Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 844

In the evening, han zi painted Lin Feng and Sun Yi picking up the wind and washing the dust. Many senior leaders of great forces in Junzi city came to attend.

After the banquet, Lin Feng returned to his residence and began to prepare for refining Taigu life renewal pill.

This pill is not difficult to refine. The key is that danfang is more precious.

Taigu life renewal pill is a pill to protect the immortal soul.

Now han zi\'s wife Ruoxi\'s biggest trouble is that the "spirit" is about to be destroyed.

Once the human soul dies, it will die completely.

Taigu continued life Dan continued life for Ruoxi and let her spirit live for another hundred years.

Han Zihua will find the heavenly material and earth treasure that can restore Ruoxi\'s soul in this hundred years, so that she can recover from the state of the living dead.


Sun Yi\'s residence.

"My Lord, fire Valley, fire thousand clouds, please see me.". Shiyan came in from the outside.

Now he and Sun Yi live alone in a courtyard. It can be seen that Sun Yi attaches great importance to Shi Yan.

Maybe it\'s because Shi Yan himself was promoted to a great elder, or maybe it\'s related to Lin Feng.

The rest of the medicine kings naturally envy that Shiyan can be valued by Sun Yi.

However, this kind of thing can\'t be envied just by envy.

They vaguely heard that Shi Yan\'s daughter seemed to have a lot to do with Lin Feng.

I think Sun Yi also knows this, so he is so close to Shi Yan.

"Fire Valley people? Hum, if I offended brother Lin, I won\'t see these people again?" Sun Yi sneered.

After Shi Yan got the order, he came outside the yard.

He looked at the fire thousand clouds waiting anxiously and said, "my Lord has rested. Please leave.".

Then he ignored the gloomy fire clouds and turned back to the yard.

The fire cloud shook his body slightly.

His eyes were full of angry eyes.

Huo qianyun knew that he was the president of Youzhou herbalist Federation of trade unions, which was a failure.

People in the surrounding fire Valley dare not touch the eyebrows of fire clouds.

Zhuo Yan accompanied him carefully and said, "elder martial brother, it must be that boy who did evil behind his back. That guy is young. What if he is a Tianjie herbalist? His cultivation must be bad. Isn\'t that boy going out alone? Let\'s find a chance to kill that boy to vent our hatred.".

Hearing Zhuo Yan\'s words, Huo qianyun\'s anger was even stronger. He looked at Zhuo Yan coldly and said, "It\'s ok if you act arrogantly as a disciple of fire Valley, but did I warn you to speak carefully in front of senior Sun Yi? If it weren\'t for you, senior Sun Yi would be angry with me? I saw that the position of president of Youzhou herbalist Federation of trade unions, which is about to be acquired, flew away like this. It\'s all because of your fault. How can I spare you easily?".

The voice fell, and the fire thousand clouds in the rage clapped on Zhuo Yan\'s chest.


Zhuo Yan was shot and flew out like lightning, spitting blood in the air.

Fell to the ground and didn\'t move.

A disciple went to check and found that Zhuo Yan was killed by Huo qianyun in his anger.

"Dead, dead." the disciple said in a trembling voice.

"Elder martial brother, I\'m wrong. Please forgive me." the famous saying ridiculed Lin Feng\'s female disciple knelt on the ground and cried in horror.

Huoqianyun has a high status in the fire valley because he is the nephew of the leader of the fire valley.

And he is already a ground level herbalist, which is not comparable to them.

Kill them, they die in vain.

After killing Zhuo Yan with one slap, Huo qianyun\'s anger subsided a lot, and he swept coldly at the female disciple.

"Xu Rui, you\'re pretty good. Master Lin is just a young man and must like women very much. I\'ll give you a task now. If you can do it, you can not only prosper, but also I can be forgiven by master Lin, so as to have the opportunity to serve as the president of the General Union of refiners in a state.".

Huoqianyun narrowed his eyes and looked at this beautiful girl with excellent faces. He smiled and seemed to have come up with a good method.


At dawn, Lin Feng successfully refined Taigu life extension pill.

He rested for a while.

When the sun was born, Han Zihua asked Lin Feng to go out for dinner.

Lin Feng called Han Zihua into the room, took out the refined Taigu life renewal pill, and said, "this is the Taigu life renewal pill. If you take it, you can keep the spirit of your sister-in-law\'s wife immortal for a hundred years.".

Hearing Lin Feng\'s words, Han Zihua trembled all over.

Then he excitedly took over the porcelain vase containing Taigu life renewal pill.

"Brother Lin\'s kindness is unforgettable.".

Han Zihua said he would give Lin Feng a big gift.

Lin Feng quickly helped Han Zihua up. He said, "brother Zihua, don\'t be so polite.".

At this time, Han Zihua took out a white jade box and said, "I hope brother Lin can take this holy medicine. Only in brother Lin\'s hands can such a baby play its due value".

Lin Feng didn\'t take the white jade box. He said, "if Mrs. sister-in-law wakes up in the future, she will be very weak. I\'d better leave this holy medicine to Mrs. sister-in-law to take care of her body. Mrs. sister-in-law needs this holy medicine more than I do.".

Han Zihua said with tears, "it\'s a blessing for Zihua to get to know brother Lin for the third time.".

"Brother Zihua, you\'re welcome. I have something to discuss with brother Zihua.". Lin Feng said.

All ears. Han Zihua hugged his fist.

Lin Feng talked with Han Zihua for half an hour. As for the content of the discussion, only the two of them knew.


At breakfast, Lin Feng said, "this time I should make an appointment for brother Zihua to refine medicine for him in five years. I\'m afraid I\'ll let brother sun go for a trip.".

Han Zihua also looked at Sun Yi apologetically.

Sun Yi came for the medicine of 100000 years. Now Lin Feng has refined the Taigu life renewal pill. Naturally, Sun Yi has no chance to get the medicine of 100000 years.

Han Zihua is worried that Sun Yi will be unhappy, and Lin Feng has just explained that he also hopes that Sun Yi will not hate Han Zihua because of this matter.

Sun Yi smiled and said, "even if you can get to know brother Lin here, you can\'t compare with ten holy herbs.".

Sun Yi really deserves to be an old man. Although he also regrets that he missed the 100 thousand year old holy medicine, he didn\'t show it. Lin Feng was very comfortable after listening to his words, and his favor for Sun Yi increased sharply.

Sun Yi then looked at Han Zihua and said with a smile, "Zihua doesn\'t have to worry. I can\'t be happy for you when I see that Zihua\'s wife can succeed in renewing her life. How can I blame you for a miraculous medicine?".

"Thank you for your understanding", Han Zihua saluted.

Lin Feng smiled and said, "sun Daoyou is really broad-minded, and I admire him.".

Sun Yi smiled.

Sun Yi is also very satisfied with his way of doing things today. He has left a broad-minded image in front of Lin Feng, which will obviously add to Lin Feng\'s favor.

In Sun Yi\'s opinion, the value of a 100000 year old holy medicine is far less important than the friendship with Lin Feng.

Lin Feng lived in Han Zihua\'s residence for three days. Most of these three days, he and Sun Yi exchanged experiences in refining medicine.

Because Lin Feng has been studying all kinds of medicine refining techniques alone, he rarely meets a Tianji herbalist like Sun Yi.

This is indeed a process of mutual exchange and mutual promotion.

In the three days, the two people not only exchanged a lot of content, but also felt great harvest, whether Sun Yi or Lin Feng.

"Ha ha, it\'s really enlightening for me to communicate with brother Lin. I can\'t wait to return to the main hall and shut down for some time now.".

Sun Yi said with a smile.

Lin Feng also said with a smile, "communicating with sun Daoyou has also benefited me a lot. I\'m going to leave Junzi city here. I\'ll see you later.".

Sun Yi and Lin Feng both left Junzi city.

Sun Yi and others left in the transmission array.

Lin Feng is going to the imperial capital of Zhenwu.

After leaving for so many years, I don\'t know what happened to Shangguan Feier?

Thinking of Shangguan Feier, Lin Feng felt a little warm in his heart.

This is a woman who deeply loves Lin Feng.

And Shangguan Feier also has an extremely important position in Lin Feng\'s heart.

Because there is no transmission array in Zhenwu country, Lin Feng can only go to Zhenwu country by Griffin.

After leaving Junzi City, Lin Feng entered the vast ancient forest, and the Griffin flew quickly above the ancient forest.

When passing through a mountain, suddenly, a big hand covering thousands of acres of land came out of the mountains, and it was caught by Lin Feng.

"Bad, the strong man in the realm of creation".