Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 878

"What? Am I afraid of you?". Lin Feng\'s eyes were cold and fearless. He also stood up. His fighting spirit soared and fought head-on with Xiang Zijie.


At this time, there was a cold drink outside, and Xiang Jin appeared to stop the fight.

"Why did Uncle thirteen stop me?". Xiang Zijie\'s eyes were cold and incoherent, but he finally restrained his killing intention.

"Young people are vigorous and vigorous. It\'s normal to have verbal conflicts. These are small things. Don\'t take them to heart," Xiang Jin said with a smile.

This Jin belongs to a person who hides a knife in a smile. On the surface, he is kind, but such a person should be more careful.

Lin Feng nodded, stopped talking, and sat back with Jin Shengyuan.

Half an hour later, the meeting of the five giants was over.

Lin Feng follows Feng Li\'s mother-in-law to leave.

"Uncle thirteen, my anger is burning in my heart, which is difficult to restrain.". When Lin Feng left, Xiang Zijie said with a gloomy face.

Xiang Jin said with a smile, "Zijie, don\'t be anxious. It\'s not a chance to do it now. It\'s not too late to do it again when you get to the cold snow lake.".

Xiang Zijie nodded and the cold light flickered in his eyes. "Then let the boy live a few more days.".


Returning to his residence, Lin Feng asked, "elder, are you going to the cold snow lake next?".

Feng Li nodded to her mother-in-law and said, "Xue Jiao has been practicing for thousands of years. His accomplishments have participated in nature. The five of us will hold Xue Jiao. At that time, you will enter Xue Jiao\'s cave and bring Xue Jiao\'s baby out.".

"Is Xuejiao so powerful? It needs the presence of the five giants to deal with it before it can be dragged down?". Lin Feng said in surprise.

"Xuejiao got a chance, so its strength is extremely strong. It\'s really troublesome to deal with it.".

Said Fengli\'s mother-in-law.

"I don\'t know what\'s in Xuejiao\'s cave?". Lin Feng\'s heart moved and asked aloud.

"Inside Xuejiao cave, the most valuable thing is the creation stone. Fossils can imperceptibly change a person\'s body. The reason why Xuejiao is so powerful is that it is constantly transformed by the creation stone, and fossils can absorb the luck of heaven and earth. You should have heard that it is necessary to absorb the luck of heaven and earth to break through the divine realm, but which is so easy to absorb the luck of heaven and earth? But if you have fossils, you can continuously absorb the Qi of heaven and earth. This treasure is too important for practitioners. ".

Said Fengli\'s mother-in-law.

"Natural stone!"

Lin Feng took a deep breath. Indeed, as Fengli\'s mother-in-law said, fossilization is too important for every monk who wants to practice in the divine realm in the future.

Lin Feng frowned and said, "but we are weak. It\'s not easy to get this fossil.".

"There are prohibitions in Xuejiao cave. You need to break the array before you can enter it. With your accomplishments in the array, I think the opportunity is the greatest.".

Said Fengli\'s mother-in-law.


The next day, the party set out.

Fengli\'s mother-in-law, Dapeng Wang took only one person.

They are Lin Feng and Jin Shengyuan.

Xiang Hongtu and Chu Dongchen brought more than a dozen people.

Taoist Yuan Zhen took two young Taoists with him.

One of the two young Taoists is called "Taoist priest Tianquan" and the other is called "Taoist priest Tianzong".

Taoism is good at refining medicine, making talismans and arrays.

Lin Feng guessed that Taoist priest Tianquan and Taoist priest Tianzong were also array masters.

Three days later, the party entered the boundless ice and snow lake. The temperature here is very low. I\'m afraid it has reached hundreds of degrees below zero.

Even if the monk\'s physique is strong, many people are shivering with cold at this moment.

Lin Feng had to use mana to resist such cold weather.

"The weather is so cold......".

Many people swear in a low voice, and their voices tremble when they speak.

Now Lin Feng finally understands why the five giants besieged Xuejiao and just dragged Xuejiao.

In the outside world, although Xuejiao is powerful, the probability of defeating Xuejiao is very high under the siege of the five giants.

But not in the cold snow lake. The temperature here is too low and the body will be frozen, which will greatly limit everyone\'s cultivation.

Originally 100% accomplishments can be brought into play here. Fifty or six achievements are good.

But Xuejiao will not be affected.

Lin Feng guessed that this place not only has no impact on Xuejiao, but also has a bonus on Xuejiao\'s combat power.

"Lin, brother Lin, a sip of roasted fiery fruit wine can drive out the cold.".

Jin Shengyuan handed Lin Feng a wine gourd.

Jin Shengyuan was also shivering with cold.

The only thing better is the five giants. They are powerful and can withstand the cold for the time being.

"Lao Zu, I can\'t hold on.".

Several monks of Xiang family and Chu family spoke. Their skin was frozen and cracked. As soon as the blood flowed out, it was frozen.

"Go back and wait outside," Xiang Hongtu and Chu Dongchen said.


These people left quickly.

With the deepening, the temperature became lower and lower, and soon reached a thousand degrees below zero.

In such a temperature, ordinary people will freeze to death immediately when they come here.

Even powerful monks have learned that their hands and feet are cold.

Lin Feng shivered all over. How can he fight in such a place?

Not to mention 50% or 60% of one\'s combat strength, it is good to play three or four achievements now.

"By the way, I don\'t know if my sky fire can resist the cold.". Lin Feng\'s heart moved.

He refined two kinds of sky fire.

The sky fire is hot.

And the temperature here is extremely cold.

If it were an ordinary flame, it would go out in an instant.

But Skyfire is different.

The fire of the sky fire will never go out.

Lin Feng\'s mind communicates with Tianhuo.

Two kinds of sky fire spread all over Lin Feng.


Lin Feng felt the cold dispel.

His almost frozen body is recovering rapidly.

This made Lin Feng very happy.

But in order not to attract attention, he still pretended to be shivering with cold.

"Here we are. In front of us is the place where Xuejiao cave is located.".

Xiang Hongtu said in a deep voice.

"Do you see the mountain peak? There is a cave, Xuejiao cave, about kilometers deep in the lake. Later, we will lead Xuejiao out and drag Xuejiao. You enter Xuejiao cave and take out Xuejiao\'s baby.".

Taoist Yuan Zhen said.

The crowd nodded.


The five giants quickly flew towards the mountains in the cold snow lake.

This mountain is densely forbidden.

There was even a twisted wave around. The snow was flying, but there was no snowflake on the mountain.


The five giants hit the mountain with one hand.


The whole mountain shook violently.

"Who dares to disturb our deep sleep?".

Suddenly, the cold sound came from the depths of the cold snow lake.

Then the earth shook and the mountains shook.


Huge waves.

A snow-white behemoth soon flew out. The behemoth was ten thousand meters long, like a snake, covered with dense scales, with limbs, a head like a dragon, and a silver white dragon horn. There were barbs like a sharp sword on its back. From the position of its back to its tail, it was the bone spur of the snow dragon.

When the snow dragon appeared, suddenly, a violent storm swept the world.

Endless Demon power came out, like a sleeping demon God waking up.

Flutter, flutter.

The pressure from Xuejiao was so terrible that several monks of Xiang family and Chu family couldn\'t even bear the terrible pressure. They knelt directly on the ground and trembled.