Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 874

Ten days is fleeting.

Lin Feng waited anxiously outside.

"Boom...". With the amazing fluctuation escaping, the door of the refining room was opened immediately.

Feng Li\'s mother-in-law came out of it.

She waved her right hand.


Two clouds of light flew out.

The two light groups are respectively wrapped with "Qibao glazed tower" and "chaotic ancient lamp".

I saw the power of the law of the great road falling down around the seven treasures glass tower. With a slight shock, the surrounding void was slightly distorted.

"Medium quality instrument"!

Lin Feng exclaimed.

Lin Feng was surprised that the seven treasures glass tower was not a first-class Taoist instrument, but a middle-class Taoist instrument.

Fengli\'s mother-in-law said, "originally, the Qibao glass tower was promoted to a Taoist instrument, which can only be promoted to a first-class Taoist instrument. However, when I promoted the Qibao glass tower, I added a small amount of purple cremation crystal, which immediately raised the baby to a higher level.".

This is an unexpected joy.

Lin Feng\'s mind communicated with the seven treasures glass tower.

"Seven treasures of colored glass cannot be limitless".

Suddenly, Lin Feng heard a ethereal voice for a moment.

He felt carefully and found that it was the spirit of the seven treasures glass tower.

The utensils of the seven treasures glass tower turned into a monk in seven treasures cassock.

The seven treasures light around the body of the spirit shrouded him, emitting a mysterious smell.

"Good! That\'s great! The seven treasures glazed pagoda has been promoted to a medium quality weapon, and its defense has greatly increased!"

Lin Feng waved his big hand and collected the seven treasures glass tower.

Then his eyes turned to the magic weapon of his life "chaotic ancient lamp".

The change of chaotic ancient lamp surprised Lin Feng even more.

After incorporating the purple cremation crystal, the inner part of the chaotic ancient lamp has begun to accumulate its own spirit.

In terms of attack or defense, chaotic ancient lamps are definitely more than ordinary Taoist devices.

"The materials used to forge the chaotic ancient lamp are too extraordinary. Now the purple cremation crystal is added, and the chaotic ancient lamp is even more extraordinary. It will be very difficult for such a baby to accumulate its own spirit. I estimate that when the spirit condenses, it is also the time when the chaotic ancient lamp turns into an artifact."

Said Fengli\'s mother-in-law.

Lin Feng said in surprise, "I hope this day will come early.".

Mother-in-law Fengli suddenly gave a strange smile and said, "don\'t expose this chaotic ancient lamp. If it is exposed, the ancient holy land of the rich families in the whole tianwu continent will chase you.".

Lin Feng nodded.

He naturally knows the seriousness of the matter.

Chaotic ancient lamp is forged from chaotic ancestral Qi, which itself is the prototype of "ancient emperor".

Now it has added purple cremation crystal enhancement.

Such a baby, even if the ancient forces see it, they will be crazy.

So we must be careful.

Lin Feng incorporated the chaotic ancient lamp into his mind.

His soul is hidden in the chaotic ancient lamp.

Some top strongmen, or some friars who are very proficient in soul magic, like to attack the soul silently.

However, Lin Feng\'s soul is protected by the magic weapon of chaos ancient lamp. Even the eternal giant can hardly hurt his soul.

"I don\'t know when we will leave for xuezhou?". Lin Feng asked.

"Take a day off, take the transport array to Beihuang city tomorrow, and then take the space-time wormhole from Beihuang city to xuezhou".

Said Fengli\'s mother-in-law.

Lin Feng nodded. After he returned to the room, he sat cross legged and adjusted his state.

It\'s a long way to go to xuezhou, across five states.

If you fly, it is estimated that it will take more than 100 years to reach xuezhou.

However, it takes only a month to take the wormhole.

The next day, Lin Feng and Fengli\'s mother-in-law went to the transmission square together. Vaguely, Lin Feng felt several cold breath and locked himself.

Lin Feng looked indifferent.

Some forces are eyeing themselves and want to kill themselves and win the treasure.

But now they are afraid of the strength of Fengli\'s mother-in-law and don\'t do it.

After arriving at Beihuang City, Lin Feng and Fengli\'s mother-in-law entered the wormhole of time and space.

A month later, they came to the "snow city", one of the five ancient cities in xuezhou.

Looking around, the snow is flying.

This is the snow state, which never stops falling heavy snow.

The climate in xuezhou is very cold, but for powerful practitioners, they are not afraid of this cold.

"Take a day off before we start.". Said Fengli\'s mother-in-law.

"Don\'t know where we\'re going?". Lin Feng asked.

"Ice and snow lake!"

Feng Li\'s mother-in-law said.


Lin Feng took a breath.

Lin Feng once read the information about the cold snow lake from the Zhutian record.

This is a very dangerous place. It is said that there is a snow Jiao living in the cold ice and snow lake. This snow Jiao has been practicing for thousands of years.

"Elder, are you going to rob Xuejiao\'s baby?". Lin Feng said with a bitter smile.

You guessed right.

Feng Li\'s mother-in-law smiled.

Lin Feng is helpless. This Fengli\'s mother-in-law is really crazy.

I hope this trip goes well. I don\'t want to lose my life in the cold snow lake.

They walked towards an inn.

On the road, dozens of strange animals rushed and rushed, and many people were embarrassed to avoid. Some slow friars were directly whipped out by the friar Lun sitting on the strange animals.

"Who is this man? He is so domineering in the snow city?". Lin Feng raised his eyebrows slightly.

A middle-aged monk said, "this is a member of the xuezhou Xiang family.".

Xuezhou Xiang family, this is an ancient force and the only ancient force in xuezhou.

Xuezhou is adjacent to the Buddhist kingdom in the western regions and does not belong to the 72 northern states. Therefore, Lin Feng has only heard of the Xiang family in xuezhou, but has little understanding.

Xuezhou Xiang family, as a force at the level of xuezhou Big Mac, naturally has no scruples.

Soon, dozens of strange animals stopped in front of the inn.

A handsome monk came out of an old bronze car.

The friar was young, with black hair and shawls and eyes like stars.

"Who is that?". Lin Feng asked.

The middle-aged monk nearby said, "Xiang Zijie, the leader of the younger generation of the Xiang family, is the Tianjiao in the forefront of the Xiang family. It is said that he is the owner of special physique and attracts worldwide attention".

After Xiang Zijie came out, he bowed next to the copper car. Soon, an old man came out.

The old man is so old that he needs Xiang Zijie to help him get off the bus.

"At such an old age, you still come out and walk around.". Lin Feng shook his head slightly.

The middle-aged friar quickly said, "don\'t talk nonsense, little brother. It\'s an ancestor of the Xiang family. He has been practicing for more than 8000 years. His cultivation is thorough. Don\'t criticize the Xiang family, otherwise he will cause death.".

Lin Feng nodded and said goodbye to the middle-aged monk.

By this time, the owners of the inn had come out to meet the Xiang family.

Feng Li\'s mother-in-law narrowed her eyes and said, "it seems that there are many people peeping at Xuejiao baby.".

Lin Feng\'s heart moved.

Could it be that the ancestors of Xiang family also came for Xuejiao baby? But what is Xuejiao baby?

It has attracted so many top experts.