Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 857

The senior leaders of the four City allied forces all looked at Lin Feng.

Because Lin Feng once said there was a way to deal with God.

Now God really appears, but everyone is very worried. After all, is God so easy to deal with?

Therefore, the senior leaders of the major forces of the four City allied forces are now pale with fear.

They really have little faith in Lin Feng\'s ability to fight God.

But now, all their hopes are also pinned on Lin Feng. They can only hope that everything Lin Feng said is true.


"Are you the descendant of sin and blood?" God looked at Lin Feng with cold eyes.

Lin Feng\'s eyes were uncertain.

The great disaster of the Lin family is that it has an inescapable relationship with the so-called God in front of us or the forces behind him?

"Who are you?".

Lin Feng\'s voice showed a sense of killing.

"Descendants of sin and blood are not qualified to know the identity of this God. It is the same that this God failed to catch your father, catch you, and then force your father to appear.".

God\'s voice was cold, and the voice fell. He stretched out his right hand and grabbed it at Lin Feng.

Big hands covered the sky and blocked out the sun. At that moment, everyone felt that heaven and earth seemed to freeze.

Everyone can\'t move.

Even thinking is going to stop working.

This is the terrible thing about God.

God\'s hand imprisoned heaven and earth.

Any creature is as weak as a mole ant in front of God, and it is impossible to resist God at all.

"Demon king......".

Lin Feng speaks.


The magic bead fluctuated violently.


The evil spirit covers the sky.

The demon king was shrouded in the evil spirit. He stepped forward in the void and swept his fist at God.


The demon king collided with God. He dissolved God\'s attack. God was shocked by the demon king\'s fist and retreated three steps in a row.

"Look, what happened? What\'s the evil spirit in the sky?".

"What a terrible evil spirit. There seems to be something in the evil spirit, but I can\'t see what it is.".

"That evil spirit is emitted from childe Lin\'s body. Is it a supreme treasure?".


Countless people from the four City allied forces shouted excitedly.

Although they don\'t know what the evil spirit is.

But the evil spirit shook back the "God".

That\'s the God who looks down on all living beings.

It\'s unbelievable that he was shocked back by an evil spirit.

In that evil spirit, there must be a shocking secret.

"Childe Lin said there was a way to deal with God. It turned out to be true...".

"I knew that childe Lin was born to be an emperor and would not die early. As expected, it was the same as I guessed. I think the evil spirit might be a divine soldier in the ancient times.".

"Childe Lin is young, not only has strong cultivation, but also is a spiritual array master of heaven level. He must have an opportunity against the sky, so I\'m not surprised to have an ancient magic weapon.".

The senior leaders of the four City allied forces talked about it one after another.

"What are you? Like a man but not a man, like a demon but not a demon? Is it really the spirit of a divine weapon?".

God looked at the demon king coldly.

The demon king said, "you can understand me like this, or you can imagine me as another existence. Today I appear to devour you.".

"It\'s ridiculous. The spirit of a weapon also wants to devour a God?" God sneered and disdained.

The demon king said coldly, "you are just a part of God. How dare you be so arrogant? Today I will cut you off and devour your God origin.".


The voice fell, and the demon king rushed towards the God with endless evil spirit.

God\'s eyes were cold. "This is a separate body. It already has the combat power of the primary God. It\'s not as simple as crushing an ant to deal with you.

God also killed the demon king.

"God comes to the heavens".

God\'s hand, endless divine light surged in the void, and the virtual shadows of the gods appeared in the divine light.

The divine light, like the Milky way, directly suppressed the past towards the demon king.

"Counter chaos of time and space".

The demon king\'s hand is also a supernatural power.

The divine lights that manifest the virtual shadows of the gods are crumbling.


God collided with the demon king, and everyone felt the sky shaking.

This is God\'s battle. He can use his power to destroy heaven and earth.

"What kind of terrible magic weapon did Mr. Lin master? It\'s so powerful that the spirit of the magic weapon can compete with the God.".

"If you want to invite the spirit of the ancient magic weapon, I\'m afraid childe Lin will also pay a great price.".

"Yes, the spirit of the ancient magic weapon has a sense of autonomy and will never shoot casually. Just I don\'t know what price childe Lin paid, so I would invite the spirit of the ancient magic weapon to shoot. However, if you can kill the God, it\'s worth the price.".

The senior leaders of the four City allied forces are talking about it one after another.

They regard the demon king as the "tool spirit" of the ancient divine soldiers.

But Lin Feng knew that the demon king was not the spirit of the magic bead. Before, the demon king had slipped his tongue. He seemed to be one of the leaders in the immortal world in the ancient times.

As for why the Demon King appeared in the magic bead, Lin Feng was not particularly clear, because the demon king had never said it.


On the nine days, the demon king fought with God, and all kinds of powerful magic powers were displayed.

The battle between the two statues was fierce.

Dugu Aotian shouted, "It\'s difficult to recover the ancient magic weapon spirit. Generally, it takes a huge price to recover the ancient magic weapon spirit. It must be the little bastard of the Lin family who doesn\'t know how to recover the ancient magic weapon spirit. As long as the little bastard dies, the ancient magic weapon spirit will be silent, and the ancient magic weapon will become The ownerless thing. At that time, the Taigu magic army will be ours. Come with me and kill the little evil seed of the Lin family. ".

"Kill the little bastard of Lin family". Under the leadership of Dugu Aotian, the experts of Aotian ancient capital roared and killed Lin Feng.

"Dugu Aotian, I took your life today.".

Lin Feng\'s voice was as cold as ice. Holding the black dragon sword, he rushed directly to Dugu Aotian.


The high-level of the four City allied forces rose to the sky and killed the master of Aotian ancient capital with Lin Feng.

Below, the friars of the four City allied forces also rushed to the friars of Aotian ancient capital.

Above the nine days is the battle between the demon king and God.

In the void is the fight between the top experts of Aotian ancient capital and the top experts of the four City allied forces.

In the city, the four City allied forces fought with ordinary friars in Aotian ancient capital.

The full-scale war broke out completely.


In the void, Lin Feng led four City allied experts to fight with the strong in Aotian ancient capital.

The blood splashed and was extremely tragic. From time to time, the strong were cut off and the bodies fell down.

"Boy, die.".

Dugu Aotian came down from the sky with a huge Blood Axe and killed Lin Feng with an axe.

Like splitting Huashan.

Dugu Aotian wanted to split Lin Feng in half with an axe.