Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 838

"Dead, Dugu Xuan is dead......".

I looked at the challenge arena with unbelievable eyes.

A generation of Tianjiao Dugu Xuan.

Was killed.

This made everyone feel shocked and moved.

On the challenge arena, the young monk\'s black hair fluttered in the wind.

It\'s him.

Kill Dugu Xuan.

Cut off the favored son of heaven cultivated by the Taigu forces.

"The immortal body of the top ten taboos in ancient times is really terrible. Dugu Xuan\'s powerful characters have been cut off.".

"Dugu Xuan urged the martial spirit. I even thought he was going to kill the young friar soon, but the young friar revived his special physique and killed Dugu Xuan instead. What a surprise.".

"Is shangshenzong going crazy now? Dugu Xuan is a descendant of shangshenzong. He is a strong young man, and he can\'t find many people among the ancient forces like shangshenzong".

"Yes, the God Pope will not give up.".


Many people talked about it. Now Dugu Xuan has been beheaded, the God sect will be angry.

Not just God.

And Dugu family

Dugu family, as the No. 1 force in the East kingdom of China, finally came into being a top-level Tianjiao like Dugu Xuan.

Maybe it will lead Dugu family to a new glory.

But the sad thing is that Dugu Xuan was killed before he really grew up.

The Dugu family will surely live with the young monk.

The void challenge arena opens again.

Lin Feng came out of the empty challenge arena.

"Boy, you want to die. I\'ll cut you to pieces.".

The roar shook the sky.

Xu Shu rose into the sky and killed Lin Feng.

The God sect sent him out to protect Dugu Xuan because he was worried that Dugu Xuan would be killed before he grew up.

Dugu Xuan and Lin Feng fought for life and death. Xu Shu thought it was easy to kill Lin Feng with Dugu Xuan\'s ability.

But this battle was unexpected. Lin Feng killed Dugu Xuan.

After returning, Xu Shu will also be questioned by the God Pope.

After all, Dugu Xuan, the owner of this special constitution, is very rare.

Now the fall is also a great loss to the God sect.

For Lin Feng who caused all this, Xu Shu wanted to cut Lin Feng thousands of times.

He blasted Lin Feng with one palm.

"Xu Shu, I have signed a life and death certificate with Dugu Xuan. This person was beheaded because of his poor strength. Are you trying to revenge now?".

Lin Feng looked indifferent, and his eyes glittered with a sense of killing.

Although he is not Xu Shu\'s opponent, he does not mean that there is no way.

Lin fengnu keeps insects in the animal bag.

Once the insects are sacrificed, plus his own action, Lin Feng is 50% sure to kill Xu Shu.

But he doesn\'t want to break the leak swarm now.

Because this is Lin Feng\'s way to deal with Dugu Aotian.


"Xu Shu is really despicable at this moment.".

"As a strong man of the older generation, even if he wants to kill the young monk, he should not be in the holy city, let alone after a duel of life and death.".

"Xu Shu is really a disgrace to the strong of the older generation."

Many people shook their heads and looked at Xu Shu with a disdainful expression.

Xu Shu looked extremely gloomy. Naturally, he heard a lot of criticism.

But Xu Shu can\'t manage so much.

He has only one idea now, that is to kill Lin Feng.

Don\'t kill this man.

It\'s hard to calm your anger.

Lin Feng looks indifferent. He has begun to prepare to sacrifice the insects and fight to the death with Xu Shu.

At this time, someone in the crowd sneered and said, "Xu Shu, you crossed the border. It is stipulated by the Wulin hall that those who sign the form of life and death, the duel is over. Within ten days, no one can seek revenge. As soon as the duel of life and death is over, are you ignoring the rules of the Wulin hall?"

Wu soul hall is an ancient force that no one can ignore.

The establishment of Wuhun hall is far beyond the ancient times. Wuhun has the responsibility of monitoring tianwu continent.

Although the Wu soul hall is extremely low-key.

Nor participate in the struggle of major forces.

But it doesn\'t mean that we can ignore the giant Wuhun hall.

Many of the rules of tianwu continent were formulated by the Wu soul hall.

Including the rules of life and death duel in the challenge arena, which is also formulated by the Wulin hall.

"I\'m going to kill this son today. Will it be difficult for me to go to the God sect in the Wulin hall?".

Xu Shu sneered.

He moved out the upper Shenzong and obviously wanted the Taigu force of the above Shenzong as the backing.

According to Xu Shu.

Kill Lin Feng yourself.

Is it possible that the Wu soul hall will offend the ancient power of the God sect for a dead man?

Anyone knows.

What a bad deal it is.

Therefore, Xu Shu didn\'t stop. He gathered powerful magic powers and killed Lin Feng.

Lin Feng has also begun to communicate with the insect king to decide to fight with Xu Shu.

But at this time.

A cold voice suddenly resounded, "someone dares to ignore the rules set by my martial soul hall. I really don\'t know whether to live or die.".


In the void, a woman appeared silently.

She swept Xu Shu with one palm.

"Yu Ji, the general director of 72 states in the north of Wu soul hall, even came to Tiansheng city. It seems that she was also attracted by tianwai meteorite.".

Many people cried out when they saw the woman.

Yuji, a great beauty.

A thousand years ago, Yu Ji was recognized as the first beauty in tianwu mainland.

But later, Yu Ji closed the Customs for many years. After leaving the customs, she served as the general director of the Wu soul hall in 72 northern prefectures.

Yuji, although she is a woman.

But she is a true giant.

Seeing Yu Ji\'s hand, Xu Shu\'s face suddenly changed.

Although Xu Shu is powerful, she is still like an ant and a dog in front of Yu Ji.

He quickly sacrificed his defense magic weapon to resist Yu Ji\'s attack.


Yu Ji just waved her sleeve and swept it at will.

Xu Shu was blown out and vomited blood in the air.

"Yu Ji, Taoist friend, why should you be so angry? What we do today is wrong."

The void twisted.

In the twisted void, an old man in black came out.

"It\'s the ancestor of cangxuan", many people exclaimed.

This is a supreme elder of the God sect, a giant of all ages, who is high above the world and squints at the general figure of three thousand states in tianwu mainland.

"Lao Zu......". The people of shangshenzong quickly saluted cangxuan.

Yu Ji stood in the void, floating in white, like a fairy in the nine days.

Her voice was cold. "Today I will give shangshenzong a face. Forgive Xu Shuo once. Next time, I will cut him.".

"Thank you", cangxuan ancestor hugging fist.

When an outstanding disciple was killed, Xu Shu, a monk in the realm of creation in the sect, was beaten and vomited blood. He would also like to thank the other party for not killing Xu Shu. Cangxuan was very angry, but he knew that it would be no good to fight against the Wulin hall.

Father cangxuan wrapped up all the people of shangshenzong, tore the void and left.

"Hoo......". Lin Feng took a deep breath.

He cut off the connection with the insect king and turned to look at the great beauty in white as snow not far away.