Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 866

Qian Ruiyuan looked at Lin Feng and asked suspiciously, "brother Lin, is there anything wrong?".

Lin Feng smiled and said, "I think that stone pier is good. Cut that stone pier first.".

"Poof...". Many people laughed. The stone pier has been here for many years. It\'s just a stone pier padded with stones. If there are treasures, can\'t so many stone gamblers find it?

"Boy, that\'s not stone.". Someone said.

Lin Feng smiled and said, "isn\'t it stone? I thought it was also stone, but I think the green skin of the stone pier has fallen off. It\'s old, and maybe there\'s something good.".

Many people convulsed violently at the corners of their mouths.

Someone said, "the more precious the stone, the more the outer skin will not fall off. A good stone will not fall off for hundreds of millions of years. The stone pier you mean is the stone skin falling off due to the wind and sun, rather than the stone skin falling off due to the age".

Lin Feng said, "is there such a saying? No wonder the three stones are moving. It seems that they are all high-grade stones, so they are still well preserved even though the years are long".

A monk nodded and said, "that\'s nature. The difference between good stone and ordinary stone is huge.".

"Thank you for telling me.".

Lin Feng hugged his fist, and then he looked at Qian Ruiyuan and said, "cut it, it\'s not worth money anyway.".

Qian Ruiyuan nodded, although he didn\'t think there was anything good in the stone pier.

But Qian Ruiyuan didn\'t want to refuse Lin Feng.

He invited Lin Feng to gamble. Naturally, he won\'t sweep Lin Feng\'s interest.

He looked at Jiang Chi and said, "I want this stone pier.".

Jiang Chi said with a smile, "what about this stone with wings on its back?".

"Put it first". Qian Ruiyuan said.

Jiang Chi nodded helplessly and glared at Lin Feng fiercely. If it weren\'t for the boy, Qian Ruiyuan would have bought this stone.

If Lin Feng didn\'t see Jiang Chi\'s eyes, he asked, "how many spirit stones are these stone piers?".

"The stone piers were shipped seven hundred years ago, and the essence of heaven and earth is also a treasure, so we will receive one thousand best Lingshi." Jiang Chi said.

Lin Feng rolled his eyes. Just now he clearly heard that the monks around him said it was not stone and was not worth money at all. The ginger pool was obviously a lion\'s mouth.

But Lin Feng didn\'t say much, because if it\'s really a good thing to cut out, what is a thousand best spirit stones? The best spiritual stones piled up in the mountains are not worth the treasure among the stones.

Qian Ruiyuan took out a thousand best spirit stones and gave them to Jiang Chi. Then he squatted in front of the stone pier and began to cut the stones.

Shua Shua

Pieces of stone skin were cut off.

The stone pier quickly becomes smaller.

But Qian Ruiyuan didn\'t cut anything.

"Ha ha, I already said that it was a common stone and would not cut anything at all".

"A thousand top-grade spirit stones bought such a broken stone pier. It was really miserable.".

"Where did Qian Ruiyuan\'s friend come from? His eyes are too bad?".

"Qian Ruiyuan actually believed his friend\'s nonsense. He could tell whether the stone was valuable only by five methods: seeing, vibrating, touching, feeling and understanding. The green skin of the stone mound fell off, and there was no energy fluctuation. He could be eliminated by two methods: seeing and feeling. The boy was a novice and didn\'t understand the rules of these industries." 。

Many people shook their heads just to see Lin Feng\'s and Qian Ruiyuan\'s jokes. After all, they bought a broken stone pier that had been put here for hundreds of years, and Shifang slaughtered a thousand of their best spirit stones, which naturally makes people feel ridiculous and generous.

Soon the stone was only as big as the mouth of the bowl. Qian Ruiyuan was not much disappointed, because he didn\'t think there could be anything good in this stone pier from beginning to end.

Qian Ruiyuan finally cut it off, but just cut a gap. A refreshing smell came out of the stone.

"My God, is there a holy medicine in it?". Many people were surprised.

A holy medicine is worth at least hundreds of thousands of top-grade spirit stones, and you may not be able to buy it if you have money.

This makes countless people\'s eyes straight, and even envy, envy and hate.

It\'s just a stone pier with stones. It\'s been here for hundreds of years.

Now I have to cut out the holy medicine.

How many people have seen that stone pier? But they all shook their heads and felt worthless.

Now many people\'s intestines are going to regret when they see that some holy medicine will be cut out.

Why didn\'t you identify the stone pier carefully?

If you identify it carefully, you may buy it.

Qian Ruiyuan also widened his eyes, full of unbelievable expressions. He suppressed his excitement and stabbed down.

The stone cracked.


Suddenly, a golden light rose into the sky. It was so fast that it wanted to escape.

Everyone was surprised. No one thought that the things in the stone would escape.

Isn\'t it a holy medicine?

Now it seems that it is not a holy medicine at all.

Lin Feng had already prepared. When the golden creature was about to escape, he directly sacrificed mana and imprisoned the golden creature.

At this time, everyone saw that it was a golden bug the size of a palm. The golden bug\'s body sent out medicine fragrance.

"It\'s the medicine King bug. It\'s actually the legendary medicine King bug.".

Countless shocked voices came out, and countless hot eyes looked at the golden bug.

"Medicine King bug" is the legendary spirit bug. It is said that the medicine King bug needs to devour 99 strains of medicine king before it can evolve into.

A drop of blood essence of the medicine King bug can restore the dying person as before.

A drop of the blood essence of the medicine King worm can prolong its life by 3000 years.

Any holy medicine is not worth mentioning in front of the medicine King worm.

If you can buy holy medicine by spending hundreds of thousands of top-grade spirit stones, the medicine King worm is priceless.

The medicine is gone after swallowing.

The medicine King bug is a living creature. Even if it takes out some of its blood essence, it can continue to live.

"Brother Qian, take away your medicine, King bug".

Lin Feng seals the medicine King worm in the porcelain bottle and gives it to Qian Ruiyuan.

"It\'s too expensive.". Qian Ruiyuan said.

Lin Feng asked him to cut the stone. He felt guilty.

Lin Feng smiled and said, "the friendship between you and me can\'t equal the value of just a medicine King worm?"

Qian Ruiyuan smiled and said, "good brother, it\'s my brother. I\'m hypocritical.".

Seeing Qian Ruiyuan taking the medicine, Lin Feng smiled.

Although the medicine King bug is precious, he doesn\'t need this kind of thing, because Lin Feng even has immortal medicine, which is far more effective than the medicine King bug.

He used a medicine King worm to close the relationship with Qian Ruiyuan, the direct descendant of the ancient emperor. In Lin Feng\'s view, it is naturally worth it.

Qian Ruiyuan takes the medicine King bug. Many people around him look at Qian Ruiyuan with envy and hatred.

The medicine King worm was cut out of the stone pier purchased by a thousand best spirit stones, which was a great luck.

Jiang Chi\'s mouth twitched violently, and he looked like crying without tears. He stayed here for more than 300 years, but he didn\'t expect that there was a drug king worm hidden in the humble stone pier.

I knew it. I cut it.

"I want that stone pier.".

"That stone pier belongs to me.".

Many people shouted and began to rob the stone pier of the yuan family\'s stone workshop. It was really ironic.

Lin Feng was walking in the stone square. Suddenly, his eyes were attracted by a stone.