Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 850


In the yard, Lin Feng opened his eyes. He was waiting for the strong enemy to come.

As expected, it was the same as Lin Feng\'s guess.

There are strong enemies to kill.

The breath is so strong.

This person\'s breath is vaguely stronger than Xu Shu\'s.

Xu Shu is the cultivation of heaven in the realm of creation.

The people who come here are afraid of the double heaven of the realm of creation, or even stronger.

However, now Lin Feng has arranged a large array to be ready.

"Where are you, boy?".

Dugu Aotian stepped forward, and his voice was cold and murderous.

"God, what level of strong man is this? I feel that the breath is more than 100 times stronger than Dugu Wuji who was killed before".

Someone screamed in horror, full of a look of horror.

It\'s really too powerful, shocking and moving.

The people of the major forces in the imperial capital hide in the family and dare not come out, because they know that the next World War I will break out.

The people of the Shangguan family also hid in the secret room.

Lin Feng was the only one standing in the courtyard, waiting for Dugu Aotian\'s arrival.

"You\'re here at last.". Lin Feng\'s eyes were cold.

"It really surprised me that you didn\'t escape after such a long time.".

Dugu Aotian\'s voice was indifferent. Every step he took, ripples appeared in the void.

Dugu Aotian\'s strength was too strong, and the ripples were too strong for the void to bear the fluctuations caused by Dugu Aotian\'s strength.

Dugu Aotian stood at the top of the Shangguan family residence and looked at Lin Feng coldly, showing endless killing intention.

He was careful not to come down directly.

"I\'ve arranged an array here, waiting for you to come.".

Lin Feng said coldly. He said there was a big array here, because he couldn\'t hide from Dugu Wutian.

Dugu Aotian did not rush down immediately, but showed a thoughtful expression. When he reached his level of cultivation, his character would never be impulsive.

He is estimating the power of the array.

"What? Dare not come down?". Lin Feng sarcastically said, "the monk of the realm of creation is just like this. He was scared like this, which surprised me.".

Dugu Aotian said with a sneer, "the majesty of the strong man in the realm of creation is absolutely not provocative. If you dare to provoke the majesty of the monk in the realm of creation, there will be only one way out.".


Then Dugu Aotian came down from the sky with a hundred thousand thunders and a black gun.

He waved his gun and shot Lin Feng.

In the void, there was a loud bang.

Like the sound of thunder.

Above the war gun, there is thunder.

One shot fell, as if it could tear the world apart.

The power is so strong that Lin Feng can\'t help feeling creepy.

This man is really much stronger than Xu Shu.


Lin Feng retreated. In front of him, the array patterns were intertwined.

Dugu Aotian\'s attack was killed on the array pattern, which was resisted by the array pattern arranged by Lin Feng.

This is a large array of heaven level. It is well used and can trap and kill friars in the realm of creation.

Dugu Aotian\'s attack was resisted by the Tianji array arranged by Lin Feng.

"Thousands of troops".

Lin Feng stood at the core of the array, waved the array flag and communicated with the Tianji array.

The sky level array is precious. Lin Feng has only got three kinds of sky level array from the spirit array division trade union in recent years.

They are "Wanhua Zhushen array", "wanbeast split heaven array" and "renhuang array".

In order to arrange these three arrays, Lin Feng spent more than 19700 precious array materials.

The power of the big array obviously didn\'t disappoint Lin Feng.

Thousands of troops and horses gathered together, the war drums beat, and the torrent rushed forward and crushed Dugu Aotian.

"Boy, what about the sky level array? See how I break your sky level array.".

Dugu Aotian sneered. He had great confidence in himself.

Dugu Aotian only met thousands of soldiers and horses. Dugu Aotian had a gun in his right hand.

He suddenly shook the gun in his hand, and the endless black light rose into the sky.

The black light condensed into a black armor, which covered Dugu Aotian\'s body.

Dugu Aotian sneered and said, "boy, my gun is called death gun. Once it recovers, it can produce the power of death and harvest endless life".


Then Dugu Aotian came with a death gun.

Like a demon God, he swept the death gun at thousands of troops.

Where death guns sweep.

Thousands of troops and horses were destroyed.

Dugu Aotian\'s attack was too powerful and terrible.

"Broken". He roared, shot out, and directly split the earth.

The core array eye arranged by Lin Feng was destroyed.

The "Wanhua God killing array" was destroyed by Dugu Aotian.

"It\'s so awesome that I broke my first heaven level array". Lin Feng looked gloomy.

He didn\'t dare to hesitate, so he hurriedly urged the second level array to kill Dugu Wutian.

"Ten thousand beasts split the sky array" turns into ten thousand beasts.

Dragon, Kirin, Phoenix, Tao Wu, chaos, rosefinch, white tiger... And so on.

Every fierce beast is a divine beast.

Now all the beasts roared and killed Dugu Aotian from all directions.

"Random marksmanship".

Dugu Aotian shouted coldly. He waved his death gun.

One blow after another, he pulled at his divine beast.

A head of divine beast was pulled out.

The flesh cracked.

disappear in smoke.

Dugu Aotian looked at Lin Feng coldly and said, "boy, if anyone is infected with the death spirit of my death gun, even the creatures revealed by the big array can\'t gather again. Your big array can\'t pose a threat to me.".

Lin Feng\'s expression was slightly heavy, which was really the same as what Dugu Aotian said.

If the heaven level array could come out continuously, the beast would kill Dugu Aotian.

Dugu Aotian would be consumed.

In this state of continuous consumption, Dugu Aotian must not be able to last long.

But Dugu Aotian\'s death gun was too powerful.

The Qi of death is integrated into the surrounding array, which destroys the ability of the array to gather divine beasts again.

Broken broken broken broken broken broken broken broken broken broken broken broken broken broken broken broken broken broken broken broken broken broken broken broken broken broken broken broken broken broken broken broken broken broken broken broken broken broken broken broken broken broken broken broken broken broken broken broken broken broken broken broken broken broken broken broken.

Dugu Aotian shouted coldly. He was like a devil and a God, fighting with a gun.

All the beasts.

All of them were shot by Dugu Aotian\'s death battle.

"Break your sky level array again".

Dugu Aotian smiled grimly. During the battle, he found the core eye of "ten thousand beasts split the sky array".

One shot.

A huge pit covering more than ten square meters appeared, and the big array eyes were broken, and Lin Feng\'s second Tianji big array was destroyed by Dugu Wutian.

"Found your hiding place.".

Dugu Aotian sneered, and he quickly moved to the left.

Dugu Aotian had completely closed his eyes, because besides the triple sky level array, there was also a magic array, which was shrouded in fog and could not see anything. He used his ears to identify the direction.

Dugu Aotian walked through the fog.

He suddenly opened his eyes and saw Lin Feng holding a flag.

"Boy, die".

Dugu Aotian smiled grimly and stabbed Lin Feng in the chest, trying to kill Lin Feng in the air.