Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 845

"Danger! Danger! Danger!".

Seeing the big hand blocking the sky and the sun, Lin Feng felt that the hairs on his whole body suddenly rose, and a cold feeling rose from his spine, which made him shudder.

The strong man in the realm of creation, who grasps the power of the laws of heaven and earth, has unpredictable power when he attacks casually.


Lin Feng didn\'t hesitate and rushed to the distance.

Griffins trembled with fear, and from time to time issued bursts of wailing.

The big hand covering thousands of acres of land makes Lin Feng feel unavoidable.

The big hands gradually closed.

Lin Feng pushed the speed to the extreme.

Before the big hands closed, he took the lead in escaping.

The Griffin had no such good luck. It was caught by the big hand covering the sky.

He was crushed to death in an instant.


At this time, a cold voice came from behind Lin Feng.

Lin Feng\'s face suddenly changed. He turned his head and looked back.

He saw that he didn\'t know when a monk appeared behind him.

After seeing the monk, Lin Feng\'s face looked ugly. He was no other than Xu Shu.

Xu Shu slapped Lin Feng.

The axe breaks the sky.

Lin fengleng shouted. He condensed a huge axe light and went towards Xu Shu.

However, Lin Feng\'s ancient magic power was vulnerable to Xu Shu\'s attack.

With a click, the axe light broke, and then Xu Shu killed Lin Feng with his palm and blew Lin Feng out for thousands of meters.


Lin Feng\'s body hit the ground hard.

Suddenly, a deep pit of tens of meters came out.

Lin Feng got up from the pit and spit out a mouthful of blood. His face was as white as paper.

This is the terrible strength of the friars in the realm of creation.

Lin Feng, with a wry smile on his face, thought his strength had improved greatly. Even if he was defeated in front of the monk of the realm of creation, he could support it for a period of time.

But he didn\'t think of it.

I was so weak in front of the friars of the realm of creation.

The monk of the realm of creation is like a God.

And I am just a mortal.

Mortals are like ants before the gods.

Lin Feng runs the immortal spirit body, his immortal blood is activated, and Lin Feng\'s flesh body recovers at a speed visible to the naked eye.

He rushed out of the pit and looked at Xu Shu with a dignified look.

Now he has been locked by Xu Shu. He can\'t escape if he wants to escape. He has to fight to death.

"It\'s really undead. If you bear my blow, you can not only not die, but also recover quickly.".

Xu Shuyin said with pity.

"Hehe, old man, it\'s shameless enough. As a monk in the realm of creation, he robbed and killed a younger generation of me.".

Lin Feng cursed in a low voice.

"That\'s because you must die. If you don\'t kill you, how can your anger be calmed?".

Xu Shu stepped forward, and his breath became more and more terrible.

The aura between heaven and earth rushed towards Xu Shu and was absorbed by him.

And Xu Shu\'s breath is getting stronger and stronger.

"What is this?".

Lin Feng looked at Xu Shu with moving eyes.

His ability is too rebellious.

What is the means to absorb the power of heaven and earth and improve combat effectiveness?

"Surprised? This is the power of law.".

Xu Shu\'s voice fell, and there were amazing waves in his Dantian.

Lin Feng saw that a law appeared in Xu shudantian.

That law hovers in the elixir field and devours the energy of heaven and earth.

This is the law.

This is the result of the Tao trace in the body of the monk of the realm of creation after he suddenly realized the Tao of heaven.

The law itself not only has great power, but also can devour the energy of heaven and earth.

Once the power of the law is mastered, the level of life will complete its transformation.

Monks in the realm of yin and Yang have a thousand years of life.

The friars in the realm of creation have a longevity of more than 5000 years. Some of the top friars in the realm of creation can even have a longevity of seven or eight thousand years.


It is because of the laws of heaven and earth that they continuously absorb the power of life between heaven and earth and supplement it to monks to prolong their life.

However, monks in the realm of yin and yang can not absorb the power of life between heaven and earth. At most, they can absorb some power of the vitality of heaven and earth to improve their accomplishments.

There is a big gap between the monks in the realm of yin and Yang and the monks in the realm of creation in terms of life form, mastered power and so on.

Xu Shu blew another palm at Lin Feng. This time, Xu Shu showed a magic power.

In the void, purple thunder is intertwined. Xu Shu\'s magic power is called Taiyi Zixiao divine thunder.


The loud noise shook the sky, and the power of thunder surged out and went towards Lin Feng.

Lin Feng\'s face changed slightly. He quickly retreated to avoid the terrible blow.

But Lin Feng found that he couldn\'t escape at all.

He had to use his magic power to resist.

"Crack the sky"!

"Sword merger"!

Lin Feng whispered.

The left hand condenses the knife light.

The right hand condenses sword Qi.

The sword and sword are united, and instantly sweep to the power of purple thunder.


With the sound of violent collision, Xu Shu\'s cohesive purple thunder broke Lin Feng\'s magic power.

Then the purple thunder killed Lin Feng.

Lin Feng was blown out again.

The power of purple thunder caused great damage to Lin Feng\'s body.

His body was torn and bleeding.

But Lin Feng\'s flesh is too strong. Immortal blood is quickly repairing his injury.

"It\'s really an enviable talent, but even if you have a special constitution, you can\'t use it indefinitely. Don\'t you notice that your mana is consumed quickly when you recover your special constitution? When your mana is consumed, I can run over you with my fingers.".

Xu Shu said coldly.

Lin Feng\'s face sank slightly, which was indeed the same as what Xu Shu said.

The powerful ability of special constitution is naturally amazing for the consumption of mana.

The stronger the special constitution, the greater the consumption.

Obviously, Lin Feng\'s immortal body, as one of the ten taboo constitutions in ancient times, consumes far more than the general special constitution.

Urging the immortal spirit, Lin Feng insisted for half an hour at most.

Lin Feng gritted his teeth and said coldly, "don\'t be complacent too early, old man. The winner of this war is not certain."

"What waves do you think you can turn out in my hands with your strength? It\'s ridiculous. I\'ll break the mountain with a move.".

Xu Shu smiled grimly, rushed towards Lin Feng quickly, and slapped Lin Feng in the past.

"Golden elixir"!

Lin Feng shouted low and offered his strongest means directly.

His golden elixir flew out.

The fist sized golden elixir sent out a wave like destroying heaven and earth, and went towards Xu Shu.

"How could there be such a big golden elixir?".

Xu Shu cried incredulously.

A ghostly expression.

The next moment, the golden elixir directly broke Xu Shu\'s mountain collapse palm, and then smashed it at Xu Shu.


Lin Feng\'s face showed a happy look.

But at this time, Xu Shu sneered, "boy, today I\'ll let you know how strong the monk in the realm of creation is.".

The voice fell, and Xu Shu\'s law in the Dantian flew out directly.

I saw the law sweeping towards Lin Feng\'s golden elixir.


Xu Shu\'s law of cohesion collided with Lin Feng\'s golden elixir.

Destructive forces surged out.

Large areas of mountains and forests were destroyed in an instant.

Click, click.

The golden elixir condensed by Lin Feng cracked under the bombardment of Xu Shu\'s law of condensation.


The golden elixir cracked and Lin Feng was also eaten back and spit out a mouthful of blood directly.

Xu Shu\'s law of cohesion swept the void and swept Lin Feng out for thousands of meters.

Lin Feng\'s body hit a 3000 meter high mountain.

The whole mountain collapsed instantly, burying Lin Feng in the ruins.