Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 862

Outside the hall.

Wang Hu said, "senior brother, the guest has arrived.".

Lin Feng\'s voice came from the hall, "OK, you step back.".

"Yes", Wang Hu nodded and retreated.

"Please enter the hall for a chat.". Lin Feng said.

The middle-aged monk nodded and entered the hall. He saw a young childe sitting in the hall.

The middle-aged friar only felt that the young childe was handsome, elegant, and had an unspeakable temperament.

He said in his heart, "no wonder the childe told me before leaving that if I saw the childe Lin, I should be careful. Qian Zong was well-informed. I don\'t know how many young Tianjiao I met, but I rarely saw such a young childe who was born to be an emperor."

"What\'s your name?" Lin Feng opened his eyes and looked at the middle-aged monk.

Qian Zong did not dare to neglect. He hugged his fist and said, "I don\'t know if you still remember your old friend in Huolong town?".

Fire dragon town?

Lin Feng was slightly surprised. His thoughts pulled back to six years ago.

That year, in Huolong Town, I met Wuliang Taoist for the first time and bought a tin of swallowing heaven from Wuliang Taoist.

That year, in Huolong Town, I saw the descendants of the ancient holy land for the first time.

That year in Huolong town

Lin Feng was surprised and said, "is it the clansman of brother Qian Ruiyuan?".

In the past, Qian Ruiyuan appeared in Huolong town and asked a herbalist to help break the "black iron wood".

No one succeeded.

It was not until Lin Feng finally shot and used the sky fire that he successfully broke the black iron wood and helped Qian Ruiyuan take out the tree core among the black iron wood.

Years passed in a flash.

"It seems that childe Lin hasn\'t forgotten. Now there are a batch of stones in angry axe city. My childe is gambling in angry axe city. Thinking of his old friends, he sent me to invite childe Lin to meet in angry axe city.".

Qian Zong said.

Qian Ruiyuan is a descendant of the ancient emperor. He has a huge power. Lin Feng is not surprised that he can find out about himself.

Qian Ruiyuan is the son of the most top aristocratic family in tianwu mainland.

He is from the ancient Saint empress. If you talk about it, Jiang yudie\'s identity should be lower than Qian Ruiyuan.

It is also a Taigu force.

Naturally, he is the direct descendant of the ancient emperor, and his status is the most noble.

Lin Feng\'s impression of Qian Ruiyuan is also quite good. Although Qian Ruiyuan is the descendant of the ancient emperor, he does not have the arrogant attitude of being superior and invincible.

"I haven\'t thought of brother Qian coming to the wasteland for many years. Please lead the way.".

Lin Feng got up.

"Young master Lin, come with me".

They went out of the hall, took the white crane, drove the white crane and left.

Half a month later, Lin Feng came to angry axe city and met Qian Ruiyuan.

"Brother Lin, how are you after a long absence?". Qian Ruiyuan said with a smile.

Lin Feng hugged his fist and said, "everything is fine, brother. How are you?".

Qian Ruiyuan said with a smile, "brother Lao is worried. I\'m all right. I wanted to visit Qingyun sect, but now a batch of precious stones appear. I can\'t get away. I also think that if brother Lin misses the stones, I\'ll be very sorry, so Qian Zong asked brother Lin to invite him to a gambling stone.".

Of course, Lin Feng has heard of gambling stones. There are stone squares in many cities. Many people like to go to stone squares to gamble.

Some stones may have buried treasures.

Such as Wannian jadeite, Imperial Green, blood agate... These are the most precious varieties of jade.

For example, a ten thousand year jade can sell hundreds of thousands of top-grade spirit stones.

If it is imperial green, the transaction price can reach millions of best spirit stones.

Cut out a piece of Imperial Green, which can feed an ancient sect for many years.


Imperial Green which is so easy to cut out? For decades or even hundreds of years, someone may not be able to cut out this kind of thing.

Many monks are keen on gambling stones, but Lin Feng has never been to the stone workshop. He is not interested in gambling stones.

Lin Feng said, "I didn\'t expect brother Qian to be so interested in gambling stone.".

Qian Ruiyuan seems to see Lin Feng\'s lack of interest in "gambling stone".

He said, "brother Lin, the stone excavated by Nu axe city this time is not ordinary stone.".

"Oh? What\'s special?". Lin Feng asked.

"This batch of stones were collected in Luoshen cliff by a group of quarrymen in Nu axe city at the risk of their lives".

Qian Ruiyuan said.

Lin Feng was surprised. Luoshen cliff is a death Jedi. Now Luoshen cliff is a hundred miles away and there is no grass. Now there are lonely ghosts wandering around that place, and few people dare to go.

However, the quarryman was so bold that he dared to enter the Luoshen cliff to collect stones.

"The stone is located in the sixth mountain range of Luoshen cliff. It is said that there seems to be some changes in the monarch of Luoshen cliff and the master of Luoshen cliff, so the stone quarryers risked their lives to enter it for quarrying and brought out many precious stones".

Qian Ruiyuan said, "ordinary stones can dig out some precious jade, which is the limit, but the stones in the dead Jedi can often dig out some extremely rare things, such as divine bones, divine soldiers, divine stones, etc."

Death Jedi, unlike other places, hide great secrets.

When God enters it, he will fall.

It is said that the death Jedi themselves are the cemetery for the burial of gods and demons.

So the stone in the death Jedi is really different.

As Qian Ruiyuan said, extremely precious things can be cut out of the stones of the death Jedi.

Lin Feng was not interested, and said, "listen to brother Qian, I also want to try my luck to see if I can cut out a few divine bones containing ancient supernatural powers.".

"Ha ha, brother Lin, if you\'re lucky, it\'s possible to cut out this kind of thing, but the Shifang will open every afternoon. Let\'s eat something first."

Qian Ruiyuan said.

In the afternoon, they went to Shifang together.

I saw people coming and going in the stone workshop, which was very lively.

On both sides of the street, there are many stalls with all kinds of stones.

Many people are bargaining with the stall owner.

Lin Feng came to a place like Shifang for the first time, so he was curious and of course very shocked. The excitement of Shifang was beyond Lin Feng\'s imagination.

"The stones set up on both sides of these streets are the lowest stones, and the stones in the shops on both sides are much higher. Look at the huge courtyards in the depths, where the stones are precious.".

Qian Ruiyuan said.

Lin Feng nodded.

In Shifang, the bigger the shop, the bigger the business.

The larger the business, the more precious the stones inside.

"Someone cut out a magic weapon. The murderous spirit overflowed and split the void. I\'m afraid it\'s an ancient magic weapon.".

At this time, a cry of surprise came from the depths.

Cut out the ancient magic weapon from the stone.

The news immediately caused an uproar, and countless people rushed to the huge courtyard where the magic soldiers were cut out.

Lin Feng was surprised, "even the Taigu magic soldiers have been cut out. This is going against the sky.".

Let\'s go and have a look. Qian Ruiyuan said.

He and Lin Feng walked towards the deep courtyard. As soon as they entered the courtyard, they felt that there was a terrible killing intention in the courtyard.

Many monks who entered the courtyard were shocked by the murderous spirit and vomited blood. Some friars with weak cultivation were directly torn and died miserably on the spot.

The weapon in the stone is terrible.