Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 849

In the void, Lin Feng stood proudly, with white clothes and dusty temperament.

Countless amazing eyes looked at Lin Feng. Everyone\'s face was shocked and moved.

Dugu Wuji!

He was chopped alive by Lin Feng\'s sword.

This is just a fantasy.

Now it happens in front of us.


Lin Feng looked at the black dragon sword in his hand. He was thoughtful.

This is the first time Lin Feng has integrated the sword idea into the black dragon sword together with the heaven and earth sword technique.

The power is beyond Lin Feng\'s imagination.

"If we can continue to cultivate several powerful swordsmanship supernatural powers successfully, and then integrate into the black dragon sword together, will the power of the black dragon sword be more powerful?".

Lin Feng muttered to himself.


Shangguan Feier gently twisted her soft body. She hadn\'t slept so comfortably for a long time. Her long eyelashes blinked slightly.

Then Shangguan Feier opened his eyes.

"Why am I lying in bed?".

Shangguan Feier wondered.

She still remembers lying on her desk yesterday.

Shangguan Feier got up and walked towards the outside. He saw a man sitting at his desk and looking at some books.

Shangguan Feier\'s pretty face changed greatly.

She said coldly, "who are you? Why are you in my study?".

Lin Feng turned and looked up at Guan fei\'er, revealing a pure smile.

When I saw that face.

Shangguan Feier was completely stunned.

Tears fall down like broken pearls.

Lin Feng stepped forward and hugged the soft body of Shangguan Feier.

Shangguan fei\'er cried with tears and said in a trembling voice, "am I dreaming? If I am dreaming, never let me wake up, Wuwuwuwu...".

Lin Feng gently stroked Shangguan Feier\'s hair and said, "silly girl, I\'m back. You\'re not dreaming.".

Shangguan Feier raised her face with pear blossom and rain. She held Lin Feng\'s face in her hands and looked at Lin Feng affectionately.

Seems to want to see if it\'s his Lin Feng.

People are different.

Some people may regard cultivation as more important than feelings.

Some people, however, regard their feelings as more important than anything else.

Shangguan Feier is obviously a woman who pays more attention to feelings.

"Great, really great"!

Shangguan Feier hugged Lin Feng tightly, as if he wanted to knead his delicate body into Lin Feng\'s body.


Lin Feng killed Dugu Wuji with a sword, which naturally caused a great sensation.

Ouyang Zhentian and many elders of Qinglong University.

The emperor of Zhenwu state and his ministers and generals.

The top leaders of the major forces in the imperial capital came to the Shangguan family one after another to meet Lin Feng.

Shangguan Zhengxiong, Shangguan Feier\'s father, knows that Lin Feng is now with his daughter. Shangguan Feier is getting haggard because of missing Lin Feng these years. Shangguan Zhengxiong also sees it in his eyes and hurts in his heart.

Now seeing Lin Feng back, he is very pleased and happy.

Shangguan Zhengxiong helped Lin Feng block all the visitors and temporarily arranged for them to rest in the living room.

Emperor Zhenwu and Ouyang Zhentian were arranged in the VIP room alone.

Accompanied by Shangguan Zhengxiong himself.

The emperor of Zhenwu state is called Long Zheng. He said with some worry, "now Zhenwu state is only afraid to be involved in this right and wrong. If Zhenwu state is strong enough, it will naturally support Mr. Lin to fight against Aotian ancient capital, but Zhenwu state has limited power.".

Speaking of this, Long Zheng couldn\'t help sighing.

Ouyang Zhentian narrowed his eyes and said, "since Lin Feng dared to return to Dongjun Shenzhou and kill Dugu Aotian\'s only son Dugu Xuan, I think he is going to attack the ancient capital of Aotian".

Long Zheng said in surprise, "it seems that childe Lin must have considered a lot of things.".

An hour later, Lin Feng met with Ouyang Zhentian and Long Zheng.

"Master......". Lin Feng hugged his fist.

When he was at Qinglong University, Ouyang Zhentian took care of Lin Feng very much, so Lin Feng was also full of gratitude for Ouyang Zhentian.

"Lin Gongzi". Although Long Zheng was the emperor of Zhenwu state, he didn\'t dare to hold up in front of Lin Feng and waved to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng also hugged and responded.

Ouyang Zhentian smiled and said, "I never thought you were so powerful in only five years.".

Lin Feng said, "after suffering, we have finally achieved something.".

Ouyang Zhentian said, "you come back this time, but you have a plan?".

"I have contacted stone city, heavenly holy city and gentleman city. In a month, I will launch an attack on Aotian ancient capital.".

Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed Senran\'s killing intention.

Long Zhengyi was happy, but then he said with some worry, "the three cities besieged the ancient capital of Aotian, which should be able to break through the ancient capital of Aotian. However, the ancient capital of Aotian can communicate with the" God ", and there is a god sect behind it. I\'m afraid that this war will be extremely difficult. If you are careless, you may lose the whole army".

Lin Feng said, "if shangshenzong dares to intervene in the affairs of 72 northern states, it will go beyond. It has its own Wuhun temple to deal with shangshenzong. As for the God who communicates with Aotian ancient capital, I also have a way to deal with it.".

Ouyang Zhentian and Long Zheng were surprised.

Lin Feng has the way to deal with God?

This is really shocking.

If so.

Then, the ancient capital of Aotian will be defeated.

And Lin Feng will be a dragon for nine days in the future.

This is the best chance to deliver charcoal in the snow.

Ouyang Zhentian said, "I will return to the sun and moon city now. At that time, the major forces of the sun and moon city will also send troops to Aotian ancient capital together.".

Lin Feng is happy.

If the four cities attack the ancient capital of Aotian together, the odds of victory will be greater.

"Please take a trip.". Lin Feng\'s boxing.

Ouyang Zhentian hugged his fist and said, "I\'ll see you under Aotian ancient capital in a month.".

Immediately, Ouyang Zhentian left.

Long Zheng said, "I\'ll invite the ancestors who sit in the life and death gate to come out and help childe Lin".

Thank you.

Lin Feng hugged his fist.

Long Zheng said, "Mr. Lin is a member of our Zhenwu country. It should be done for our Zhenwu country to follow Mr. Lin\'s lead.".

Long Zheng also left soon.

Lin Feng took the time to meet the top leaders of the major forces.

Then he began to arrange the whole array enveloping the Shangguan family.

Because Lin Feng speculated.

Dugu Wuji was killed by himself. Dugu family must have some experts to kill him.

If you don\'t come.

Come on, let them go.

Three days later.


A man with a black war gun came from the sky with cold eyes.

"The emperor capital of Zhenwu is here.".

The man with the black gun on his back was full of murderous intent. His name was Dugu Wutian, and he was the commander of Aotian corps, the ancient capital of Aotian.

Cultivation in the realm of nature.

His accomplishments are unpredictable.

He came to kill Lin Feng himself.