Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 848

"Dugu Wuji, why did he come to the imperial capital of Zhenwu state?".

Many elders of Qinglong university came out and saw the middle-aged monk. Their faces suddenly changed.

Dugu Wuji, a member of the Dugu family in the ancient capital of Aotian, is the deputy commander of the third regiment of Aotian regiment, and has ten Heaven accomplishments in the realm of yin and Yang.

In Dongjun Shenzhou, it can be said that they are strong and powerful.

And it is said that this person has practiced the "great Vajra skill" of Buddhism Tantra.

This is a unique skill.

Once cast, all dharmas are inviolable, and knives and guns are difficult to hurt.

It is said that Dugu Wuji showed his great Vajra skill to attack the strong in the realm of creation.

Even the strong in the realm of creation can hardly break his great Vajra skill.

This shows the power of this unique skill.

Therefore, in the realm of yin and Yang, Dugu Wuji was invincible with this great Vajra skill.

"Boy, don\'t hide. You can\'t escape at all. Come out and fight with me. I\'ll cut your head to sacrifice xuanshao".

Dugu Wuji\'s voice was cold and showed endless killing intention.

Many people were shocked.

Because Dugu Xuan was beheaded, it can be said that it caused an uproar in Dongjun Shenzhou.

Who doesn\'t know about it?

Hearing Dugu Wuji\'s tone, the person who killed Dugu Xuan was in the imperial capital.

Ouyang Zhentian, the leader of Qinglong University, came out and frowned slightly. If it was a war between the strong, it would inevitably cause great damage. Ordinary people in the imperial capital were afraid of suffering.

Now there is chaos in the imperial palace.

Zhenwu kingdom is just a secular country. There are no powerful experts.

Now the situation is that there are likely to be two big powers fighting here.

People in the royal family naturally worry that the war between the two great powers will destroy the imperial capital.

"If you don\'t come out, then I will destroy the imperial capital of Zhenwu until I find you.".

Dugu Wuji smiled grimly, and his face was full of murderous intent.

This man is high above the world and looks like a God in the eyes of ordinary people.

Destroying the imperial capital of a secular country is naturally just a matter of hand.

No scruples at all.

Countless people poured out. At this time, everyone saw Dugu Wuji began to gather energy and his face was very pale.

Dugu Wuji, such a strong man, would have no trouble to destroy the imperial capital of Zhenwu kingdom.

"The sword doesn\'t drink the blood of nobody. Who are you? Report your name.".

Seeing that Dugu Wuji was about to destroy the imperial capital of Zhenwu state, the whole imperial capital was in panic.

A cold voice suddenly rang through the sky.

Everyone saw a handsome young man walking in the air.

"Is that Lin Feng?".

In Qinglong University, Xiao Yafei exclaimed.

In addition, Su Zimo, Ou Yangli, Wang Kun, Zhang Qichu and others also gathered at the Longmen station and looked excitedly at the young childe standing proudly in the void.

They got along with Lin Feng day and night for many years. Although their appearance changed after five years, they recognized Lin Feng at first sight.

"Yes, it\'s the sect leader. It must be the sect leader. The sect leader is back.".

"Could it be that the sect leader killed the peerless Tianjiao Dugu Xuan?".

The whole Longmen people were excited to talk.

Ouyang Zhentian also looked at Lin Feng who came out in surprise.

He also recognized Lin Feng.

"Sure enough, he didn\'t die.". Ouyang Zhentian said.

The elder of the mission hall trembled with excitement when he heard canglan.

"Great, the boy is not dead.".

Wen Ren canglan is a good friend of sun Tiantu, Lin Feng\'s first teacher of array.

So he cares about Lin Feng from the bottom of his heart.

Now I am very happy to see Lin Feng safe and sound.


"This seat is the deputy head of the third legion of Aotian legion, the ancient capital of Aotian. If you die in the hands of this seat, you will die unjustly.".

Dugu Wuji looked at Lin Feng with a dark expression on his face. His eyes twinkled with a sense of killing.

Suddenly, Dugu Wuji became suspicious.

"Are you... Lin Feng, the little bastard of the Lin family?".

Dugu Wuji suddenly exclaimed.

At that time, Dugu Wuji also participated in the battle of killing the Lin family.

He met Lin Feng.

Although many changes have taken place in his appearance after many years, Dugu Wuji still vaguely found some marks of the young man who was rescued by Lin Feng.

"It seems that you were also involved in the killing of my Lin family.".

Lin Feng\'s eyes twinkled with a sense of killing.

"Little boy, it takes no time to find nowhere. I\'m wanted everywhere in Aotian ancient capital, but you came to die yourself. It\'s great. Today is your time to die.".

Dugu Wuji walked towards Lin Feng step by step. The golden light surged out of his body. Dugu Wuji showed his great Vajra skill to unite the body of Vajra.

"Did you hear that Dugu Wuji said that the young childe was Lin Feng?"

"Yes, it\'s Lin Feng. I met him in those years. Although many years have passed, it can be vaguely seen that he was the young man with a weak crown in those years. It\'s really time flies. Now he has become a handsome young man...".

"He didn\'t even die and killed a strong man like Dugu Xuan"

In the imperial capital, countless people, including the royal family, major families and so on, poured out and shouted in shock.

Lin Feng was a shining star in Qinglong University, and he was invincible among the young generation.

But later, Aotian ancient capital besieged the Lin family, and Lin Feng disappeared.

Now Lin Feng is back, and everyone is shocked.


Lin Feng offered the black dragon sword. Holding the black dragon sword, he walked to Dugu Wuji step by step.

"Boy, it\'s no use. My great Vajra is not broken by monks in the realm of yin and Yang at all. You will die today. I\'ll pinch the bones of your whole body inch by inch later.".

Dugu Wuji smiled grimly, and his body turned golden.

"I\'ve learned a secret skill these days. I\'ll try it on you to see how powerful it is.".

Lin Feng sneered.


He killed Dugu Wuji with the black dragon sword.

The black dragon sword itself is scary enough.

But now, Lin Feng is not just the power of urging the black dragon sword.

He also integrated the power of the two sword magic powers of heaven and earth, heaven and earth, sword technique and sword meaning into the black dragon sword.

If a general sword is forcibly integrated into such a powerful Kendo magic, the sword will be directly destroyed.

But the black dragon sword is a divine sword.

After the black dragon sword is integrated into the two sword magic powers, it is not only not destroyed by the powerful sword intention, but also more powerful.

Lin Feng poured all his strength into the sword.

Split Huashan.

Cut directly.

"Hum, insect carving skill".

Dugu Wuji laughed coldly. He used the great Vajra skill to resist Lin Feng\'s attack and accumulated strength in the dark.

Just dissolve Lin Feng\'s blow.

Dugu Wuji would burst out a powerful attack to defeat Lin Feng.

Dugu Wuji even thought that he would destroy Lin Feng\'s Dantian first and then torture Lin Feng.

At this time, Lin Feng\'s sword had been blasted down.

Dugu Wuji\'s golden light was immediately torn.

"How could it be?" Dugu Wuji shouted in disbelief.

His face turned pale, and he retreated in a panic, trying to avoid the blow.

"No matter how strong the body is, it is also a body of flesh and blood. Even the strong in the realm of creation will not use their own flesh and blood to resist the magic weapon attack of others. You are so big. What\'s more, I\'m a divine sword that has untied the seal. I\'ll sacrifice you today.".

Lin Feng sneered, jumped forward and cut off with a sword.


Dugu Wuji was split in two by Lin Feng.

Blood splashed out.

Dye the sky red.