Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 873

Lin Feng felt a lot of unkind eyes and showed cold intention. During this time, he cut out a lot of good things, so he was peeped at.

Lin Feng frowned slightly. He put the tortoise shell away and studied it well after he went back.

Lin Feng didn\'t stay long and left quickly with Qian Ruiyuan.

After returning, Lin Feng began to study the contents of the tortoise shell.

There are some ancient characters and nine pictures on the tortoise shell.

Lin Feng went out and bought some ancient books in the bookstore for comparison.

The result surprised him.

Tianjie demon territory!

It turned out to be such a place, which Lin Feng didn\'t expect at all.

This is an ancient and mysterious secret place.

I\'m afraid it goes back to ancient times.

Lin Feng doesn\'t know what the secret place is.

Because there is no explanation on the tortoise shell.


"It seems that the nine pictures above are the map to the secret territory.".

Lin Feng put the tortoise shell away.

Such an ancient secret place often has great secrets and opportunities. If you can get such opportunities, you will benefit infinitely.

Why is Huangfu Qingtian so powerful?

At a young age, even the older generation of strong people are not Huangfu Qingtian\'s opponents. The reason is that Huangfu Qingtian has mastered the "secret realm of heaven".

"Angry axe city can\'t stay any longer. Many people want to be disadvantageous to me, and I also want to go to this heaven robbery demon realm to see if I have the opportunity to wait for me.".

Lin Feng thought.

The next day, a letter was sent.

Lin Feng opens the letter.

"If you want to forge Taoist wares, go to alley 32, Lane 16, Xining street, East District.".

A simple line of words.

But Lin Feng was very surprised. Only two people knew that he wanted to forge Taoist weapons, Murong Xue and the mysterious forging master of the original Tiansheng city.

At first, Lin Feng found the golden giant bone to find the mysterious forging master, but she has left.

Lin Feng didn\'t expect to see the mysterious forging master again in angry axe city.

"Brother Lin, I\'m going back to Qian\'s house, too. We\'ll leave Nu axe city together tonight. You can\'t stay alone in this place. Many people are staring at you.".

Qian Ruiyuan said.

Lin Feng nodded.

The party left angry axe city.

On the way, Lin Feng and Qian Ruiyuan separated.

After wandering outside for three days, one night, Lin Feng put on his wide robe and hat, sneaked into the angry axe city again, and then went straight to the address given to him by the mysterious forging master.

Soon Lin Feng came to alley 32, Lane 16, Xining street, East District.

This place is obviously a slum, dirty and messy.

Lin Feng stood at the entrance of No. 32 Hutong and looked into the depths. It was dark. It seemed strangely quiet here.

Lin Feng muttered.

I don\'t know why the great forging master has such a special hobby.

I lived in a slum when I was in Tiansheng city.

Now I came to angry axe city and lived in the slums.

Can\'t you find a better place?

Lin Feng walked towards the deep part of the alley.

Boom! Boom!

Suddenly, in the dark, someone launched a sneak attack on Lin Feng.

The sneak attacker completely hid his breath before, and Lin Feng didn\'t even find it.

The two should not be together.

Lin Feng had sensed the breath of the person in front. It was Huangfu Chong.

Lin Feng didn\'t know who was attacking him.

The two strong men in the realm of creation shot together and killed Lin Feng by surprise.

It\'s too late to avoid it now.

Lin Feng\'s face was very ugly. He felt the threat of death.

"Boy, do you think you didn\'t know when you sneaked into the angry axe city? But you didn\'t know. You were found by us long ago.". Huangfu Chong sneered.

"Die". The other man also made a gloomy voice.

Seeing that their attack was about to kill Lin Feng, the situation was extremely dangerous.


At this time, a cold hum suddenly came out.


Huang Fuchong and another strong man who secretly attacked Lin Feng were shocked out.


Huang Fuchong and another strong man in the realm of creation were surprised.

They did not expect that such a powerful person should be hidden in the alley.


The voice of the mysterious forge came from the depths.

Huang Fuchong and another strong man in the realm of creation looked gloomy.

No more.

Also dare not stay, can only leave.

"The mother-in-law\'s cultivation is so strong!"

Lin Feng took a deep breath.

Just facing the siege of the strong in the two realms of fortune, he died and disappeared.

But with a cold hum, the mysterious forging master shook back the two masters, and we knew how extraordinary the strength of the forging master was.

Lin Feng doubted the strength of the forging master. Even if it wasn\'t the existence of Wangu giant, he was close to Wangu giant.

Lin Feng went deep into the alley. He stopped outside the innermost courtyard, hugged his fists and said, "thank you, master."

"You are my guest. Naturally, you won\'t let your blood stain here. Come in."

The faint voice of the mysterious forging master came.

Lin Feng pushed the door in.

The moonlight fell, and the mysterious forging master stood in the yard. She was very old, but until today, Lin Feng didn\'t know what terrible power was contained in this old body.

Lin Feng learned from Murong Xue that the mysterious forging master was called mother-in-law Fengli. As for the origin, he didn\'t know. Even Murong Xue didn\'t know. The identity of mother-in-law Fengli was very mysterious.

I have found the golden giant bone.

Lin Feng takes out the golden giant bone and gives it to Fengli\'s mother-in-law.

Feng Li nodded to her mother-in-law and said, "I heard you cut out a purple cremation crystal in the stone square?".

Lin Feng\'s heart was cold. He didn\'t know what purpose Fengli\'s mother-in-law asked at this time.

The purple cremation crystal is too precious. If Fengli\'s mother-in-law wants to kill him and win the treasure, Lin Feng knows he has no power to resist.

Lin Feng could only suppress the worry and fear in his heart and said, "yes, I did get a purple cremation crystal".

"Hot potato, I know you forged a powerful life magic weapon. In this way, I\'ll help you again, integrate the purple cremation crystal into your life magic weapon, and improve the power of your real name magic weapon, but you have to promise me one thing.".

Said Fengli\'s mother-in-law.

Lin Feng was a little relieved, as long as Feng Li\'s mother-in-law didn\'t give him the idea of purple cremating Shenjing.

Moreover, Fengli\'s mother-in-law even promised to help her refine purple cremation divine crystal, which also saved Lin Feng the trouble of looking for others to refine purple cremation divine crystal.

Moreover, if you look for others, you will inevitably not be calculated by others.

Lin Feng asked, "I don\'t know what the elder asked the younger generation to do?".

"Follow me to xuezhou. I\'m going to a place to rob a treasure. Your spirit array level is good. Maybe it can help me.".

Said Fengli\'s mother-in-law.

Lin Feng immediately felt his scalp numb.

The strength of Fengli\'s mother-in-law is unfathomable.

She\'s going to rob the baby. What a terrible existence is the character fighting with Fengli\'s mother-in-law?

I\'m afraid it also exists at the level of eternal giant?

In the past, if you are careless, you may die.

"If you don\'t want to, I won\'t force you.". Feng Li\'s mother-in-law said sadly.

Lin Feng was awe inspiring. He felt the coldness emanating from Fengli\'s mother-in-law. If he refused, he was afraid that Fengli\'s mother-in-law would turn his face and refuse to recognize others.

He clenched his teeth and said, "OK, I promise you.".

Feng Li nodded to her mother-in-law with satisfaction, "you wait here for ten days. After ten days, I will harden your two treasures. Come with me.".

The voice fell. Fengli\'s mother-in-law turned and walked towards a room decorated with ground fire. Lin Feng stubbornly followed Fengli\'s mother-in-law into the refining room decorated with ground fire.