Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 837

The power of blood is recovering.

This is Lin Feng\'s silent blood.

Lin Feng has a special constitution.

Immortality, one of the ten taboo constitutions in ancient times, is naturally not easy to recover.

Today, Lin Feng\'s body was badly hurt. Nine drops of immortal blood are frantically repairing Lin Feng\'s injured body.


Lin Feng\'s potential was activated.

His immortal body is going to revive.

A terrible force surged out of the body.

The blood in Lin Feng\'s body is undergoing amazing transformation.

It\'s like the genetic shackles in the blood have been opened.

A powerful force suddenly burst out in the body.

Blood resuscitation with divine power.

This is divine blood.

Different from ordinary blood.

Divine blood has the most powerful power.

Since it is known as one of the ten taboos of Taigu.

Immortality is far from being comparable to ordinary special physique.

Lin Feng felt an unprecedented strength, and the immortal blood flowed in his body.

Lin Feng\'s blood holes recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Even take the holy medicine of 50000 or 60000 years old.

It\'s impossible for your injured body to recover so quickly.

"Look, the wound on the young monk is healing.".

Someone found this, pointing to Lin Feng, unbelievable.

"How is that possible?".

Countless eyes almost didn\'t stare out.

They thought they were dazzled.

They rubbed their eyes hard.

Then look again.

At this time, Lin Feng\'s wound had recovered as before.

Everyone is going crazy.

Pierced the wound of the body.

What a serious injury was that?

Why did it recover so quickly?

Could it be that the boy just took the holy medicine while everyone wasn\'t paying attention?


Even the holy medicine can\'t make his injury recover so quickly.

"How did this happen?".

Dugu Xuan could not accept what was happening.

He roared angrily, "how did your body recover?".

Lin Feng\'s injured body recovered instantly, which really stimulated Dugu Xuan.

Dugu Xuan worked hard to hurt Lin Feng seriously.


In the twinkling of an eye, Lin Feng recovered.

This is a major blow to the spirit.

Lin Feng looked at Dugu Xuan coldly, "if you want to know, you can ask Lord Yan.".

He rushed to Dugu Xuan and wanted to fight Dugu Xuan at close range.

Dugu Xuan smiled grimly: "I don\'t care what method you used to recover your injury. Now, I will directly destroy your body, so that you don\'t even have a chance to recover.".

The eye of the blood vessel flew over him.

Blood colored eyes, blinking terrible eyes.


The eye of the blood ring was excited. A huge blood color light column with a diameter of one meter was shot out and killed Lin Feng.


Lin Feng was blown out. The blow was terrible.

The flesh as strong as Lin Feng is also bloody. In many places, there are white bones.

Many people took a breath.

The terror of the blood ring eye is far more than everyone\'s imagination.

"Boy, how do you die this time?".

Dugu Xuan stood in the air and laughed proudly.

Lin Feng was badly hurt.

How can you recover from such an injury?

"Wuwuwuwu, Lin Feng, don\'t die," Murong Xue cried when she saw Lin Feng\'s miserable appearance.

"Lin Feng\'s injury is much worse than before. How to deal with Dugu Xuan\'s attack next?".

Jin Yichen frowned. He felt that things were bad. Lin Feng was forced to a dead end and wanted to reverse the war. He was afraid it would be as difficult as heaven.

There are many people who think the same as Jin Yichen.

Up to now, there is no way to look after Lin Feng.

"What a terrible blood ring eye".

Lin Feng took a deep breath. He felt that all his internal organs were burning.

It was an almost fatal injury.

I\'m afraid someone else is dead?

"Undead body".

Lin fengleng shouted.


Endless golden light rose into the sky.

Lin Feng was surrounded by golden light.

"What happened?".

Many people looked at the golden light in the challenge arena suspiciously.

The next moment, Lin Feng came out of the golden light. His fragmented body is now restored.

"No, it\'s absolutely impossible"!

Countless people roared and couldn\'t believe their eyes. How could such a terrible body recover so quickly after being fatally injured.

Too shocking.

It\'s too hard to believe.

But everything that happened in front of us is true.

Lin Feng\'s flesh was completely restored.

An old monk was shocked and shouted, "is it the legendary constitution? The constitution that has disappeared for countless years".

Then an ancient religious leader said in surprise, "is it the immortal God among the ten forbidden gods in ancient times?".

"What? Is it such a constitution?".

The monks who have heard of the undead body change color.

It is said that a friar with an immortal body.

They have the power of immortality.

If you cultivate the immortal body to the peak.

Even a drop of blood.

They can also be reborn with blood.

It\'s too difficult to kill someone who has an undead body.

Unless, with the potential of thunder, he will be killed, his soul will be destroyed, and he will not be given the opportunity to cast the immortal divine body.

Xu Shu shouted anxiously, "xuan\'er, hurry up. Don\'t give him a chance to breathe. Destroy his body and soul. He will die. If you give him a chance to breathe, he will continue to consume you and recover. In the end, you will be killed.".

Dugu Xuan was shocked, and he began to urge the blood ring\'s eyes.

Huge blood rings and eyes shot at Lin Feng.

Dugu Xuan also knew that the immortal body was terrible, so Dugu Xuan began to work hard at this moment.

"I underestimate my undead body, blood resuscitation".

Lin fengleng shouted.


His immortal blood revived.

"Nine steps to death"!


Lin Feng stepped forward, which is the ability of the immortal spirit.

Special constitutions have different abilities, but why are the ten taboo gods called the ten taboo gods?

That\'s because.

Ordinary special physique has only one ability.

The ten taboo gods in ancient times, each of which records nine different abilities.

And nine steps to death.

It is one of the nine abilities of the undead body.

Lin Feng walked forward in the void.

He took the first step.

Countless practitioners watching the war felt their hearts beating wildly, and their hearts were about to crack.

"Back, back quickly".

Many people roared in horror and dared not approach.

Lin Feng took the second step, and the terrible blood rings broke directly in the void.


Lin Feng roared, and he tried to take the third step.

Because it is the undead body that has just recovered, Lin Feng has not been able to fully master the special abilities of the undead body.

Just like the nine steps of death, taking the third step is almost Lin Feng\'s limit.

His flesh is even crumbling.

Because the nine steps of death are too powerful. In terms of Lin Feng\'s current cultivation, taking two steps will not be backfired.

But if he takes three steps, he will be strongly backfired.

Lin Feng runs the immortal blood wildly to repair the body at the beginning of collapse.

He gritted his teeth.

Take the third step.


When Lin Feng died, the third step fell.

Dugu Xuan\'s body was blown apart.