a dog.". Lin Feng smiled.

Everyone was stunned.

Jin Shengyuan smiled, "yes, people are bitten by dogs. If they bite again, they will become dogs.".

"Boy, how dare you call me a dog?".

Xiang Zijie regained his consciousness and knew that Lin Feng was satirizing him. Xiang Zijie\'s eyes were cold and showed a sense of killing.

"Scold you? I\'m scolding the dog, and I\'m a shameless dog.".

Lin Feng sneered, "The elder of the dog was repulsed against a person who was hurt by the Tao. The dog even showed a high attitude to satirize the elder who was hurt by the Tao. As a young generation, he was so cynical about an elder who didn\'t even understand the minimum rules and etiquette. I don\'t know how that family cultivated such a dog Yes, it\'s really a disgrace to the family.

"Boy, I\'m going to tear you up..." Xiang Zijie roared and stepped towards Lin Feng, with a murderous intention in his body.