Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 860

"Hoo Hoo...".

Lin Feng gasped violently. He was almost cut by the waist. Under the repair of the immortal body, he recovered a little bit.

Take it.

Lin Feng threw a precious elixir to Dugu Aotian.

Dugu Aotian\'s Kung Fu was indispensable in this battle.

"Xie Lin Daoyou".

Dugu Aotian quickly swallowed Wannian\'s elixir into his stomach. Under the treatment of Wannian\'s elixir, Dugu Aotian\'s face recovered a little blood color.

"Dugu Wutian, you\'re such a hard-working person. You\'ve ruined my Dantian."

Dugu Aotian roared, his face twisted.

Dugu Aotian said, "Dugu Aotian, you evil thief, for your own selfish desires, you have eradicated 172 forces and killed 35 million innocent people. I was your accomplice. I felt uneasy every day and was ashamed of those people who died miserably. After being enlightened by Taoist Lin, I abandoned you in the dark and turned to the light. Abolishing you today is a matter for the benefit of the common people. If there is such a chance Yes, I will still abolish you without hesitation.

Hearing Dugu Aotian\'s words, Dugu Aotian was very angry and spewed out a mouthful of blood.

Lin Feng looked at Dugu Aotian indifferently, "justice is more helpful than injustice. Your fate today is doomed when you do evil. Dugu Aotian, take care of this person. Don\'t let him die. The war is over. I have something else to ask him."

Lin Feng throws Dugu Aotian to Dugu Wutian. Then he sends an order to the green Mantis Scorpion King to kill Dugu Xutian together with Han Zihua and others.

After the green Mantis Scorpion King got the order, he led the swarm of insects to kill him.

Lin Feng is running without killing his mind. He is hurt too badly and has no power to fight again.

On the nine days, after the demon king collided with God, he accumulated strength again.


The demon king and God shot again.

Demon God nine cuts.

Second cut.

Void broken!

"Divine punishment, second strike, jiuxiao divine robbery".


The attacks of the two sides blasted together again.

The battle of gods is not what ordinary people can imagine.

Around the demon king and God, illusions are crumbling and gathering.

They killed each other and broke the earth.

The demon God nine cuts and punishes the God. The two sides fight miserably. The God\'s body is broken down and blood flows out.

The original power of the demon king was wiped out, and his body became illusory.

The demon king and God were hurt to varying degrees.

"Ha ha, it seems that you can\'t hold on. Without flesh, you can\'t hold on for too long.".

God was sneering and killing, and he became more and more confident about the war.

He could feel that the power of the demon king was weakening.

"If I put a role like you in Taigu, I can crush it with one hand." the demon king\'s voice was cold.

"This is not an ancient era".

God\'s voice was indifferent. He shot again to defeat the demon king quickly.

The demon king glanced at Lin Feng\'s Dantian coldly, "still dormant, the origin of God, don\'t you want it?".

The demon king\'s voice fell, and the void around him twisted.

The magic bead and the dark magic book flew out and were shrouded in the black fog.

Lin Feng was surprised. It seems that the demon king really only temporarily lives in the "magic bead".

It seems that the magic bead also has its own spirit. Otherwise, how can the magic bead fly out automatically?

The mysterious and evil books have always been very strange.

He flew out. Lin Feng was not surprised.


On the nine days, the divine light surges, the evil spirit rolls, and the evil spirit blocks out the sky and the sun.

No one can see the war above the sky.

The war there was so fierce that everyone was far away from the battlefield.

Even Lin Feng can\'t see what happened to the war.

"My strength is limited and I can\'t participate in God\'s war. However, since the demon king, magic bead and xuanming magic book have all shot, I guess they must have a way to kill God. These guys won\'t shoot in vain. They want the origin of melon distraction. I also want to seize the opportunity to devour the origin of God. I can\'t afford those guys.".

Lin Feng gritted his teeth.

"Magic beads, dark magic books, aren\'t these two treasures that have been destroyed in ancient times? Why did they appear?".

God cried out in disbelief.

Then his eyes turned to Lin Feng below.

"It\'s the boy. In his body, there is not only guilty blood, but even a more terrible blood force. What blood force can surpass guilty blood? Is it that race?".

Suddenly, God cried out in disbelief.

He thought of the legendary race.

Breaking through the undead world, overthrowing the Chaos Tower, slaughtering the nine heavens, and overturning the eighteen layers of Hades... Only that race has such terrible blood.


The demon king didn\'t speak. When he was distracted and exclaimed, he rushed up.

At the same time, xuanming magic book and magic beads also flew out.

They besieged God together.

Chains appeared in the magic beads, winding towards the God.

On the xuanming magic book, there are dense words of Tao.

Hundreds of words.

Together to suppress God.

The demon king turned into a hot sun and suppressed the past.


God shot to resist the siege of demon king, magic bead and xuanming magic book.

The two sides fought fiercely together.

Xuanming Magic Book seized an opportunity, and two words poured into God\'s body.

One of these two words is "God".

One is the word "meteorite".

Together, it is the word "divine meteorite".

These two words hit God very hard.

God roared into the sky.

He wanted to force the two words out of his body.

But he didn\'t.


The two words exploded, and the body of God began to crumble.

"Kill him".

The demon king and the magic bead rushed up.

A powerful attack kills Xiang God.

"Why is this? I\'m God, and I was destroyed by you.".

God roared angrily. He was very unwilling.

But he couldn\'t resist.

Under the combined attack of demon king, magic bead and xuanming magic book, the flesh of God exploded.

"God remembers you. When the God appears, you will all die.".

God\'s voice fell.

Even the soul broke.

The origin of God is scattered over the nine heavens.

Demon king, magic bead and xuanming magic book all began to devour the origin of God.

"The source of God, swallow it for me.".

Lin Feng also rushed up and began to devour the origin of God.

Demon Jun, xuanming magic book, and magic bead are so angry that they want to sweep Lin Feng out.

"Three short-sighted guys, let\'s share the origin of God and continue to cooperate in the future. If you want to swallow the origin of God alone, let\'s face the sky and go one side in the future.".

Lin Feng shouted.


The demon king snorted coldly and ignored Lin Feng, but devoured the origin of God madly.

The same is true of xuanming magic book and magic bead.

Lin Feng breathed.

Devour the soul of martial arts, and the origin of God is devoured continuously.