Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 846


When the ruins burst open, Lin Feng rushed out again. He has indomitable fighting spirit and will never give up easily.

Lin Feng went against the sky for nine days, and the breath in his body became more and more terrible and amazing. He understood the two "potentials".

Xing Tian is determined to fight.

With each step, Lin Feng\'s combat power will be greatly improved.

"Potential" itself can improve the combat effectiveness of friars.

If the potential degenerates into domineering.

It\'s enough to make the gods tremble if you release your domineering spirit without using your hands.

"Two potentials...". Xu Shu\'s voice trembled slightly.

Even though he had overestimated Lin Feng\'s, he now felt the two "potentials" emanating from Lin Feng\'s body.

"Potential" is the most difficult to understand.

Even though he reached the "realm of creation" due to his cultivation, he could not understand the "potential".

If you practice to the realm of life and death in the future, you may be able to understand a "potential".


When you understand one "potential", it is difficult to understand the second "potential".

"Potential" and "potential" are mutually exclusive.

Lin Feng is only the realm of yin and Yang, but he has understood two "potentials", which is too rebellious.

If you let this child grow, it will be a great disaster in the future.

"Boy, you must die.".

Xu Shu roared and rushed towards Lin Feng. He offered the law and swept towards Lin Feng.

The law of monk cohesion in the realm of creation is too terrible. Lin Feng\'s golden elixir was cracked by the law before.

Lin Feng quickly collected the golden elixir into his body.

If the golden elixir is broken, Lin Feng will be hard hit.

Cultivation will also directly fall into the six heaven of yin and Yang.

After the cultivation falls, it is difficult to break through the realm of yin and Yang.

Lin Feng is also very clear about this, so he will never continue to expose his golden elixir now.

Facing the attack of the law, Lin Feng offered the seven treasures glass tower, the most valuable defense treasure.

The seven treasures glass tower was suspended in the air, and the light of the seven treasures fell down to protect Lin Feng.

Bang Bang

The rule came from bombardment, one blow after another, and it was mercilessly bombarded on the defense mask formed by Lin Feng in the seven treasure glazed tower.

Click, click.

The defense light shield formed by the seven treasures glass tower is also cracking.

Unfortunately, this treasure is not a Taoist weapon. If it is a Taoist weapon, it can defend against Xu Shu\'s attack.

Although Xu Shu is powerful, he only condenses one law, which shows that Xu Shu is only a monk with a heaven of nature.

The realm of creation is very important. Friars in heaven will gather the power of one law. With the improvement of cultivation, there will be more and more condensed laws.

If it\'s a Taoist weapon, it\'s OK to defend against the attacks of the four or five heavenly friars in the realm of creation, not to mention Xu Shu?

However, the Qibao glazed pagoda is still only a semi-finished Taoist instrument, and has not really transformed into a Taoist instrument.

"A semi-finished Taoist weapon also wants to resist our attack?".

Xu Shu\'s face was full of disdain. He flew in quickly and blew his fist at the light mask condensed from the seven treasures glass tower.


This time, the light mask made of the seven treasures glass tower collapsed.

The luster of the seven treasures glass tower is dim. It can\'t be moved in a short time. Lin Feng is included in the Dantian.

"Boy, die.".

Xu Shu raised his right hand and smashed it at Lin Feng, just like a strong man beating a drum.

There were dull crashing sounds in the void, and the loud noise shook the sky.

"Worm king".

Lin Feng looked indifferent. He opened the slave bag and offered up the green Mantis Scorpion King.

This was what Dugu Aotian intended to do when dealing with Dugu Aotian, but now he must sacrifice the insect king, otherwise he would die in Xu Shu\'s hands today.

"唳". A shrill cry came out, and the green Mantis Scorpion King rushed out and quickly killed Xu Shu.

Seeing the green Mantis Scorpion King, Xu Shu\'s face changed greatly.

He also ignored attacking Lin Feng and hurriedly urged the law to sweep to the green Mantis Scorpion King.


The law mercilessly pumped the green Mantis Scorpion King and flew the green Mantis scorpion king out.

Click, click.

This blow also hurt the green Mantis Scorpion King. The hard shell of the green Mantis Scorpion King cracked, and the dark green blood immediately flowed out.

However, it also completely angered the insect king, who made bursts of sharp and harsh calls.

Then, in the slave animal bag, the green Mantis scorpion that covered the sky and blocked the sun flew out.

Kill Xu Shu.

Seeing the insects, Xu Shu\'s face suddenly changed.

"Green Mantis swarm, boy, what do you have to do with the Gu evil sect or the barbarian temple? Only the friars of the Gu evil sect or the barbarian Temple know how to raise the swarm".

Xu Shu was angry.

"Can\'t I raise insects without any relationship? I accepted the insect king. The insect King recognized me as the Lord, and I knew how to raise insects.".

Lin Feng sneered.

The overwhelming green Mantis swarm kills Xu Shu.

But Xu Shu is too strong.

The law sweeps through the void. I see a large number of green Mantis being killed, and I can\'t get close at all.

Xu Shu smiled grimly and said, "boy, don\'t think that insects can kill us. If a strong man in the realm of creation is so easy to be killed, can he be called Da Neng?".

Xu Shu showed amazing combat power. He was harvesting insects.

Lin Feng looked gloomy. If it goes on like this, all the insects will die sooner or later.

Then he will die.


Lin Feng gritted his teeth. He sacrificed the black dragon sword and killed Xu Shu.

The law is twisted and sweeps towards Lin Feng. Lin Feng waves the black dragon sword to kill the law.


Lin Feng was blown out.

Click, click.

I don\'t know how many bones were broken.

But he was not afraid of death and put it down again.

Once, twice, three times

Lin Feng killed the past ten times in a row.

Xu Shu looked indifferent. He sneered and said, "boy, die.".

Xu Shu\'s law of cohesion blasted Lin Feng like a mountain.

The power is far more powerful than before. Xu Shu wants to kill Lin Feng completely.

"Life and death is at this time".

Lin Feng gritted his teeth.

Devour the strongest form of martial soul.

The five devouring martial spirits are one.


Lin Feng runs five to devour martial spirits, and the five to devour martial spirits are instantly integrated.

A black hole swallowing black hole came out, when Xu Shu\'s law came.

The black hole directly swallowed Xu Shu\'s law.

Xu Shu\'s law vibrates violently.

Click, click.

Swallowing the black hole is crumbling, and Lin Feng is like being struck by lightning and spitting blood.

Obviously, he won\'t last long.

Xu Shu grimly smiled and said, "it\'s no use still struggling fearlessly. You\'ll die today.".

But Xu Shu\'s voice just fell.


The next moment, Xu Shu uttered a cry of pain.

The green Mantis Scorpion King received Lin Feng\'s order and lay silent.

Lin Feng is the law of desperately imprisoning Xu Shu.

There is no law protection behind Xu Shu, only mana protection, and there are loopholes in defense.

The green Mantis Scorpion King seems to be the most powerful killer, lurking behind Xu Shu, a claw pierced Xu Shu\'s body protection mana, and then pierced Xu Shu\'s skin.


Xu Shu roared and slapped the green Mantis Scorpion King.


The blow was too strong. The body of the green Mantis Scorpion King was pierced out of a blood hole and fell towards the ground. In his anger, Xu Shu rushed directly towards the green Mantis Scorpion King. He wanted to kill the green Mantis Scorpion King completely.

But just halfway through, Xu Shu felt dizzy and swollen.

"No, it\'s highly toxic...". Xu Shu\'s face changed greatly and he stopped to expel the poison.

The dense green Mantis rushed over at this time, but Xu Shu\'s body burned with hot flames, which was Xu Shu\'s toxin in the disintegration of the power of burning life.

At this time, Xu Shu also knew that his situation was in crisis, so he began to work hard.

The green Mantis was burned into fly ash when it came into contact with those flames.

"Go to hell". Lin Feng roared and rushed over.

He slashed Xu Shu, who was dissolving the poison.

But Xu Shu moved sideways to the left and directly avoided Kailin Feng\'s sword.

You died.

Xu Shu smiled grimly and stabbed Lin Feng with his left hand like a sword.

A puff.

His palm pierced Lin Feng\'s chest directly.

Xu Shu\'s mouth was full of a grimace.

He was about to tear Lin Feng\'s flesh.

But Lin Feng has already displayed his soul secret skill in advance.

The soul villain came out with a sword, rushed into Xu Shu\'s mind and killed Xu Shu\'s soul.

Xu Shu has no time to resist such a close display of his soul secret skill.


Xu Shu uttered a shrill scream.

His soul was greatly hurt, and his left hand was pulled out of Lin Feng\'s chest.

Holding his head in his hands, he screamed in pain.

Lin Feng held his sword in both hands and killed it with one sword.

With a puff, Xu Shu\'s head was killed by Lin Feng with a sword.

Lin Feng couldn\'t support it anymore and fell to the ground.


Lin Feng hit the ground hard.