Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 839

In the past years, Yu Ji once invited Lin Feng to join the Wu soul hall.

Lin Feng also promised Yu Ji.

If it were not for the changes in the family, he would be wanted by Aotian ancient capital.

Now, Lin Feng should have been a friar in the Wu soul hall.

Nature makes people.

Perhaps there is a lack of fate.

"Thank you, sister Yu Ji.".

Lin Feng came forward.

His relationship with Yu Ji is very cordial.

Lin Feng once saw a high figure like Yu Ji recalling her mother\'s every bit in the imperial palace of the motherland. She cried with tears and was heartbroken.

At that time, Lin Feng suddenly understood a truth.

No matter how strong a person is, he has weaknesses.

Family affection is the weakness of countless people.

People live in the world.

Not just to live for yourself.

Still living for their loved ones.

And family affection is also the most precious emotion in the world.

"Things are right and people are wrong after a long absence", Yu Ji sighed.

The young man with weak crown in those years has grown up to be able to kill the outstanding children cultivated by Taigu forces.

At the beginning, I didn\'t see it wrong.

Lin Feng smiled bitterly. Indeed, as Yu Ji said, time has changed too many things over the years.

"Let\'s go to Wuhun hall to talk," said Yu Ji.

Lin Feng nodded.

He said hello to Murong Xue, and then went to Wu soul hall with Yu Ji.

But obviously, Dugu Xuan\'s murder will not end so easily.

This thing continues to ferment.

How many years has it been since Dugu Xuan, who has a special constitution, was killed?

Dugu Xuan was the first Supreme Tianjiao among the Taigu forces to be killed in more than 30000 years since the middle ages.

So it caused an uproar.

Countless people are still talking about the thrilling World War I. Lin Feng and Yu Ji come to the Wu soul hall.

In the holy city of heaven, there is a sub Hall of the martial soul hall.

In a room, tea was boiling on a white jade table.

There is refreshing tea fragrance in the room.

Yu Ji poured Lin Feng a cup of tea and asked with concern, "how have you been these years?".

Lin Feng felt a little warm in his heart. He nodded and said, "everything is fine.".

Yu Ji said, "I\'m afraid I\'ve suffered a lot when I\'m alone.".

Lin Feng said, "the journey of cultivation will not be smooth.".

Yu Ji smiled and said, "yes, but along the way, I realized that I had a great harvest. I\'m also happy for you that you can grow up to this point.".

Lin Feng said, "thanks for sister Yu Ji\'s concern, but I failed to join the Wuhun hall and failed to live up to sister Yu Ji\'s invitation.".

"No matter which force you join, as long as you can improve your cultivation, the choice is correct. What\'s more, life is full of countless uncertainties. Who knows what will happen in the future?".

Yu Ji smiled. She was noble and beautiful, and her smile could warm people\'s hearts.

Staying with Yu Ji calmed Lin Feng\'s heart.

"I met Murong Baichuan of the spirit array master union overseas. Listen to him, you have become a heaven level spirit array master?".

Yu Ji looks at Lin Feng.

"Yes...". Lin Feng nodded.

Yu Ji then said, "have you ever thought about leaving tianwu one day?".

Hearing Yu Ji\'s words, Lin Feng\'s heart jumped.

He naturally wants to leave tianwu.

He\'s going to the starry world.

But Lin Feng knows that this requires strong enough strength.

Lin Feng pressed down the palpitation in his heart and asked, "please tell me what sister Yu Ji wants to say.".

"Our tianwu continent has never been divine since the middle ages. Do you know why?". Yu Ji asked.

Lin Feng said, "is it because the spirit pulse is exhausted?".

Yu Ji said, "this is only one of the reasons. The most important reason is that there is no heaven and earth Qi in tianwu mainland. Cultivating to the realm of reincarnation and then breaking through is the divine realm. However, if you want to break through the divine realm, you need to absorb the heaven and earth Qi. However, in tianwu mainland, the heaven and earth Qi is exhausted, and it is impossible for anyone to cultivate to the divine realm in tianwu mainland.".

"Heaven and earth are in good luck. What is this?". Lin Feng asked suspiciously.

Yu Ji said, "this is a kind of mysterious power. Some people can pick up magic weapons when they go out, and some people are killed by meteorites falling from the sky when they go out. Why? It is because of Qi luck. Those who have atmosphere luck can do things against the sky and achieve the boundary of gods. Therefore, after cultivating to the realm of reincarnation, they should absorb the Qi luck of heaven and earth".

"It is said that there are few people in the realm of reincarnation in tianwu mainland. It is because tianwu mainland has no luck in heaven and earth and can\'t help them break through, so they left? Is that right?".

Lin Feng said his doubts.

Yin and Yang, nature, life and death, reincarnation.

For example, today, the monks in the realm of yin and Yang in mainland China are the backbone of all major forces.

The monks in the realm of creation are the existence of great power, and often have a pivotal position.

As for the eternal giant in the realm of life and death, this is a high figure, squinting at tianwu.

Reincarnation may exist, but even if there are strong people at this level, it is estimated that they have just broken through.

He will leave tianwu soon.


Yu Ji nodded and said, "there\'s nothing wrong. The samsara friars can absorb the Qi of heaven and earth, but tianwu mainland has no Qi of heaven and earth. Naturally, they will choose to leave and continue to stay in tianwu mainland, which is just a waste of time.".

After a pause, Yu Ji continued, "there is an endless ocean in the depths of the East China Sea. In the endless ocean, there are dangers. If you are careless, you may die. The monks in the realm of reincarnation are risking their lives to enter the endless ocean. They have to cross the endless Ocean and reach the other shore


"It\'s Kyushu...". Lin Feng said in surprise.

"Yes, it\'s Kyushu. Originally, our tianwu mainland was also a state of Kyushu, but the war in the last years of ancient times led to the disintegration of Kyushu, and finally formed the two continents of Kyushu and tianwu mainland.".

Yu Ji took a deep breath and said, "Kyushu is the cradle of the strong. There is the luck of heaven and earth, which can achieve the realm of gods. Kyushu, however, has a place where real gods exist.".

"Sister Yu Ji wants to invite me to cross the endless ocean and go to Kyushu?". Lin Feng asked.

Yu Ji smiled and said, "I really have this plan.".

"Samsara friar traverses the endless ocean and lives a narrow life. Sister Yu Ji may be able to break through the samsara realm soon, but I\'m afraid I\'ll have to wait many years.".

Lin Feng Road.

No, there is an opportunity in front of us. Said Yu Ji.

"What opportunity?". Lin Feng was surprised.

"After the opening of the road of apocalypse, changes will take place in the endless ocean. The road of Apocalypse will open for three years. These three years will imperceptibly change the endless ocean. These three years are also three years when the endless ocean is relatively safe. We will enter the endless ocean in the third year. At this time, after two years of imperceptible changes, the risk coefficient of the endless ocean has greatly increased Down to the lowest point ".

"It is also the safest time for us to enter the endless ocean at this time. Therefore, every time the road of Apocalypse opens, a group of monks who have not practiced to the realm of reincarnation will enter the endless ocean. After all, it is very difficult to practice to the realm of reincarnation in tianwu mainland. If we can reach Kyushu, it will be much easier to break through the realm of reincarnation and even the realm of God." 。

Said Yu Ji.

Lin Feng only felt his heart beating violently.

When practicing in tianwu mainland, I don\'t know what year and month I can practice to the realm of reincarnation, let alone the realm of God.

Therefore, Yu Ji\'s proposal moved Lin Feng. Although there are many crises across the endless ocean, she seeks wealth and danger. If she can succeed, it will greatly shorten the time to practice to the realm of reincarnation and the realm of God.

"There are many terrible prohibitions in the endless sea area. You need a powerful spirit array master. With your ability, you may even impact the holy order spirit array master before the road of apocalypse is opened. For the friar team entering the endless sea area, the value of the spirit array master is even beyond the level of reincarnation.".

Said Yu Ji.

Lin Feng nodded and said, "OK, this matter will be settled. At that time, I will meet my sister and cross the endless ocean to Kyushu mainland together. I just don\'t know who will be with our team?".

"There are the demon family fire crow saint, Yuwen sword demon, one of the eight scattered cultivation of the devil Road, the evil road expert Wu Jiu, Taigu Jiang Jiayu, and Ji Jiaji Changkong, the four ancient imperial dynasties of Zhongzhou and the Zhou empire...".

Hearing these names, Lin Feng was slightly moved. These are peerless strong men who squint at tianwu continent.

Which one is not the eternal giant?

Hooray, hooray, hooray.

Everyone has a long life and has cultivated an ancient existence for a long time.