Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 859

Blood god axe, God devil meteorite!

This blow enveloped Lin Feng and made Lin Feng feel the smell of death.

This feeling is too bad.

The breath of death enveloped his whole body. Lin Feng felt that his body couldn\'t move.

"Xingtian war intention"!

Lin Feng roared.

The war spirit in his body was like the sea, surging out. He used the war spirit of Xingtian to resolve the oppression of the virtual shadow of blood god.

The axe breaks the sky.

Lin Feng roared, and the axe light came out of the void.

Xing Tian\'s war intention and the move of breaking the sky with an axe are displayed together, and their power is doubled.

Because Xing Tian is known as the first God of war in ancient times, he is extremely domineering, and Lin Feng\'s axe light attack itself belongs to the domineering type of attack.

So they complement each other.

Bang Dang.

The attacks of both sides immediately collided.

A destructive force swept out of the center of the collision.

Lin Feng was shocked and flew out for tens of thousands of meters, bleeding all over, while Dugu Aotian was shocked and retreated again and again.

However, Dugu Aotian was so strong that he didn\'t get hurt, but continued to rush to Lin Feng.

"Boy, die.".

Dugu Aotian killed him again with an axe.

His offensives continued one after another, leaving Lin Feng no chance to breathe.

"Come out...".

Lin Feng\'s eyes were cold and quickly opened the slave bag.

The insects immediately flew out.

Under the leadership of the green mantis and scorpion king, an overwhelming number of poisonous insects killed Dugu Aotian.

The green Mantis Scorpion King hid among the insects and lurked towards Dugu Aotian.

"Damn it.".

Seeing the insects coming, Dugu Aotian could not help cursing. He was about to kill Lin Feng, but now there was such a change. He was naturally very depressed.

"Axe sweeps all directions".

Dugu Aotian shouted coldly and swept out with a bloody axe in his hand.



The dense axe light condensed into a huge net and swept around.

When the swarm is killed.

Countless poisonous insects were killed by the huge net formed by axe light.

But there are too many poisonous insects.

So some poisonous insects broke through Dugu Aotian\'s defense.


The poisonous insect bit Dugu Aotian.

Dugu Aotian snorted, "it\'s poisonous, but it\'s useless for me. On the contrary, it can stimulate my more powerful combat power.".

Dugu Aotian\'s body absorbed the poison of poisonous insects, which stimulated his body. Dugu Aotian\'s combat effectiveness was even more violent.

"Such a pervert...".

Lin Feng looked gloomy, and Dugu Aotian\'s strength was beyond imagination. In this way, millions of insects will die, and it is estimated that Dugu Aotian will not be hurt.

"I still have bronze fragments to use.". Lin Feng bit his teeth and decided to use the baby.

This is a fragment of the emperor\'s weapon. It\'s powerful, but the consumption is too serious.

In the past, when Lin Feng\'s cultivation was low, he urged the bronze fragments, and his internal strength was immediately pumped clean, and he would fall into a weak state.

Now cultivation has been improved.

However, if the bronze fragments are urged, most of their strength will be taken away, and their combat power will plummet in an instant.

Therefore, Lin Feng would not use the bronze fragments until he had to.

But now, the situation is critical.

It\'s time to use bronze fragments.

"Break Dugu Aotian\'s axe net with me".

Lin Feng looked at Dugu Aotian.

Dugu Aotian nodded and killed Lin Feng.

"Three shots of death".

Dugu Aotian shouted loudly and stabbed him three times in a row.

Three guns in one.

Then he stabbed forward with a hard shot.

"Black dragon sword, cut".

Lin Feng roared. He integrated the sword meaning and heaven and earth sword formula into the black dragon sword and killed the strongest sword.

"It\'s just overkill yourself and die.".

Seeing Lin Feng and Dugu Aotian killing each other, Dugu Aotian not only didn\'t have any fear, but also sneered. He swept his axe and burst out his violent power.

The cultivation of the five Heaven of the realm of creation.

Keng Keng.

Two consecutive sounds like the impact of an iron tower came out.

Axe light, gun shadow and sword Qi crisscross and collide with each other.

Dugu Aotian was so strong that he broke the attack of Lin Feng and Dugu Wutian.

Then the axe light came.


Lin Feng and Dugu Wutian were badly hurt. They were almost cut in the waist and shed blood.

"Hahaha, you are too weak. You can\'t stand a blow in front of the city master.".

Dugu Aotian was so arrogant that he swept all directions with a blood axe and killed countless poisonous insects. Then he jumped out and hit Lin Feng and Dugu Wutian directly.

He wanted to kill two people with an axe.

"My life is over.".

Dugu Aotian roared sadly.


The friars of the four City allied forces changed color together.

If Lin Feng is dead.

Then the four City allied forces will be defeated. At that time, all the families participating in the war will be destroyed by Aotian ancient capital.

"The boy is dying.".

"Dugu Aotian, that traitor is going to die.".

The monks in Aotian ancient capital were all excited.

Lin Feng and Dugu Wutian are about to be killed.


A flash of light.

A poor man flew out.

The ancient emperor is poor and strange.

This is the part of Lin Feng\'s sacrifice. He has never sacrificed the poor strange part. He is waiting for this moment.


Dugu Aotian\'s attack was so powerful that poor Qi\'s hard body was almost split in half by Dugu Aotian, but poor Qi\'s split body resisted the fatal blow for Lin Feng and Dugu Wutian.


A cyan light shot out like lightning.

Lin Feng mobilized all the mana in his body and sacrificed the bronze fragments.


Dugu Aotian\'s face changed greatly. He wanted to escape, but he was too close to Lin Feng. They were only five meters apart.

At such a close distance, Dugu Aotian had no time to escape.

The bronze fragment broke through Dugu Aotian\'s chest directly. Dugu Aotian screamed and his body flew out. The bloody axe light and huge net around him collapsed directly, and a large number of poisonous insects killed him. A large number of toxins poured into Dugu Aotian\'s body, and the sharp claws of the green Mantis Scorpion King directly pierced Dugu Aotian\'s chest.


Dugu Aotian jumped up and stabbed him with a death gun.

The blow burst into Dugu Aotian\'s Dantian.

"Ah". Dugu Aotian screamed.

The elixir field was destroyed and his cultivation was exhausted.

Lin Feng\'s immortal body made him recover. He flew over and grabbed Dugu Aotian in his hand.

"Hahaha, Dugu Aotian has been abolished. All these friars in Aotian\'s ancient capital will be cut off without leaving any.".

Lin Feng roared.


The monks in the city of death were excited. They thought Lin Feng would die, but they didn\'t expect Dugu Aotian to be abandoned.

Now the morale of the four City allied forces is greatly boosted.

"The city Lord has been abolished. Run away quickly.". The friars of all families in Aotian ancient capital cried out in horror and fled in all directions.

If the four City allied forces enter the uninhabited territory, they will kill the Holocaust.

Soon, the ancient capital of Aotian was full of blood.


On the nine days, the demon king showed the demon God nine cuts and collided with the God.

The terrible energy afterwave radiated and hit the ground.

Go back.

Lin Feng\'s face changed greatly and shouted. He flew to the distance.

Countless people fled in embarrassment.


The energy afterwave of the battle between the demon king and God swept away, and half of the ancient capital of Aotian was destroyed in an instant.

I don\'t know how many people died.

This is God\'s battle, raising his hand, destroying heaven and earth, covering his hand, and breaking mountains and rivers.