Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 847

Lin Feng\'s mana is exhausted. He lies on the ground and gasps.

This war is too hard.

a close call.

But fortunately, he finally survived. Xu Shu\'s body was not far away, with angry eyes.

Xu Shu may not believe it until his death. His great power in the realm of creation died in the hands of Lin Feng, a monk in the realm of yin and Yang.

After a rest, Lin Feng felt that he had recovered some strength.

He got up and sat cross legged.

Running immortal body to repair the injury.

At the same time, the worm king also got up.

Those gloomy eyes stared at Xu Shu\'s body.


The insect King jumped up, rushed to Xu Shu\'s body, opened his big mouth, and directly tore at Xu Shu.


A large piece of meat on Xu Shu\'s body was eaten by the insect king.

The insect King began to eat Xu Shu\'s body.

Soon, Xu Shu was eaten by the insect king.

The insect king who ate Xu Shu sent out amazing fluctuations.

Click! Click!

The beetle King\'s carapace began to crack.

Inside the body, there seems to be a new shell coming out.

The worm king is about to begin to change.

This fierce beast is difficult to change. Once it changes, its cultivation will be crazy.

Now, if the insect king wants to complete the transformation, as long as the transformation is successful, he will inevitably become a fierce beast at the level of "realm of creation".

An hour later, Lin Feng opened his eyes, and his injury had recovered as before.

Lin Feng was surprised to see the insect King metamorphosed in the distance.

The worm king was bleeding.

The shell that originally covered the body has fallen off in a large area.

Instead, a silvery white shell.

Seeing this scene, Lin Feng\'s face showed a happy look.

The transformation of the insect king into silver is the cultivation of the realm of creation.

If it degenerates into gold, it is the realm of life and death.

If it can be transformed into purple gold, it will be powerful. It is equivalent to a monk in the realm of reincarnation.

It seems that he ate Xu Shu\'s body.

Lin Feng raised his eyebrows slightly.

As a monk in the realm of creation, Xu Shu has strong original power.

Even Xu Shu\'s flesh and blood contains the most pure and powerful energy, which is now swallowed by the insect king.

This is the root cause of insect King evolution.

The roar of thunder came from the nine days. Lin Feng looked up at the sky and showed a dignified look.

Thunder is brewing in the sky.

The worm king will survive the robbery.

After the robbery is successful, evolution is successful.


The insect king made a shrill cry. It soared into the sky and flew into the air. Its carapace had been transformed into silver white.

Boom, boom!

The power of thunder and robbery came down to wipe out the insect king.

The worm King\'s body gushes out silver power to resist the attack of thunder robbery.

After nine consecutive thunders, the worm King\'s body exploded and was dripping with blood.

Lying on the ground, motionless.

"Won\'t you die?". Lin Feng was a little worried.

The nine thunder robbers are stronger than each other. The insect king may indeed die under the attack of the nine thunder robbers.

After nine thunderstorms, the thunder clouds in the sky gradually dissipated.

Lin Feng quickly came to the insect king to check the insect King\'s situation.

Click, click, click.

The insect King\'s claws moved slightly.

Lin Feng showed a happy expression.

Although the insect king was deeply hurt.

But he didn\'t die.

He quickly put the bug king into the slave beast bag and let the bug King recover slowly.


Lin Feng also collected the insects into the slave animal bag.

Lin Feng didn\'t stop and flew away quickly.


Zhenwu, the imperial capital, is as lively as ever.

Lin Feng came to the imperial capital again.

In the past, he practiced in Qinglong University, so he was very familiar with the imperial capital.

Among Qinglong University, there are Lin Feng\'s old friends and the "Longmen" established by Lin Feng.

I just don\'t know how they are now.

"Look, it\'s the boy who killed young master Xuan!".

A monk from Aotian ancient capital found Lin Feng.

Now Aotian ancient capital has issued a hunting order and posted Lin Feng\'s portrait everywhere. He is wanted for Lin Feng.

I wish I could cut Lin Feng thousands of times.

Throughout the eastern County, Shenzhou is the eye liner under the arrangement of proud sky and ancient capital.

Now, when Lin Feng came to the imperial capital of Zhenwu state, he immediately fell into the sight of the friars of Aotian ancient capital.

"Go back and inform your excellency.".

Several monks left quickly.

Night fell.

In Shangguan family residence, Shangguan Feier deals with all kinds of affairs of the mercenary Association in his study.

She didn\'t know how many nights she couldn\'t sleep all night.

Just lie in bed.

Lin Feng\'s shadow lingered in my mind.

Miss, pain, let Shangguan Feier heart like a knife.

Although unwilling to believe that Lin Feng has died in the hands of Aotian ancient capital.

But there has been no news of birds for five years.

Make Shangguan Feier more and more desperate.

The huge power of Aotian ancient capital.

Trying to kill someone.

How could the other party escape?

Shangguan Feier puts herself in her study every day and tries her best to deal with all kinds of affairs. She tries to make herself forget the pain in her heart.

But after all, I can\'t forget.

The night was deep.

Shangguan Feier looked at the beating lamp flame and was stunned. In front of her eyes, it seemed that her beautiful and firm face appeared again.

She lay on the table and sobbed softly.

Shangguan Feier didn\'t know how many times she had cried.

Every night, she would cry.


The gentle call rang through my ears.

Shangguan Feier\'s delicate body trembled even more.

Auditory hallucinations?

Shangguan Feier has had auditory hallucinations more than once.

More than once, he looked vague and saw Lin Feng.

But when Shangguan Feier wanted to hold Lin Feng tightly, he found.

It turns out that everything is an illusion.


Lin Feng fondled Shangguan Feier\'s hair.

Shangguan Feier raised her head and burst into tears.

"Is it an illusion?".

She put her hand around Lin Feng.

She rubbed Lin Feng\'s body with her face.

"It\'s so comfortable. I want to stay at this moment forever. Lin Feng, I really miss you.".

Shangguan Feier\'s tired face showed a warm smile.

She couldn\'t tell whether it was true.

As before, they are illusions.

But one thing, Shangguan Feier feels very warm now, which is a familiar feeling.

Familiar warm embrace.

She is too tired.

Holding Lin Feng\'s waist, leaning against Lin Feng, he fell asleep.

Lin Feng looked at Shangguan Feier painfully.

If you say who loves himself most in the world.

Maybe besides parents.

Is it Shangguan Feier?

"I\'m back.". Lin Feng murmured. He picked up Shangguan Feier, walked towards the bed, put her on the bed and covered her with a quilt. Lin Feng sat by the bed and looked at the sleeping Shangguan Feier painfully.

When dawn came, the smell of terror filled the world.

"Boy, I know you\'re hiding in the city. Get out and die quickly.".

A tall and burly man stepped in.