Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 872

The whole stone workshop was a sensation. The smell was terrible, shocking and moving.

Countless people came to watch Huangfu\'s stone cutting.

At this moment, Huang Fu Chong was very excited because he felt that he was about to cut out a holy spirit.

This humanoid stone.


How similar is it to the fighting Saint ape?

The fighting Saint ape is also bred in stone, but it is a stone monkey.

The stone in front of us may be a "Stone Man".

Once born, it will be earth shaking.

The stone skin keeps falling off.

The smell in the courtyard is becoming stronger and stronger.

The terrifying power pervaded the courtyard of the whole yuhuaxian Dynasty. Even the strong in the realm of creation felt depressed.

Many monks in the realm of yin and Yang even feel difficult to breathe.

"Is it true that the Holy Spirit will be cut out?". Qian Ruiyuan was surprised.

Lin Feng smiled and said, "I\'m not sure. Think about the dragon blood before.".

Qian Ruiyuan nodded thoughtfully.

Many people are still talking.

If a holy spirit is cut out, the terror of three thousand states will be shaken.

Because once the holy spirit grows up, it is too terrible to say that it will become the second fighting Saint ape?

At that time, the strength of the eclosion immortal Dynasty will reach what degree of terror?

In the dark, a strong man has cold eyes and wants to destroy the Holy Spirit when it is cut out.

Naturally, there are many forces who don\'t want to see the yuhuaxian Dynasty get such a holy spirit.

Before long, a shocking thing happened, and the two hands of the Holy Spirit appeared in the sight of everyone.

"Arm... The arm of stone is indeed a born Stone Man".

Many people roared in shock.

The breath emitted by the humanoid stone has more than doubled.

The friars in the yuhuaxian Dynasty trembled with excitement.

Huangfu Chong quickened his speed, and soon the trunk and head of the stone man appeared.

This is an ancient stone man with three eyes. Like the ancient giant God Yang Jian in myths and legends, there are reincarnation eyes in the center of his eyebrows.

The awe and awe of the eight barrens and Six Harmonies filled the air.

It\'s like facing an ancient giant God.

Splash! Splash!

Many people could not bear the pressure from the stone man, so they knelt on the ground and worshipped the stone man.

There are countless people in the dark.

All kneel and kowtow.

"It\'s terrible.". Lin Feng stepped back, because he was too close, he could not bear the pressure of the stone man.

Lin Feng doesn\'t want to bow down to a stone man.

Shua Shua

Suddenly, the stone man opened his eyes.

That is a pair of eyes with endless vicissitudes of life.

Now when I open my eyes, the virtual shadow of the heavenly world appears in my eyes.

"God bless me to become immortal and cut out a Holy Spirit"!

The friars of the yuhuaxian Dynasty, led by Huang Fucong, burst into tears.

It is really a holy spirit. If it is cultivated, it will be able to sweep nine days and ten places.

Click, click.

The stone man moves his legs and walks forward like a God, and the roads roar together.

But the stone man roared angrily, "why let me be born early".

The voice is filled with endless sadness and reluctance.

Click, click!

At the next moment, the stone man began to crumble, his body broke into a pair of waste rocks, piled up on the ground, and the strong smell filled the whole courtyard dissipated.

"Hoo..." those strong men who secretly want to fight breathe a sigh. The oppression given to them by the stone man is too strong, which makes them jump with fear. Now the stone man has destroyed himself. This is the best result.

"How could this happen? No...".

Huangfu Chong and other masters of the eclosic immortal Dynasty were unwilling to roar. They couldn\'t accept this scene. A holy spirit was destroyed and their hearts were dripping blood.

"Why did the stone man destroy himself?". Qian Ruiyuan wondered.

Lin Feng said, "I guess the stone man failed to really conceive success, and it will take a long time to really grow up. Now it has been cut out in advance, so it has been eaten back by the avenue, and the stone man can\'t compete, so he destroyed himself.".

Many people nodded and agreed with Lin Feng\'s explanation, but they all felt it a pity that such a stone man was about to succeed, but it was self destructed.

The next time you want to find such a stone man, it will be as difficult as heaven.

Lin Feng emerged as an immortal and walked towards the stone square.

Suddenly, he sensed a strange wave of life.

"It\'s it, the creature.".

Lin Feng was surprised and wanted to quickly lock the creature.

But the creature disappeared instantly and restrained his breath. Even his mind could not be explored.

What a terrible hiding ability.

Lin Feng frowned. His eyes couldn\'t help looking at the pile of abandoned stones.

Lin Feng checked it.

Frown and think.

"What are you looking at?". Huangfu said with a somber look.

"It seems that this stone is not self destructed, but swallowed up the power of life by the Holy Spirit conceived in another stone, so it was destroyed.".

Lin Feng took a deep breath and said.

"What? Is there such a thing?". Everyone was shocked and unbelievable.

Lin Feng nodded solemnly and said, "even if he destroyed himself, he should have life power after being pregnant for so many years, but now the stone man who destroyed himself has completely turned into waste stone, and the life power has been swallowed up, which is obviously swallowed up by a more powerful Holy Spirit".

The news was shocking. Many people began to look for the terrible Holy Spirit mentioned by Lin Feng.

"What you have been looking for is the Holy Spirit?". Qian Ruiyuan asked.

Lin Feng nodded and said, "it\'s much stronger than I thought. Even the life power of the stone man has been swallowed up. The Holy Spirit is terrible and cruel. It\'s the Holy Spirit bred from the stone. It\'s merciless.".

"If you can find the Holy Spirit...". Qian Ruiyuan\'s voice trembled slightly.

He knew what the holy spirit represented.

Once born, I\'m afraid it will grow into an invincible existence.

Qian Ruiyuan also began to search.

However, it is obvious that the statue left the Shifang of the yuhuaxian Dynasty and hid in other Shifang. It can move freely and even shuttle freely through the Dharma arrays arranged in the major Shifang. Therefore, it is almost impossible to find it.

In the stone workshop of Changsheng hall, Lin Feng found a stone, which looks like a dragon turtle and is worth 230000 yuan.

Lin Feng bought it and planned to cut the stone.

The little stone saint will cut the stone again, and the news spread quickly.

Many strong people at the ancestral level came.

"Dragon turtle stone. I have seen this stone and studied it for a long time, but I feel dead. It doesn\'t look like a good thing.".

Said a strong man at the ancestral level.

"I\'ve also studied it. It really doesn\'t feel like there are good things. I don\'t know why xiaoshisheng chose this dragon turtle stone.".

Another ancestor level existence said.

Lin Feng began to cut the stone, the stone skin continued to fall off, and the Dragon turtle stone shrunk rapidly.


Suddenly, a clear voice came out.

Many people were shocked.

Really cut something out.

Finally, the stone was completely cut.

What was inside appeared in the sight of everyone.

"Tortoise shell......". Lin Feng was surprised.

"Look, there are pictures and words on the back of the tortoise shell.".

A monk pointed to the back of the tortoise shell and exclaimed.

"Oh, my God, this is a rubbing technique in the ancient times, which is called tortoise shell God map. The God map rubbing on the tortoise shell often hides amazing secrets. What secrets does the tortoise shell in the little stone master\'s hand hide?".

Countless people exclaimed, and many felt their breathing heavy. Looking at the mysterious tortoise shell in Lin Feng\'s hand, they looked deeply greedy.