Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 835

A proud and domineering blow.

Many people thought Lin Feng would die under Dugu Xuan\'s attack.

But Lin Feng looked indifferent. He calmly shot.

This time Lin Feng didn\'t show any magic power.

Despite repeated wars, Lin Feng suffered losses everywhere and was even suppressed very badly.

However, he found the weakness of the beheading body.

Cut the way! Cut the way!

If I don\'t show my way.

What did you cut?

What is Tao?

Tao refers to the avenue of heaven and earth. If it is specific, it is magic power, potential, mana, etc. all belong to the scope of Tao.

Now Lin Feng is fighting Dugu Xuan with pure flesh.


The two sides once again blasted each other, and everyone saw it.

After the collision, Dugu Xuan, who had the advantage, was swept out by Lin Feng.

"You......" Dugu Xuan\'s face changed greatly. He didn\'t expect such a result.

"How can the flesh compete with Dugu Xuan\'s cutting body?"

"The boy found the weakness of Dugu Xuan\'s body in the war".

Many people exclaimed.

Special physique also has weaknesses, but it is difficult to find the weaknesses of special physique.

Now, Lin Feng has found the weakness of cutting the way.

"Special physique is not invincible", Lin Feng looked indifferent and swept towards Dugu Xuan.

Dugu Xuan sneered and said, "boy, do you think you can defeat me if you find the weakness of my beheading body? Then you are very wrong. I have been able to switch between the beheading body and ordinary physique freely for a long time.".

The voice fell, and Dugu Xuan\'s power of cutting the way suddenly fell silent. He punched the void and killed Lin Feng.

"Dugu Xuan\'s ability is so strong that he can switch between ordinary physique and Dao cutting body. In this way, he is still invincible."

"Yes, the young friar used his body to fight against the cutting body, but Dugu Xuan can quickly switch to an ordinary body and use his magic power to deal with him. If the young friar uses his magic power to deal with Dugu Xuan, and Dugu Xuan can activate the cutting body to deal with him, it is absolutely impossible to defeat Dugu Xuan even if he finds Dugu Xuan\'s weakness.".

Many people exclaimed.

Lin Feng gathered the power of thunder, and the power of thunder was wrapped around his palm. He punched Dugu Xuan.

It\'s no use. You\'re destined to be crushed by me.

Dugu Xuan smiled grimly, and he began to change his body.

Soon, Dugu Xuan changed from an ordinary physique to a body of chopping Tao, and then killed Lin Feng with a move.

But Lin Feng is faster.

He immediately dispersed his condensed magic power and his magic power, and fought Dugu Xuan\'s cutting body with his physical power.


The two sides collided again.

Lin Feng\'s flesh body surpassing the gods and Demons broke out an appalling combat power.

Dugu Xuan was hit by Lin Feng and flew out, spitting blood in the air.

"What\'s going on?".

Everyone is stupid.

Just now, everyone saw that Dugu Xuan quickly switched his ordinary physique to the body of chopping Tao to deal with Lin Feng.

Everyone thought Lin Feng was doomed this time.

But no one thought that Dugu Xuan was beaten to vomit blood.

"It\'s the difference in speed. Dugu Xuan switched from ordinary physique to chopping body. He wanted to use the chopping body to deal with the magic power gathered by the young friar. However, the speed of the young friar dispersing the magic power and magic power was faster than that of Dugu Xuan switching from ordinary physique to chopping body. Dugu Xuan just switched from ordinary physique to chopping body, but the young friar had dispersed the magic ahead of time In this way, Dugu Xuan\'s cutting body could not suppress the young friar, but the young friar could use his physical strength to deal with Dugu Xuan\'s cutting body, so Dugu Xuan was hurt ".

Said an old monk.

"Ah......". Dugu Xuan roared angrily, and he was furious.

In front of so many people, he was beaten twice in a row to vomit blood, which made him have a crazy impulse.

Lin Feng rushed to Dugu Xuan and punched Dugu Xuan again.

At this time, Dugu Xuan quickly switched the body of the beheader to an ordinary body. In the state of the body of the beheader, his blood was revived. Although his combat power was against the sky, he could not use other magic powers.

Now Dugu Xuan\'s blood is immersed again.

He brewing a supernatural power to attack Lin Feng.


Lin Feng\'s silent magic power broke out in an instant. Lin Feng gathered magic powers in advance and attacked Dugu Xuan.

Taigu Shenghuang golden winged Mirs gave Lin Feng an improvement in speed, not just golden wings.

His reaction speed, the speed of urging magical powers, and even the speed of spreading mana are far faster than ordinary people.

Lin Feng dispersed and reactivated his mana much faster than Dugu Xuan revived the body of chopping Tao and the body of silent chopping Tao.

Dugu Xuan\'s magic power has not been successfully condensed, and Lin Feng\'s batian thunder formula has been killed on Dugu Xuan.


Dugu Xuan was struck by lightning, and his body flew backwards. His whole body was soaked with blood, and he vomited blood in the air.

"Dugu Xuan\'s ordinary physique and the body of cutting the way are much slower than the young Friar\'s switch between condensing and dispersing mana. Dugu Xuan\'s body of cutting the way is completely useless.".

Many people were surprised, and everyone naturally saw the embarrassment Dugu Xuan was facing.

Unless Dugu Xuan\'s body can be stronger than Lin Feng\'s, he can use the body of cutting the Tao to force Lin Feng to disperse his mana, and then he has a physical duel with Lin Feng.

But obviously Dugu Xuan\'s body is far from Lin Feng\'s body.

"Now do you know who the mole ant is?".

Lin Feng stepped forward and punched Dugu Xuan.

"Boy, even if you don\'t use the body of beheading, I can kill you.".

Dugu Xuan shouted coldly, and his eyes were shining with a sense of killing.

In Dugu Xuan\'s body, a terrible killing intention was condensed.

The killing intention in his body almost condensed into essence.

Dugu Xuan understood the "murderous spirit".

This is a kind of "potential". Now he is urging the murderous Qi in his body.

"Kill God fist".

Dugu Xuan shouted coldly and hit him with a blow.

The endless killing intention is condensed.

Behind Dugu Xuan, a ghost of killing God appeared.

The God of killing and Dugu Xuan were combined into one.


Lin Feng sneered. He stepped forward and killed Dugu Xuan with five emperors\' dragon fist.


The smell of terror diffused from Lin Feng\'s body.

Behind him emerged five great emperors.

Beside the five great emperors, a huge dragon roared.

Qingdi magic dragon.

Red emperor fire dragon.

White Emperor Golden Dragon.

Black emperor water dragon.

Yellow Emperor Dragon.

Lin Feng shows the dragon of the five emperors behind him, like a young emperor.

It means stepping on the ground.

One punch out.

He broke Dugu Xuan\'s killing fist instantly, and then killed Dugu Xuan with one punch.

Peng\'s voice was so dull that Dugu Xuan could not bear Lin Feng\'s move, and half of his body exploded directly.