Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 864

Such a big noise, startled the four sides, and people poured in, including many old people.

Now the stone of death Jedi has been born, so many strong people have been attracted, including some old immortals sitting in the life and death porch. They even don\'t hesitate to cross hundreds of millions of miles to angry axe city.

"Sky demon snake eye......".

Jiang Zichuan, the supreme elder of the yuan family, came and exclaimed when he saw the strange stone eye suspended in the black fog.

"What? That\'s the eye of the sky demon snake? Is this true? The third eye of the sky demon snake?".

Many people exclaimed.

Tianyan demon snake is an ancient and remote species, which is very rare.

Even in ancient times, there were few heavenly eye demon snakes.

However, the birth of Tianyan demon snake will disturb the heavens.

It is said that the third eye of the heavenly eye demon snake is very terrible. Once opened, it can often destroy the world.

But the time is too long, and the ability of the stone eye of the sky eye demon snake is unknown.

But this does not prevent everyone from having a strong interest in the "stone eye" of the heavenly eye demon snake.

The birth of this stone eye caused such a big movement. It\'s too rebellious. Maybe it\'s hiding a big secret.

"The eye of the heavenly eye demon snake?".

Lin Feng heard Jiang Zichuan\'s voice. He was very moved.

In ancient times, a demon holy emperor appeared in the Tianyan demon snake family.

Among the Nine Emperors that Lin Feng got, there was "Tianyan demon snake".

We can see how powerful this race was in the past.

Now, I even cut out a "sky demon snake eye".

It is said that even the heavenly eye demon snakes don\'t have "heavenly eye demon snake".

Only the royal family of Tianyan demon snake can have Tianyan demon snake eye.

Others may not know the ability of Chu Tian demon snake eye, but Lin Feng knows it very well.

According to the picture of the Nine Emperors, the snake eye of the heavenly demon sees through the Yin and Yang, and penetrates the truth and vanity.

These twelve words contain too much content.

The underworld refers to the underworld.

The Yang realm refers to the hundreds of millions of star worlds in which all natural spirits live.

Lin Feng didn\'t particularly understand what this ability is, but it was obviously an ability against the sky.

The latter is the ability to "penetrate the truth and vanity".

This ability Lin Feng is understandable.

TIANYAO snake eye was known as the "original Tianyan" in the ancient times.

It means you can see through all illusory things.

Direct to the source.

This is also a kind of ability against heaven. There are too many illusory things to confuse the cultivator in the process of cultivation.

It is illusory to go out to experience and be trapped in a boundless dreamland.

It is also illusory that mental demons haunt your body during cultivation. They can\'t extricate themselves and lead to being possessed by demons.

If you have the heavenly eye demon snake, you can see through these illusory things in an instant. This is the function of the "original heavenly eye".

Of course, the role of TIANYAO snake eye is far more than these. It needs to be explored and explored slowly.


Lin Feng made a quick move and put away the sky demon snake eye.

"Xiaoyou, can you give me this sky demon snake eye? I promise Xiaoyou under any conditions.".

Jiang Zichuan said excitedly.

Such a sky demon snake eye is really enough to cause anyone\'s madness.

"Little friend, I am willing to exchange with you with Taoist instruments, ancient supernatural powers, spirit stones, etc.".

Another old man pushed aside the crowd and came in.

"White eyebrow ancestor of Changsheng hall".

Many people were surprised, and the identity of the old man was also very frightening.

The hall of eternal life is the rightful leader of 72 northern states.

It is also the strongest force of retreat questioning in 72 northern states.

It is said that there are also "ancient imperial soldiers" forged by Chen Changsheng, the great Immortal Emperor.

If so, the longevity hall would be terrible. The Taigu forces guarded by ancient imperial soldiers are definitely one of the most powerful Taigu forces in the world.

"Little friend, if you give me the sky demon snake eye, I can decide to marry a princess of the Empire to you.".

Another old man appeared. Many people were surprised. His identity was also not simple. He was actually a supreme elder of the Xia empire. He was a figure of the grandfather generation of the people of the Xia empire. He was highly respected.

"The son-in-law of the Xia Empire, this is really an attractive condition.". Many people whispered and wanted to grab the sky demon snake eye in Lin Feng\'s hand and give it to the ancestor of the Xia empire.


More than a dozen old people have appeared one after another. They are frightening people with great origins. They are all figures at the level of the ancestors of the top forces.

Because the stones mined from the dead Jedi often hide some incredible treasures, these ancestors who don\'t walk around in the world on weekdays are born one after another.

"Thank you for your kindness. I want to study the Tianyan demon snake myself.". Lin Feng said.

"Xiaoyou, the demon snake eye has gone through hundreds of millions of years. Even if it is immortal, great changes have taken place. Xiaoyou may not be able to study any substantive content with it. It\'s better to sell it in exchange for wealth.".

There is the presence of the ancestor level to persuade.

Lin Feng has made up his mind and does not intend to exchange.

"Boy, with your strength, do you have the life to take such a baby?".

Someone whispered secretly, threatening Lin Feng with a murderous intention.

It\'s not surprising that the cultivator world is so cruel. Killing and looting can be seen everywhere. It\'s normal for Lin Feng to get such a treasure and cause others to spy.

Lin Feng hugged the strong at the level of ancestors and then walked outside.


The strong man in the dark sneered, with a cold killing intention, especially for Lin Feng.

This is the existence of the ancestor level.

Lin Feng frowned and felt very difficult, but he was a little determined when he thought that the other party should not make a move in angry axe city.

"Brother Lin\'s luck is really good. The first stone cut out a good thing.".

Qian Ruiyuan said with envy.

"Just good luck," Lin Feng said with a smile.

An hour later, another courtyard in the depths was opened, and the stones of the dead Jedi were placed in it, but only a dozen stones were placed, which were quickly bought away.

"The quantity of stones is limited, so they will be robbed. Moreover, the stones mined by the death Jedi are too precious. The people who buy those stones will not cut stones here.".

Qian Ruiyuan said.

Lin Feng nods. He leaves with Qian Ruiyuan. Lin Feng plans to study the sky demon snake eye.

Qian Ruiyuan lives in Tianfeng bieyuan, where the environment is elegant and courtyards are scattered around.

Qian Ruiyuan asks Lin Feng to prepare the guest room. After chatting with Qian Ruiyuan for a while, Lin Feng returns to his room. He takes out the sky demon snake eye.


The sky demon snake eye blinked gently. Seeing the strange light flashing in the sky demon snake eye, Lin Feng felt that his body had fallen into the boundless purgatory. There was a shrill scream everywhere, just like a fierce ghost roaring. Lin Feng felt that his heart was about to crack and his soul was about to collapse. He couldn\'t help but scream and fell on the bed and gasped.