Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 863

Deep in the courtyard, a monk cut a stone.

The stone is three meters high and one meter wide, only cutting a corner.

The sharp tip of the gun has been exposed. Obviously, it should be a magic weapon of a war gun.

"If your accomplishments are not enough, leave quickly. Otherwise, you will just die here in vain.".

A strong man said coldly, warning the friars in the courtyard.

Many people turned pale and withdrew from the courtyard.

Just cut a corner and the murderous spirit has killed more than a dozen monks.

It\'s hard to imagine what a big killer it would be if the stone was completely broken?

Friars who are not confident in their accomplishments naturally dare not stay in the courtyard.

It was a middle-aged monk who bought the stone. Now he is very excited.

Because among the stones, it is likely to be an unparalleled magic weapon.

"Taoist friend, can you transfer the stone to me?".

An old monk appeared.

"Jiang Zichuan, it\'s him. This is a supreme elder of the Taigu Jiang family. Even he was shocked.".

Someone recognized the identity of the old man. The origin was frightening.

Taigu Jiang family, this is the family of tongquetai gods.

Jiang Zichuan has a high status in the yuan family of Swire, and his arrival has caused quite a stir.

"I\'m short of a powerful weapon, so I can\'t give up my love.".

Said the middle-aged monk.

"No matter what kind of weapon, my Taigu Jiang family can give you, and will give you endless spiritual stones, natural materials, earth treasures and other cultivation resources to exchange this stone with you.".

Jiang Zichuan said.

"Thank you for your kindness, but I prefer the magic soldiers among the stones.". The middle-aged friar has a firm attitude and is unwilling to transfer stones.

Because he felt that what was sealed in the stone was an unparalleled divine soldier.

If so, then no matter how many treasures, they are far less than the value of the unparalleled divine soldiers.

Jiang Zichuan frowned slightly, but he didn\'t say anything.

The middle-aged monk held a stone cutter and carefully cut the stone.

Shua Shua!

Stone chips are flying.

As the stones were cut, the killing intention of the mysterious weapon became stronger and stronger.

Many people are unbearable and pale. They have to choose to withdraw from the courtyard and wait outside.

"Is there really a magic weapon among the stones?". Lin Feng said in surprise.

Qian Ruiyuan said, "I always feel that there is something wrong with the weapon, but I\'m not sure what\'s wrong. Let\'s see.".

Lin Feng nodded and stared at the continuously cut stone.

More and more weapons are exposed.

Finally, the stone was cut and the weapon appeared in everyone\'s sight.

It was a golden war gun about two meters long. The murderous spirit emanated from the war gun and almost destroyed the world.

"The breath is too strong. It may really be a magic weapon. I just don\'t know whether it can reach the level of ancient magic weapon?".

"It\'s definitely more than an ordinary magic weapon. Once activated, the power of this war gun must be unimaginable.".

"That guy is really the legacy of his ancestors. He cut such a magic weapon from the stone".

Many people looked at the middle-aged monk with envious eyes.

"What a treasure.".

The middle-aged friar was ecstatic. He grabbed the gun and shook it with force.


No one thought that the world\'s invincible war gun had directly broken into more than a dozen pieces.

The murderous Qi that could have split the world disappeared in an instant.

"Ah! What\'s going on, my magic soldier". Unable to accept all this, the middle-aged friar knelt on the ground and roared in pain.

"It was a destroyed magic weapon. No wonder the murderous spirit was so powerful. I guess when the magic weapon was sealed by stone, the murderous spirit did not completely dissipate. It was sealed by stone together with the murderous spirit. Now the stone is broken, the murderous spirit overflows, and the magic weapon is completely destroyed.".

"Lost all spirituality, even runes are disconnected, and have been completely turned into a pile of scrap iron".

Many people shake their heads.

Jiang Zichuan is a happy expression, because just now he wanted to buy at a sky high price.

Now, seeing the magic soldiers turned into scrap iron, I feel that it\'s lucky that the middle-aged friars didn\'t sell it. Otherwise, this pile of scrap iron will fall into my own hands.

"Empty joy", Lin Feng shook his head slightly.

Qian Ruiyuan said, "this kind of thing often happens. Many people think they have cut good things out of the stone, and then they are ecstatic. Finally, they find that the cut things have no value at all. This contrast makes many people go crazy directly. This monk is not forced crazy. It is good.".

Lin Feng said, "is there any stone mined from the dead Jedi in this courtyard?".

Qian Ruiyuan nodded and said, "this is the stone workshop of the Zhou empire. Naturally, there are such high-grade stones.".

Lin Feng was surprised and said, "the great Zhou empire is located in Zhongzhou. How did you open Shifang to the wasteland?".

Qian Ruiyuan said, "it\'s not surprising that our Qian family also opened a stone workshop in Yuzhou, because there is a death Jedi in Yuzhou. In fact, many top forces will open stone workshops near the death Jedi, because there are always some people who are not afraid of death who will venture into the death Jedi to open quarries and then transport them out. The stones mined in the death Jedi are purchased by the top forces." 。

"Yeah.". Lin Feng nodded.

Qian Ruiyuan said, "brother Lin, do you have any stones you like? You might as well try your luck.".

Lin Feng said, "I didn\'t have any experience when I came to Shifang for the first time. Brother Qian, help yourself. I\'ll look around.".

"OK". Qian Ruiyuan nodded and walked in the courtyard, observing the stones placed everywhere in the courtyard.

There were many guests in the stone workshop of the Zhou empire. Many people gathered in front of some stones to point out and talk.

From time to time, guests buy stones.

Lin Feng came to a corner of the courtyard, where a piece of cyan stone was placed. The stone skin had fallen off in many places, and the luster of the stone was dim and no one paid attention to it.

Lin Feng tried to peep inside the stone with his mind, hoping to find clues. He found that the stone was very strange and could block the monk\'s mind.

"How do you sell this stone?" Lin Feng called a green deacon and asked.

The deacon in Qingyi said, "one hundred top-grade spirit stones".

"Such a stone that nobody cares about needs a hundred top-grade spirit stones?".

Lin Feng was surprised that the price of the stone was too expensive.

Deacon Qingyi said, "childe, the stones in the stone workshop of the Zhou empire are all high-grade stones. Naturally, they are not comparable to those ordinary goods outside. The price of this stone is already the lowest. Childe, look at some stones over there, there are tens of thousands of top-grade spirit stones. Of course, the more expensive the stones are, the easier it is to cut good things.".

"OK, I\'ll take this stone.". Lin Feng nodded. He took out 100 top-grade spirit stones and handed them to the deacon in Qingyi.

Deacon Qingyi presented Lin Feng with a stone cutter. Lin Feng looked at it for a moment and began to cut the stone with the stone cutter.

Not many people pay attention to Lin Feng, because this stone is too common. It is the lowest stone in the courtyard both in shape and color.

Shua Shua

Pieces of stone skin were cut off.

The stone with a diameter of half a meter was soon cut to the size of a fist, but nothing was cut out.

Even the few monks who paid attention to Lin Feng\'s stone cutting looked elsewhere.

Lin Feng shook his head slightly. Although he knew that gambling stone depended on luck, after all, he spent 100 top-grade spirit stones to buy stones. He couldn\'t cut anything out. Naturally, he was a little disappointed.

He took the knife up and down, cut it down with the last knife, and cut the stone the size of his fist.


Then, a terrible smell came out of the cracked stone.

Like a wild beast resurrected.

"God, has anyone cut out the peerless treasure?".

"Look over there, the magic fog is towering. The boy cut out good things.".

Many monks exclaimed and quickly surrounded Lin Feng.

Endless magic fog surged out. In the magic fog, a black pupil floated and sank.

He cut out an eye.

Many people were moved, and countless eyes looked at the eyeball.

"What is this?". Lin Feng was surprised. It was really a surprise.

I cut out such an eyeball at the last moment, but I don\'t know what it is?


Suddenly, the eye blinked.

Suddenly, in the sky, there were dark clouds, thunder and lightning, and violent storms swept the world.

"My God, what kind of eyeball is that? A slight blink caused such a terrible vision of heaven and earth?".

A lot of people yell, unbelievable.

Then the hot eyes looked at the mysterious eyeballs floating in the black fog.

It\'s definitely a peerless treasure.