Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 876


In the living room, there were three friars. One of the three friars was Xiang Hongtu, a figure at the ancestor level of xuezhou Xiang family that Lin Feng had seen before.

There are two others. The first one looks like he is 50 or 60 years old and wears a Taoist robe. He is called Taoist priest Yuanzhen. He is a strong Taoist.

The other was in his forties. He had a national face and was very dignified. His name was Chu Dongchen. He was an expert of the Chu family in Taixu Prefecture.

Taixu Prefecture is adjacent to xuezhou, in the north of xuezhou.

Although the Chu family in Taixu Prefecture is only an ancient force, since the medieval turmoil, many top powers have emerged in the Chu family in Taixu Prefecture. Therefore, the power is expanding rapidly. Even the ancient forces dare not underestimate the Chu family in Taixu Prefecture.

Lin Feng came here with Fengli\'s mother-in-law. The three big people didn\'t even come out to meet Fengli\'s mother-in-law.

Lin Feng is a little confused. These people obviously look down on Feng Li\'s mother-in-law.

But Feng Li\'s mother-in-law looked indifferent on the surface.

As for what Feng Li\'s mother-in-law thinks, Lin Feng doesn\'t know.

"Feng left her mother-in-law.".

Seeing that Fengli\'s mother-in-law entered the hall, the three nodded and didn\'t mean to get up to meet.

Feng Li\'s mother-in-law didn\'t say much. She found a place to sit down. Lin Feng felt a cold look sweeping at him. He followed the induction and found that it was Xiang Zijie standing behind Xiang Hongtu.

Lin Feng sneered. If he didn\'t provoke himself, he wouldn\'t mind killing him.

"Now that everyone is here, it\'s time to discuss going to the cold snow lake," said Taoist Yuan Zhen.

Feng Li\'s mother-in-law said, "there is another person who will come soon.".

Xiang Hongtu, Taoist priest Yuanzhen and Chu Dongchen frowned slightly and said, "who else? Is it a friend of Fengli\'s mother-in-law?".

Not a friend, but I know he will come. Feng Li\'s mother-in-law raised her eyelids and said.

Feng Li\'s mother-in-law\'s voice just fell. At this time, a voice came from outside, "I heard that you are going to fight with Xue Jiao, so I also have this intention.".

"Presumptuous, can Mohism break in at will?".

When the cold cry sounded, the head of the Mo family led dozens of masters of the Mo family to surround the two people who flew from a distance and fell in the courtyard.

"It\'s you, a sick ghost. Do you want to die if you dare to intrude into my Mohist school?" Mo Yu in the crowd suddenly sneered. He thought of these two people. They once came to Longling Inn and were driven away by him.

"It\'s them...". Lin Feng was surprised that it was the uncle and nephew. Lin Feng had seen them at Longling inn before. They were driven out by Mo Yu.

"Mother-in-law, who is that sick friar?". Lin Feng asked.

Feng Li\'s mother-in-law shook her head. "I don\'t know, but it\'s definitely not a simple figure.".

Lin Feng nodded and looked out.

At this time, the young childe said, "how dare the little Mohist school be so crazy? It\'s a ridiculous family.".

"Dare to humiliate my Mohist school? Take it directly regardless of life and death". The Mo family shouted coldly.

A group of masters of Mohism rushed at uncle and nephew.

In their view, the older friars, pale as paper, were obviously seriously injured.

In such a physical condition, even if the cultivation is very strong, I\'m afraid I can\'t play much combat power now?

But the sick friar was only a step.

All the Mohists seemed to have been hit hard. They flopped and knelt on the ground.

Including the head of the Mohist family.

The head of the Mohist clan, but a monk of the triple heaven of fortune, didn\'t even have the power to resist.

Until this time, the Mohists knew how terrible the sick monk was.

Many people turned pale for fear of being killed by the sick monk.

And Mo Yu thought of driving away the uncles and nephews before, and he was scared and trembled all over.

"What a strong strength".

Lin Feng was surprised that the sick monk, perhaps because he had been ill for too long, gave Lin Feng a feeling that a wind could blow him down.

But Lin Feng never thought that the sick monk was so powerful.

"Hmm? Your Excellency seems to have gone too far.".

Xiang Hongtu\'s face suddenly sank. It\'s the so-called beating a dog depends on the owner.

Mohism is attached to the Xiang family. Now Mohist masters are kneeling on the ground, and Xiang Hongtu\'s face will not look good.

The sick friar said, "if we hadn\'t given the Xiang family some face, these people would have died.".


Xiang Hongtu\'s face suddenly sank. Originally, the old man was dead and gave people a feeling of dying, but at this moment, his body was like a flood, and a breath that made the void tremble.

The next moment the grand plan disappeared into the hall.

He appeared in front of the sick Friar and killed the sick friar with a \'overlord Fist\'.

"I\'ve heard the power of Xiang family overlord fist for a long time. I\'ll experience it today.".

The sick friar looked indifferent and waved his right fist at Xiang Hongtu.

Behind him, the phantom of demon God appeared.

This is demon magic fist.


As two ancient sacred mountains collide, the earth splits.

Xiang Hongtu was shaken back.

"It\'s too strong. It\'s really too strong. This man has a serious injury and has shaken back a grand plan.".

Lin Feng was shocked.

Cough, cough

After one shot, the sick monk coughed violently.

His face became paler and paler. This time, he seemed to be involved in the injury, and his physical condition became worse and worse.

"Uncle...". The young childe looked worried at the sick friar.

"I can\'t die yet. Don\'t worry," the sick monk smiled.

"Who the hell are you?" Xiang Hongtu looked gloomy.

"Demon family Jin daoyan"!

Said the sick monk.

"What? You are Jin daoyan of the demon clan"!

Everyone was shocked.

Even Fengli\'s mother-in-law stood up.

"Grandma, who is he? Is he famous?". Lin Feng asked suspiciously.

"He is the golden winged ROC king of the demon family"! Feng Li\'s mother-in-law said.


Hearing the five words of golden winged Dapeng Wang, Lin Feng felt that his head was about to explode.

What a thunderous name.

The demon clan has two very young supreme figures.

One is the peacock Lord.

Lin Feng once saw the peacock Lord in the misty forest.

More than a dozen giants besieged the peacock Lord.

The peacock Lord smashed an eternal giant with a fist.

It\'s really powerful.

The king of the golden winged ROC is the supreme one of the demon family and the peacock Lord.

Eight hundred years ago, these two people were called the two greatest Tianjiao of the demon family. They were young and had thorough cultivation.

Lin Feng never thought that the sick monk was the king of the demon family.

He is an invincible figure who swept the same rank 800 years ago.