Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 851

"Boy, how do you die?".

Dugu Aotian sneered repeatedly. It seemed that he had already eaten Lin Feng. In his opinion, Lin Feng could not avoid firing him.

Facing his blow, Lin Feng will lose half his life if he doesn\'t die.

But when Dugu Aotian stabbed him with that blow.

A strange scene appeared.

He stabbed Lin Feng with that shot.

"Lin Feng" directly disintegrated.

"No, I was fooled. It\'s an illusion.". Dugu Aotian\'s face suddenly changed, and he wanted to withdraw.

But at this time, Dugu Aotian was surrounded by a terrible sword and killed Dugu Aotian.

A puff.

This blow left a deep bone wound on Dugu Wutian.

The green Mantis Scorpion King, like the most terrible killer, was hidden by the magic array and restrained his breath, and launched a fatal attack on Dugu Aotian.


Dugu Aotian roared, and the death gun in his hand was drawn towards the green Mantis Scorpion King.

When a dull loud noise came out.

The green Mantis Scorpion King was kicked out by Dugu Aotian.

But now the green Mantis Scorpion King has broken through the realm of creation, so even if he takes the blow of Dugu Aotian.

The green Mantis Scorpion King was not seriously hurt.

The green Mantis Scorpion King quickly hid his body shape.

"You even captive a fierce beast in the realm of creation". Dugu Aotian said with a gloomy look.

He stopped bleeding quickly.

But he found that his wound began to fester.

"No, that fierce beast is highly toxic"!

Dugu Aotian\'s face suddenly changed. He quickly took out several antidote pills to suppress the severe poison in his body, but he found that the severe poison in his body was too strong to be completely suppressed.

Dugu Aotian quickly used his magic power to suppress the poison in his body.

Lin Feng said indifferently, "the poison of the green Mantis Scorpion King is not so easy to dissolve. It seems that your time of death has come today.".


The voice fell, and Lin Feng began to urge the third array.

This third kind of large array is called the emperor array.

The human emperor is said to be one of the greatest ancient holy emperors in the history of the human race.

He invented the word, educated all the people, divided the world into nine states, and sent his nine younger brothers to these nine states to govern them.

The emperor of the people was in charge of the central government and commanded the affairs of Kyushu.

Under the rule of the emperor, the power of the Terran expanded and developed rapidly.

In those days, tianwu was one of Kyushu. If it had not been for the collapse of Kyushu caused by the Taigu war, tianwu is still closely connected with Kyushu.

The emperor array can condense the virtual shadow of the emperor.

Among the Tianji array, renhuang array is a very rare array.

Now Lin Feng activates the human emperor array. In the void, the golden light is shrouded.

In the endless golden light, a group of brave men in imperial robes appeared.

He stood in the void, just like the ancient god\'s residence, which made Lin Feng have an impulse to worship.

This is the emperor.

One of the greatest leaders in Terran history.

"All people return to their hearts".

After the emperor appeared, he stepped forward, whispered, raised his hand and suppressed Dugu Wutian.

Dugu Aotian suddenly found that his martial arts will was being disintegrated.

Dugu Aotian\'s body trembled and he knelt on the ground with a thump, and then kowtowed to the emperor.

"Good chance, kill him.". Lin Feng conveys orders to the insect king.

After receiving Lin Feng\'s order, the green Mantis Scorpion King quickly killed Dugu Wutian, who knelt on the ground and kowtowed to the emperor.

"Ah......". At this time, Dugu Aotian roared. His whole face twisted and roared, "break my will and want me to give in. Dugu Aotian is lawless and no one can make me give in".

The voice fell, and a blue light surged up in Dugu Aotian\'s Dantian.

This is a kind of Tao.

Dugu Aotian\'s way.

His way is lawlessness.

Up and down.

This is called lawlessness.

Dugu Aotian was originally suppressed by the emperor by all the people, but now he has solved the emperor\'s oppression by his lawless way.


The blue light went towards the green Mantis Scorpion King.

Dugu Aotian\'s lawless way killed the green Mantis Scorpion King.

The green Mantis Scorpion King was blasted out again.

A clicking sound came out.

The shell of the green Mantis Scorpion King was cracked.

The blood immediately flowed out.

"What a terrible way".

Lin Feng was surprised.

Dugu Aotian established his own "Tao", and his "Tao" could attack.

Dugu Wutian\'s cultivation can crush Xu Shu\'s stream.

Lin Feng also established his own way. His way is the supreme way.

The heavens are all worlds, and I am the only one.

This is the supreme way.

But Lin Feng has no way to use his way to attack others.

This can only be achieved by breaking through the realm of creation.

Dugu Aotian fought back the green mantis and scorpion king, and then rushed to the sky.

He is now poisoned by the green Mantis Scorpion King, although he has temporarily suppressed the poison.

But it has not been able to dissolve the severe poison in the body.

Dugu Aotian felt threatened. He knew that if he fought again, he might fall here.

Therefore, Dugu Aotian was so determined that he planned to leave first, detoxify his body, and then kill Lin Feng.

With this experience.

Dugu Aotian believed that Lin Feng would die next time.

But Lin Feng would not let Dugu Aotian go so easily.

He was so powerful that he was poisoned by the green mantis and scorpion king, but he suppressed such a fierce poison.

If you let this person escape, it will be extremely difficult to kill him when he returns from detoxification.

The emperor in the void pinched his hands.

The seal of the emperor.

A huge handprint condensed together and went towards Dugu Aotian.

Dugu Aotian felt the power of the emperor\'s seal, and his face suddenly changed. He waved his death gun to the emperor\'s seal.

At this time, the green Mantis Scorpion King shot again and grabbed Dugu Wutian with his sharp claws.

"The beast wants to die".

Dugu Aotian Leng shouted and killed the green Mantis Scorpion King with his left hand.

The magic power he condensed is called Tianlei chop.

The power of thunder condensed a terrible robbery light like destroying heaven and earth, and killed the green Mantis Scorpion King.

The void twisted slightly.

"Go to hell"!

Lin Feng killed Dugu Aotian with black dragon sword.

He has been waiting for this opportunity. Now Dugu Aotian\'s right hand holds a death gun to resist the attack of the emperor\'s virtual shadow, and his left hand is to gather Tianlei to chop and kill the green Mantis Scorpion King.

Facing Lin Feng\'s attack, Dugu Aotian could not resist.

"Bad". Dugu Aotian\'s face became as white as paper.

Lin Feng looked happy.

With his sword power, he was about to kill Dugu Aotian, but at this time, a figure in white like snow swept into the array.

Ning Hanshuang, it\'s this woman.

In order to seize the holy medicine obtained by Shi Ningmeng, Ning Hanshuang chased Shi Ningmeng all the way.

Dozens of men escorting Shi Ningmeng died miserably.

If Shi Ningmeng hadn\'t met Lin Feng, Shi Ningmeng would have died in Ning Hanshuang\'s hands.

This woman is cruel and cruel.

Now Ning Hanshuang appears. He directly sacrifices the Taoist instrument, the cold ice sword, and kills Lin Feng. The surrounding void will be frozen.

The blow was so sudden that Lin Feng\'s face changed greatly. He quickly waved the black dragon sword and cut it to the cold ice sword.


There was a sound of collision like the exchange of gold and iron. Lin Feng was blown out by the cold ice sword. The blow of the Taoist weapon was too terrible. His hands holding the black dragon sword were cracked, and the blood immediately flowed out.

"We killed him together", Ning Hanshuang\'s voice was cold.

"Ha ha, it\'s great. Fairy Ning will fight together. Today, this son will die without a place to die.".

Dugu Aotian laughed. He resisted the attack of the emperor\'s seal and split the green Mantis Scorpion King, and then attacked Lin Feng with the death gun and Ning Hanshuang.

"Boy, your life, we took it today...".