Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 861

"Even God is dead. Run away quickly...".

Countless people shouted in horror, and the monks in Aotian ancient capital were completely in a mess.

Dugu family, the top ten families, all fled madly.

Now the two sides are not dead. Without Lin Feng\'s order, the four City allied forces will not let go of the Dugu family and the top ten families.

A few people escaped from the sky and most were killed.

This kind of war between big forces is so cruel. Once a war breaks out, it must be killed. Otherwise, it may be retaliated in the future.

Some friars of the four cities allied army went to chase and kill the friars who escaped from Aotian ancient capital.

Some monks began to look for Dugu family, the ten families, the treasure house of these families.

Dugu family living room.

"It\'s reported that the things in the treasure houses of various families have been counted. There are three Taoist weapons, namely ice fire war gun, dragon killing sword and dragon burning knife... There are 18700 peak treasures and high-level treasures...".

Soon someone came to report the spoils of the campaign.

There are hundreds of thousands of various magic weapons, spiritual stones are piled up, and there are many magic scripts and so on.

"Tell Mr. Lin that he found an ancient bronze book in Dugu family.".

An elder of Riyue city who counted the booty hurriedly came to report.

He held an ancient bronze book in his hand.

Lin Feng was surprised that bronzes were very precious.

He took over the ancient bronze book and saw that distorted runes appeared on it.

"Array pattern".

Lin Feng was surprised.

The ancient bronze book is sealed by runes. To open the ancient bronze book, you need to crack the runes recorded on it, but obviously, it takes some time.

Lin Feng put away the ancient bronze book.

There are too many treasures from eleven families in Aotian ancient capital. It took five days and five nights to count them.

The next step is to distribute these babies.

"I\'ll take away the magic weapons at the Taoist level, and the remaining spirit stones, supernatural powers, magic weapons, etc. will be distributed by your major forces through negotiation".

Lin Feng said.

Everyone nodded, and everyone had no opinion.

There are only three pieces of Dao weapon level treasure. Lin Feng can take them all. If they are used for distribution, how can dozens of families in the four ancient cities divide them into three pieces?

Then you can\'t fight?

Lin Feng also saw this, so he took the three Taoist weapons.

"As I said before, you will never treat you badly if you follow me. Among these porcelain vases, there is the origin of God. Take one for each force.".

Lin Feng waved his right hand and thirty-six porcelain bottles fell on the table.

"The origin of God?".

All the high-rise voices of the four ancient cities trembled violently.

They know what the origin of God represents.

Whether it is direct refining or medicine refining, the origin of God can play a role against heaven.

After refining the source of God, the body will be improved by the source of God.

At that time, cultivation is bound to advance by leaps and bounds.

To put it bluntly, even a mountain of treasures is far from the value of a bottle of God\'s origin.

After a brief stupor, the high-level leaders of all the great forces in the four ancient cities shouted in unison.

"Thank you, childe Lin, for your reward. In the future, we are willing to work for childe, go up the knife mountain and down the sea of fire, and we won\'t frown.".

The top leaders of all families began to express their heartfelt feelings.

This time, they followed Lin Feng to besiege the ancient capital of Aotian and witnessed the legendary event of Tu God.

The original territory of Aotian ancient capital will be divided up among the four ancient cities in the future. In addition, all the treasures of the 11 families headed by Dugu family will also become the things in the pockets of the families of the four ancient cities.

Even, the major forces of the four ancient cities have been rewarded by the "origin of God".

Lin Feng\'s palm is an ancient magic weapon, which can kill gods.

Now Lin Feng is like a God among many families in the four ancient cities.

Naturally, they should seize this opportunity and follow Lin Feng.

Lin Feng said meaningfully, "this is Dongjun Shenzhou. You operate well. I hope you don\'t let me down.".

Everyone looked shocked, and Lin Feng\'s words were obviously meaningful.

It seems that childe Lin wants to build his own power?

Thinking of this, the top leaders of all major families were excited.

In their view, if Lin Feng wants to build his own force, this force must be a huge force that can resist the Taigu force in the future.

Moreover, they will be the first family to obey Lin Feng. This is the elder.

"We will certainly live up to the childe\'s expectations".

Many high-level leaders of big forces hurriedly said.

Lin Feng nodded with satisfaction. These people are smart people. They don\'t need to speak too clearly.

The next day, Lin Feng returned to Zhenwu state accompanied by Long Fu, the ancestor of Zhenwu state.

Dugu Aotian was also taken to the Zhenwu Kingdom and temporarily imprisoned in the prison of the Zhenwu kingdom.

Lin Feng reunited with Xiao Yafei, Su Zimo and others in the imperial capital.

He began to arrange Xiao Yafei, Su Zimo, ouyangli, Zhang Shichu and other friends to join the four ancient cities for cultivation.

At the same time, Lin Feng gives the Dragon killing sword to Shangguan Feier and asks her to defend herself with this treasure.

On the third day after returning to the imperial capital, Lin Feng interrogated Dugu Aotian, but Dugu Aotian was so strict that it was difficult to interrogate useful information.

Lin Feng used the soul searching method to search the soul directly. There was a memory of God in Dugu Aotian\'s soul memory.

God comes from a mysterious world.

But I don\'t know where it comes from.

"Little bastard, God will come again. At that time, the coming God will be stronger. At that time, you will have no place to die."

Dugu Aotian cursed.

"Pull out and kill late". Lin Feng waved his hand.


Even if the guards dragged Dugu Aotian out, they cut off Dugu Aotian\'s flesh piece by piece with a bone cutting knife.

This is lingchi.

The most cruel punishment.

After staying in Dongjun Shenzhou for half a month, Lin Feng left Dongjun Shenzhou and returned directly to Qingyun sect.

But obviously, the destruction of the ancient capital of Aotian in Dongjun has caused an uproar in 72 northern states.

But Lin Feng has left the storm center. After returning to Qingyun sect, everyone on the supreme peak has got a bottle of the origin of God.

This made everyone ecstatic, and everyone closed their doors to refine the origin of God.

At night, Lin Feng sat cross legged, and the source of God in the Dantian was as vast as the sea.

Lin Feng\'s cultivation has gone from the initial level of the eight fold heaven in the realm of yin and yang to the high level, which only consumes a small part of the source of God.

Lin Feng felt that the source of God in the elixir field was enough for him to practice to the peak of the realm of creation.

Half a month later, many people who closed the door to practice went out one after another. Although everyone only refined a small part of the origin of God, everyone\'s cultivation has been greatly improved.

Both Shi Weizhu and Bai Ying have broken through the realm of yin and Yang.

Wang Hu, Mo Yuning, Ma Yong, Liu Ge and Wu Xiuer directly broke through the realm of yin and Yang.

There are eight people on the supreme peak of Lin Feng. Now all the breakthroughs have broken through the realm of yin and Yang. If it is spread, there will be an uproar in Qingyun sect.

This kind of thing was too shocking. Wang Hu and others didn\'t say anything. They practiced silently and precipitated their accomplishments. Everything on the supreme peak was going on in an orderly manner.

Lin Feng intended to strengthen the defense array of the supreme peak. He placed the ice fire gun in the center of the supreme peak array.

Based on this Taoist instrument, the large array is re reinforced, and the power of the large array of the supreme peak is greatly improved. With Taoist instruments to guard the supreme peak, even if the friars in the realm of creation want to break the Dharma array of the supreme peak, it is not so easy.

Half a month later, the dragon eggs Lin Feng got hatched. Lin Feng handed the young dragon to Wang Hu to take good care of him. In the future, the young dragon will grow up and become the guardian spirit beast of the supreme peak.

After another half month, Lin Feng\'s cultivation reached the peak of the eight fold heaven in the realm of yin and Yang. Lin Feng also began to prepare for breaking through the nine fold heaven in the realm of yin and Yang.

He is now refining the source of God, and the speed has increased more than ten times. Lin Feng estimates that he should have no problem entering the realm of creation within a year.

"Senior brother, there is someone asking for a meeting outside," Wang Hu said, standing outside the Linfeng hall.

"Oh? Who?". Lin Feng was surprised.

"Said it was the man of angry axe city". Wang Hudao.

"Angry axe city?" Lin Feng frowned.

This angry axe city is an ancient city as famous as the northern wasteland city and one of the top ten ancient cities in the wasteland. However, I have never been to angry axe City, let alone know the monks of angry axe city.

Someone came to see him in anger axe City, which made Lin Feng very confused. He didn\'t know who to deal with.

"Bring people.". Lin Feng said that he was very curious about who the visitors from angry axe city were.