Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 858


Lin Feng was shocked in vain and retreated violently, but he was locked by Dugu Aotian\'s blow.

The situation is extremely critical.

Suddenly, behind Dugu Aotian, Dugu Aotian stabbed Dugu Aotian with a death gun.

Dugu Aotian felt the cold light coming from behind. How dare he continue to attack Lin Feng?

Backhand is an axe sweeping back.


The bloody axe collides with the death gun, such as the divine soldier collision, and the sound swings in ten directions.

Thump, thump, thump.

Dugu Aotian was shocked by Dugu Aotian\'s attack and retreated more than ten steps. Dugu Aotian, as the strongest person in the ancient capital of Aotian, was at least four or five times the realm of nature.

Seeing that Dugu Aotian was the one who did it, Dugu Aotian roared angrily, "Dugu Aotian, you have betrayed the city master.".

Dugu Aotian\'s eyes were full of killing intention, but he still couldn\'t believe that Dugu Aotian would betray him.

"Wutian, what\'s the matter with you? You should unite with the little villains of the Lin family to deal with adults".

In the other direction, a monk named Dugu Xun Tian shouted angrily.

Dugu Aotian and Dugu Aotian were both slaves who raised horses for Dugu Aotian.

Later, by chance, they mistakenly took the dragon heart grass, and their bodies were changed by the dragon heart grass, gradually showing their talents.

Seeing that the two slaves were so talented, Dugu Aotian gave them the family name of Dugu family, and gave them the names of "Wutian" and "patrolling heaven" respectively.

Then let them join the Aotian army and climb to their current position step by step. One is the head of the Aotian army and the other is the deputy head.

Dugu Aotian\'s cultivation is indispensable to their achievements.

So they were always very sincere to Dugu Aotian.

Even if Dugu Aotian asked them to kill the people, they would not hesitate to do it.

Dugu Aotian said, "patrol the sky, how many unreasonable things have we done for Dugu Aotian in recent years? Ask yourself, don\'t you feel guilty? Now put down the butcher\'s knife and have a chance to turn around. If you continue to be stubborn, you will sooner or later be sent to the 18th floor of hell and never be reborn."

"I think you\'re out of your mind.". Dugu Aotian rushed to Dugu Aotian with a big dragon\'s head knife. He sneered and said, "dare to betray your adult, today I will kill your head for your adult, and you can only atone for it with death".

"Let\'s kill Dugu Xun Tian together.".

Han Zihua shouted in a deep voice and led the experts of scholar\'s city to besiege Dugu.

They seemed very careful, because even han zi\'s paintings did not break through the realm of creation, so these people besieged Dugu Xun Tian in the realm of creation, relying on the absolute advantage of numbers and magic weapons to suppress Dugu Xun Tian.


In the void, Lin Feng killed Dugu Aotian directly.

"Boy, just because of your accomplishments, you want to fight with the city master. It\'s really beyond your power.".

Dugu Aotian was so arrogant that his bloody axe suddenly shook.

The blood light flew out and broke Lin Feng\'s attack in an instant.

"Dugu Aotian is a five Heaven cultivation in the realm of creation. His strength is too strong. We must outwit him, or we will die in his hands."

Dugu Aotian sent a message to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng nodded. Dugu Aotian was really strong and exceeded them too much.

"Blood Axe kills the world".

Dugu Aotian\'s moves were arrogant and domineering.

A huge axe light was formed in the void and killed Lin Feng and Dugu Wutian.

Dugu Aotian standing in the void was like Pangu\'s resurrection.

His move really has the flavor of breaking the world one axe at a time.


Lin Feng and Dugu Wutian waved their weapons to resist, but they were shocked and flew out. They flew thousands of meters upside down and were shocked to bleed.

Dugu Aotian\'s attack was outrageous.

"It\'s over, bring the head.".

Dugu Aotian\'s voice was indifferent. He didn\'t stop. He rushed to Lin Feng again at the moment of repelling Lin Feng.

Dugu Aotian waved his bloody axe.

Cut at Lin Feng.

"Axe of blood god".

With that axe, a mysterious presence in a bloody robe appeared above Lin Feng.

That\'s a God.

Blood god.

This is a powerful magic power to manifest the blood god.

Blood god\'s hand can break the world.

The blood god, holding a huge axe, cleaved down to kill Lin Feng.

"No, childe Lin is in danger...".

In countless directions, the friars of the four City allied forces turned pale when they saw this scene in the void.

On the nine days, the war between demon king and God is becoming more and more intense.

Evil spirit swept the world.

The divine light surges into the void.

Every time the demon king and God collide, the void will collapse directly.

You can even see endless darkness from the crumbling void, which connects the extraterritorial starry world.

The broken void recombines in the broken.

The attack of demon king and God became more and more violent.


God shot, a furnace swallowed the demon king in an instant.

The furnace was blazing.

God will temper the demon king to death.

"Heaven and earth mixed yuan cut".

The demon king trapped in the furnace shouted coldly. He tore the furnace into a chaotic light and killed God.

The star river turns upside down.

God continued to move his hand. With a big hand, a galactic world appeared in the sky.

I saw that all the stars in the Milky way world smashed at the demon king.

What a doomsday scene.

"Doomsday war song".

The demon king turned into himself and walked in the void.

"In the end of the world, my will is unyielding. I would rather die than kill to the front.".

"Knowing that it was a sea of corpses and blood, I would die if I entered it, but I have no regrets even if I die."


The sonorous and powerful doomsday war song was sung by the demon king, and the endless stars falling from the reversal of the Star River were shattered by the song of the doomsday war song.

This doomsday war song is an extremely terrible magic power.

"What a powerful weapon spirit, today I will let you die without a place of loss, God punish"!

God seemed angry, roared, and his hands condensed the power of hundreds of millions of natural disasters.

It is said that only the supreme "heavenly way" can grasp the power of natural disaster.

Even God cannot control this power.

But the God in front of him showed the power of natural disaster.

"Only those who can use the power of heaven\'s calamity can come out of that place except the ethereal way of heaven for a moment...".

The demon king suddenly changed his look.

"You know too much, you should die!"

God sneered, "on behalf of heaven, I punish you. You will fall into endless purgatory, become a dead, sink for hundreds of millions of years, live forever, and suffer from the fire of purgatory.".

"God punish, come to the world"!

The voice fell, and the force of heaven\'s calamity went towards the demon king.

The demon king looked uncertain.

"The most evil should be you. You think you are superior and control the life and death of all creatures, but life should be equal. Today I want you to taste my demon God nine cuts".


The voice fell and the demon king rose into the sky.

The demon king turned into an evil spirit.

That evil spirit turned into a killing and cut to God.