Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 836

In the void, blood spilled.

Dugu Xuan was bloody and miserable.

Dugu Xuan was badly hurt by Lin Feng\'s blow.


"This Lin Feng is too strong.".

Several female disciples around fairy Mengxuan said, full of shock in her heart.

Mengxuan fairy\'s beautiful eyes looked at Lin Feng, and there was a storm in her heart.

That\'s Dugu Xuan with special physique.

He was almost killed by Lin Feng.

Jin Yichen, Shinto sect and others were also shocked.

"How did this guy practice?". The most shocking thing is Ouyang Xiyu. She once experienced with Lin Feng. At that time, Lin Feng\'s cultivation was almost eighteen thousand miles worse than now.

How many years?

It has grown to this height. It\'s shocking.

Gu yun\'er hummed Qiong\'s nose and her face was very ugly. When she thought of how many immoral things Lin Feng had done to herself when she was unconscious, she hated her teeth.

The happiest thing was Murong Xue. She had been worried about Lin Feng\'s safety before. Now she saw Lin Feng seriously hurt Dugu Xuan.

Full of joy.

"This boy really should be killed", Xu Shu in the crowd looked gloomy.

He was surrounded by the people of shangshenzong. Their faces were ugly. The next void challenge arena opened. They couldn\'t help Dugu Xuan deal with Lin Feng.

On the challenge arena, Lin Feng walked to Dugu Xuan step by step. His voice was indifferent, "he regarded me as a mole ant, but he was crushed by me. Is this your self-confidence? It really makes me feel ridiculous".


Lin Feng breaks out and kills Dugu Xuan. He doesn\'t want to give Dugu Xuan a chance to resist. It\'s best to kill him directly.

"No one has ever hurt me like this, boy, I will frustrate you today.".

Dugu Xuan roared.

The voice fell, and Dugu Xuan\'s Dantian was shining.

Wu soul.

Dugu Xuan was about to activate his own soul.

Fog swirled.

Dugu Xuan was covered by fog.

In the fog, a bloody eye was suspended.

That bloody eye, emitting a cold breath, is slowly opening now.

Lin Feng felt frightened.

His bloody eyes made him feel a great threat.

"No, this kind of martial spirit must be very terrible.".

Lin Feng accelerates his speed. He wants to kill Dugu Xuan before his bloody eyes open. Otherwise, Lin Feng thinks there will be big trouble.

However, it was still a step late. The blood colored eyes opened in advance, and the blood light was swirling, looking at Lin Feng.

A stream of bloody light surged into the sky.


Blood colored eyes shot away at Lin Feng.


Lin Feng quickly changed his moves. He used the Decepticon thunder formula, gathered the power of thunder, and killed the attack fired at the bloody eyes.

But something terrible happened.

The bloody eyes broke through the power of thunder in an instant.

Then he shot Lin Feng.


Lin Feng hurried to avoid, and the danger of avoiding opened the blow.

"Is that Dugu Xuan\'s martial spirit? A bloody eye? How can there be such a strange martial spirit?".

Many people are confused.

It\'s really too strange that one eye has turned into a martial soul, which makes many people feel confused and unimaginable.

But it\'s really such a martial soul.


One after another, the bloody light shot away at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng can feel the horror of blood light.

He showed his split sky cutting to those bloody lights.


The sky was pierced by blood light.

The penetration of blood light is too powerful.

"The blood ring eye must be the legendary blood ring eye, which is one of the most terrible martial spirits in the blood color martial Soul Series".

A monk exclaimed.

There are countless branches of strange martial spirits, and bloody martial spirits are also one of them.

Such as the sea of blood, it belongs to the bloody martial soul.

Dugu Xuan\'s bloody eyes were also bloody spirits.

This bloody martial soul has a terrible name, which is called the eye of blood vessels.

That means.

Reap life.

Eternal destruction.

Lin Feng quickly avoided the attack of blood light on the challenge arena.


But there was still a bloody light that hit him and broke through Lin Feng\'s body in an instant.

A blood hole appeared in his chest.

Lin Feng\'s body flew backwards and fell on the challenge arena.

"The young friar was injured.".

"Dugu Xuan\'s eye of Wu soul blood ring is terrible.".

Many people exclaimed.

Dugu Xuan walked towards Lin Feng step by step. He was like a god of death, with a cold voice and endless killing intention.

"Have you ever felt the smell of death?".

Dugu Xuan stepped forward and said, "I am the incarnation of death".

Shua Shua

A bloody light shot away at Lin Feng.

"Play tricks"!

Lin Feng sneered. He shot up from the ground and rushed to Dugu Xuan quickly.

If you can get close to Dugu Xuan, you can interrupt him to show his blood ring eyes.

As long as he can break Dugu Xuan\'s blood ring eyes, Lin Feng is confident that he can kill Dugu Xuan.

"Can you get close to death, an ant like thing?".

Dugu Xuan looked indifferent. He seemed to know Lin Feng\'s plan, so he launched a more fierce and violent attack on Lin Feng, making Lin Feng unable to get close to him.

A bloody light came from the challenge arena. There were a lot of bloody light from shooting.

These bloody lights are hard to avoid completely.

Poof! Poof! Poof!

Lin Feng\'s body was punctured one blood hole after another.

"What a terrible soul".

Many people feel creepy.

When everyone thought Lin Feng would win, Dugu Xuan reversed the war with his own martial spirit.

Now, Lin Feng has been completely suppressed, and his injury will only be more and more serious.

Murong Xue\'s face was white and frightened. She had a premonition that something bad was about to happen.

Although he didn\'t want to admit it, Lin Feng might be killed by Dugu Xuan.


This battle was really too difficult for Lin Feng. As a descendant of the Taigu forces, Dugu Xuan\'s strength was beyond imagination.


Lin Feng roared, and he accelerated to rush to Dugu Xuan.

"Blood ring eye light".

Dugu Xuan sneered.

The blood ring\'s eyes blinked, swept out a large area of blood colored eyes, and fiercely blasted Lin Feng\'s body, sweeping Lin Feng out.


Lin Feng vomited a mouthful of blood and turned pale.

This kind of martial spirit has no solution.

"Immortal blood".

Lin Feng urged nine drops of immortal blood in his body.

The immortal blood radiated divine power and quickly repaired Lin Feng\'s badly injured body.


The bloody light came again.

Dugu Xuan continued to attack Lin Feng more fiercely.

Lin Feng\'s body was pierced by more than a dozen blood holes again, dripping with blood.

"I\'m afraid this war is coming to an end.". Many people shake their heads.

The blood ring eye is too terrible to resist.

Lin Feng grits his teeth. He is not a person who gives up easily.

Lin Feng madly urged nine drops of immortal blood to repair his body\'s injury.


Lin Feng was shocked that the blood in his body sent out a terrible wave at this moment.

It\'s like some wild beast is going to revive in the body.

Lin Feng widened his eyes and was shocked, "is it true?".