Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 852

Dugu Aotian and Ning Hanshuang killed Lin Feng, one with a death gun and the other with a cold ice sword.

But Lin Feng laughed at the attack of the two people.

Dugu Aotian and Ning Hanshuang frowned, wondering why Lin Feng laughed.

Ning Hanshuang said coldly, "do you know that death is coming, so you will behave abnormally?".

Lin Feng said, "Ning Hanshuang, I haven\'t used the strongest spirit array. Do you know why? I\'m worried that Dugu Wutian didn\'t come alone and exposed too early, which is bad for me. Now you have appeared, so I\'ll show you the array combination I learned from the mountain moving Taoist".

"Mountain moving Taoist?".

Dugu Aotian and Ning Hanshuang frowned. Naturally, they had heard of this vein, moving mountains and mountains and searching for dragons. This is an ancient inheritance, even if it is about to be cut off now.

"Don\'t give him a chance, try your best to kill him.".

Dugu Aotian said in a deep voice, and the death gun stabbed millions of images at Lin Feng.

Ning Hanshuang sacrificed the cold ice sword to kill, and the cold ice air was emitted from the cold ice sword.

Ice sword will turn the world around into an ice country.

Their killing moves hit, and the sound of death seemed to play between heaven and earth.

At this time, Lin Feng has begun to use the means of array combination.

Dugu Aotian destroyed the eyes of three kinds of sky level arrays: the first major array "Wanhua Zhushen array" and the second major array "ten thousand animals split the sky array".

The array eye is destroyed, but the large array cannot be activated.

The patterns of these two large arrays were not destroyed.

Of course, Lin Feng didn\'t mean to repair these two kinds of core array eyes.

What he has to do now is to combine the array patterns of the two large arrays with the "human emperor array" to form a new human emperor array.

There are two kinds of Tianji grand array to bless the emperor array.

The power of renhuang array will be greatly improved.

Lin Feng pinched out thousands of Dharma decisions with both hands, and one Dharma decision gushed out into twisted array patterns, connecting the two large arrays of "Wanhua killing God array" and "10000 animals splitting the sky array" with the emperor array, forming a more complex emperor array.

"Educate the people"!

The magnificent voice resounded through the sky, and the emperor\'s virtual shadow and holy light were shrouded.

With the blessing of two kinds of sky level arrays, the emperor\'s virtual shadow has completed a transformation on the level of power.

The power of three kinds of heaven level array is blessed on the virtual shadow of the emperor.

Behind the virtual shadow of the emperor, even ten divine flames were born.

It was like the divine fire lit by the ancient giant god, shining all over the world.

One move enlightens the people, and in the void, there are dense runes.

Emperor, the greatest ancient emperor in human history.

The emperor, with his golden words, educated all the people.

No one can resist the emperor\'s holy will.

"The power of evil should be silent, put down the weapon in your hand and collect the evil in your heart...".

"Return to the embrace of the emperor, who also accepts that you are the descendants of the human race...".

Great voices resounded through the ears of Ning Hanshuang and Dugu Wutian.


The two men struggled in pain.

It was difficult to resist the emperor\'s "education", and their faces showed painful expressions.

"Powerful, really powerful. Indeed, he is worthy of being the emperor. He is forcibly changing their thoughts and disintegrating their will. This is only the emperor condensed from a large array. It is not the emperor\'s real supernatural power and the emperor\'s orthodoxy. I\'m afraid it will go against the sky?".

Lin Feng was so frightened that he didn\'t even dare to come forward, because if he was shrouded by the power of the emperor\'s virtual shadow, he would be as nervous as Dugu Aotian and Ning Hanshuang.


Dugu Aotian roared angrily. He was using his own way. He wanted to break the suppression of the emperor\'s power with his own way.

"Ice kingdom"!

At this time, Ning Hanshuang also tried her best. She knew that if she went on like this, her spirit would be completely disordered. At that time, she was afraid that she would become a madman.

So ninghan cream no longer has any reservation.

She did her best.

Resuscitate the blood.

Ninghan frost is the owner of special constitution.

"You, you, you...". Dugu Aotian shouted in disbelief.

He had no idea that ninghan frost was still the owner of special physique.

Lin Feng was also surprised.

Ning Hanshuang is too deep for this woman to hide.

When she chased Shi Ningmeng and herself, she didn\'t show her special physique.

If Ning Hanshuang had shown her special physique, she and Shi Ningmeng would have died in her hands.

Ning Hanshuang has a deep mind. If he had not met the crisis of life and death today, Ning Hanshuang would not have exposed his special constitution.

The ice God body recovers and condenses the ice God kingdom.

Ninghan frost is in the kingdom of ice.

The kingdom of ice resisted the power of the emperor.

"Emperor\'s seal, broken"!

The emperor dropped his hand and clapped it.


The kingdom of ice shook violently.


Ning Hanshuang was badly hurt, spit out a mouthful of blood, and his face was pale.


She shouted loudly and urged the kingdom of ice.

The hazy and illusory kingdom of ice rose into the sky, broke the cover of the power of the emperor, and then rushed out.

Lin Feng\'s eyes sank slightly and let Ning Hanshuang escape.

He tried his best to deal with Dugu Aotian.

It was against two people before. The power was scattered.

Ning Hanshuang tried her best to make her escape, but now she only dealt with Dugu Aotian.

Dugu Aotian wanted to get away, and it was as hard as heaven.

Bang Bang

Dugu Aotian\'s "lawless way" was broken.

He flopped on his knees, put his hands around his head and cried miserably.

His mind is breaking down.

Lin Feng was holding a black dragon sword to kill Dugu Aotian.

At this time, the demon king sitting on the solitary grave in the magic bead suddenly said, "it\'s a pity that you will attack the ancient capital of Aotian soon and kill this person. I\'ll teach you a great crossing technique, which can force him to cross and become your slave".

"Forced crossing? Become my slave?".

Lin Feng was shocked. Isn\'t that terrible? Is there such a terrible magic power in the world?

"This is the highest and unique skill of Buddhism esoteric school. I got it inadvertently in those years. Even if you learned Dadu Hua, don\'t easily show it in front of people without absolute strength. If you are known by Buddhism, they will send someone to hunt you down. You should know that the powerful existence of fighting Saint ape is killed by Buddhism, not to mention you?".

Said the demon king.

"I know". Lin Feng nodded solemnly.

"Read the formula with me... Bono\'s Heart Sutra, the great universe, hundreds of millions of gods and demons, my heart is immortal, Western bliss, this is a pure land, cross the sea of suffering, and the other side is eternal...".

The demon king began to recite the formula of Dadu Huashu.

Lin Feng also followed the demon king to recite the formula of Dadu Huashu.

He recited the formula thirty-six times in succession.

Lin Feng felt a strange golden force pouring out of his body.

This is the power of Dadu.

He put the power of daduhua into Dugu Aotian\'s body.

"Ah, what is this? You want to enslave me. No, I will never give in.".

Dugu Aotian\'s face twisted and roared, and he was struggling.

He is a strong man in the realm of creation. How can he be willing to be a slave to others.

"The sea of suffering is boundless, turning back is the shore.".

Lin Feng roared and slapped Dugu Aotian\'s head, and the power of crossing into Dugu Aotian\'s soul.

Dugu Aotian was shocked. He no longer struggled, but folded his hands. "Thank you for your advice. I have put down my butcher\'s knife and turned to the Buddha wholeheartedly. I hope to cross the sea of suffering, reach the other side and become a Buddha under the guidance of Lin Daoyou.".