Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 865

"What a terrible day demon snake eye...".

Lin Feng lay on the bed and couldn\'t move. The sky demon snake eye was still suspended in the air and looked at him.

After half an hour, Lin Feng sat up again. His face was a little pale. Just now, the snake eye of the sky demon blinked, which made Lin Feng almost collapse and fall into endless purgatory.

If Lin Feng\'s soul wasn\'t strong enough, I\'m afraid he would have died to the West.

Lin Feng didn\'t use his eyes to see the sky demon snake eye, because it was too strange.

Isn\'t there the yuan spirit of the heavenly eye demon snake?

Yuan Ling is integrated into the sky demon snake eye, so even though endless years have passed, the sky demon snake eye is still so strange and terrible.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng\'s eyes gradually brightened up.

There are only two kinds of separation of the ancient saint and emperor that he sacrificed and refined, namely "the separation of the ancient golden winged Dapeng king" and "the separation of the ancient poor and strange".

Now Lin Feng began to communicate "the separation of the ancient heavenly demon and the snake eye".

The originally immersed Tianyan demon snake was summoned by Lin Feng.

The room was foggy.

The body of the heavenly eye demon snake hovered in the fog, emitting a cold breath.

The heavenly eye demon snake itself is a cold creature.

The sky demon snake eye suspended in the air seemed to feel something. It turned its direction and looked at the sky demon snake.

Shua Shua.

At this moment, the Tianyan demon snake also opened two gloomy eyes and stared at the Tianyan demon snake\'s eyes.

But the Tianyan demon snake can\'t open its third eye. The third eye is the "TIANYAO snake eye" that the Tianyan demon snake royal family will give birth to.

"It\'s really inductive. I\'ll try to refine the snake eye of the heavenly demon.".

With a wave of his right hand, Lin Feng\'s majestic mana burst into the eye of the sky demon snake.

As soon as the snake eye of the heavenly demon shook hard, it scattered Lin Feng\'s mana.

Lin Feng can\'t refine the sky demon snake eye at all.

"Refuse to be refined? The demon snake eye is too strange this day.".

Lin Feng frowned, then sneered.

He mobilized the original power of God in the Dantian, integrated it with mana, and poured into the eye of the heavenly demon snake again.

The sky demon snake eye once again wanted to disperse Lin Feng\'s mana, but at this time, the power of the source of God burned.

Then the original power of God collided with the terrible power from the eyes of the demon snake.

When the two forces meet.

Lin Feng\'s mana poured into the eye of the heavenly demon snake and refined the eye of the heavenly demon snake.


Lin Feng patted with his right hand, and the sky demon snake eye immediately flew to the "sky eye demon snake".


The sky demon snake eye is integrated into the third eye of the sky demon snake.

The third eye, which had closed its eyes tightly, opened at this moment.

An ancient and wasteful old breath emanated from the sky eye demon snake.

The power of the heavenly eye demon snake is recovering.

"The third emperor\'s separate recovery"!

Lin Feng showed a surprised expression.

The third eye of the heavenly eye demon snake blinked slightly, and every piece of furniture in the room was quietly annihilated.

These are terrible eyes.

Finally, the sky eye demon snake turned into a rune and integrated into the position of Lin Feng\'s eyebrow center.

Lin Feng\'s mind moved. There was a trace of eyes in the center of his eyebrows.


Suddenly, Lin Feng opened his third eye at the center of his eyebrows. This is the eye of the heavenly demon snake.

After the "heavenly eye demon snake" is turned into a rune and integrated into Lin Feng\'s eyebrow position, Lin Feng can use all kinds of abilities of the heavenly eye demon snake.

The third eye blinked slightly. The void had a distorted feeling. It was really powerful. These eyes absolutely had unimaginable strong attack power.

Lin Feng\'s thought moved, and the third eye in the center of his eyebrows disappeared.

"What a magical separation of the ancient heavenly eye demon and snake, which turned into runes and integrated into my eyebrows".

Lin Feng touched the position of the center of the eyebrow, and the rune was integrated into the flesh and blood, so he couldn\'t see the mark of the rune, but he could communicate with it with his mind.

The next day, Lin Feng and Qian Ruiyuan went to Shifang again.

Qian Ruiyuan said, "today we went to the stone workshop of Taigu Jiang\'s family. I heard that someone cut good things here yesterday.".

Lin Feng nodded. He and Qian Ruiyuan came to the Shifang of Taigu Jiang\'s family. There are five separate hospitals here. More and more good things will be more and more.

Qian Ruiyuan has been here for a long time and spent a lot of money cutting dozens of stones, but he didn\'t cut anything particularly precious.

Gambling stone depends on luck. It\'s not easy to cut out good things.

"I\'m very unlucky these days. I haven\'t been able to cut out good things. I hope things can turn around today.".

Qian Ruiyuan smiled.

Lin Feng said with a smile, "maybe there will be luck.".

"Quickly, the Taigu Jiang family moved out the stone excavated from the dead Jedi.".

Soon the news spread and attracted a large number of onlookers.

Lin Feng and Qian Ruiyuan also pushed past.

Taigu Jiang\'s family moved out three stones.

The first stone is a huge purple stone with a height of more than ten meters. It is very extraordinary surrounded by purple light.

The second stone is about five meters long, protruding on both sides, like a pair of wings, from time to time there is a golden smell escaping from it.

The third stone is like a human, and there is a faint breath of life flowing out of it. I don\'t know what terrible things are sealed.

Many powerful elders were also attracted. Some people wanted to buy Stone, but they couldn\'t help hesitating when they saw the price.

Lin Feng looked at the price of the three stones. The cheapest one was the purple stone more than ten meters high, worth 320000 yuan.

The stone with two wings on its back is worth 490000 top-grade spirit stone.

The third humanoid stone is worth 720000 yuan.

Lin Feng smacked his tongue. It\'s too expensive. Hundreds of thousands of best spiritual stones have been enough for an ancient force to operate for more than ten years.

But here, you can only buy one stone, so even if the ancestors of the top forces exist, they hesitate at this moment.

Because the stone purchased at a great cost may not be able to extract anything.

Many people are talking about this stone.

A black light flashed through Lin Feng\'s eyes.

This is the power of the sky demon snake eye, which is integrated into both eyes by Lin Feng.

He looked at the stones mined from the three dead Jedi.

These stones can resist the spiritual exploration of monks.

But Lin Feng was able to observe some wonderful places with the help of the power of the heavenly demon snake eye.

"There\'s really something..." Lin Feng was surprised. There was something in all three stones, but he couldn\'t see it clearly.

I want to cut the stone with wings on its back.

Qian Ruiyuan wanted to cut another stone unearthed from the dead Jedi.

Jiang Chi, the elder of the yuan family in charge of the courtyard here, smiled and said, "it\'s childe Qian Ruiyuan. Are you sure you want to cut this stone?".

Qian Ruiyuan frowned slightly and thought, because this stone is worth 490000 top-grade spiritual stones. He has spent millions of top-grade spiritual stones during this time, but he has got nothing. If he has no harvest this time, he can only go home.

Although he is the legitimate son of the Qian family, he is not unlimited profligacy.

Many people around talked about it. Qian Ruiyuan had to cut stones again. They had seen Qian Ruiyuan cut stones before, but they didn\'t get much.

It seems that Qian Ruiyuan is unwilling and wants to cut a stone excavated from the dead Jedi.

Lin Feng looked at the stone with two wings on his back. There was something in it, but Lin Feng felt that it was not so precious. There was almost no fluctuation. It was not as good as the thing in the two stones next to him, because the things in the other two stones sent out weak fluctuations.

Among these stones, the stronger the fluctuation of the sealed things, the more precious they are. Lin Feng is not optimistic about the stones that Qian Ruiyuan likes.

Suddenly, Lin Feng\'s eyes were attracted by the stone pier under the back wing stone.

The stone pier is about one and a half meters in diameter and half meters high. It is padded on the ground, and the stone with wings on its back is placed on the stone pier.

Lin Feng looked through the stone pier. He vaguely saw that something seemed to be moving in the stone pier.

Qian Ruiyuan bit his teeth. He planned to cut the stone with wings on his back. Maybe he could cut out good things.

"Brother Qian, wait.". Lin Feng said.