Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 834

Crack the sky! Sword meaning!

Lin Feng sneered, and the swords merged.

Blade, sword.

Instantly cut out.

Now his cultivation has made a breakthrough, and his attack is naturally more powerful.


With the sound of violent collision, Lin Feng and Dugu Xuan collided together.

Everyone saw that Dugu Xuan was shocked by Lin Feng\'s attack this time.

"What\'s going on?".

Everyone was dumbfounded at this scene.

Many people can still remember the battle more than ten days ago.

Dugu Xuan had an advantage in that war.

However, Dugu Xuan suffered a small loss for the first time today.

Shouldn\'t this be?

"Could it be that the young monk had hidden his accomplishments before?".

A monk said so.

Perhaps only this explanation can explain why Lin Feng suppressed Dugu Xuan in strength after fighting with Dugu Xuan.

There are many top Tianjiao in the square, such as Shinto sect, Mengxuan fairy, Jin Yichen, Gu Yuner, Ouyang Xiyu and others, as well as some top Tianjiao hidden in the dark.

They looked at the duel on the challenge arena and were slightly surprised. In many people\'s opinion, this battle should be the same as the previous duel. Lin Feng was crushed by Dugu Xuan.

But why?

Now it\'s upside down?

Many of the older generation of powerful forces were also surprised to see Lin Feng on the empty challenge arena, showing a thoughtful expression.

"How is that possible?".

Dugu Xuan looked gloomy. He was shocked back at the first blow, which was hard for him to accept.

Because Dugu Xuan never paid attention to Lin Feng from beginning to end.

Now he was defeated by Lin Feng, which was a great humiliation to Dugu Xuan.


Dugu Xuan cut the blood in his body.

He wants to revive the strength of his special constitution.

"Dugu Xuan is about to recover his special physique so soon. It seems that Dugu Xuan is really under pressure.".

Many people exclaimed.

Dugu Xuan\'s special physique is very strong. Once he shows it, his combat power will rise madly.

Now Dugu Xuan obviously wants to suppress Lin Feng directly with a special system, but this also sets off Lin Feng\'s strength from another aspect.

"The young monk is very powerful. However, he has no special constitution and is destined to be killed by Dugu Xuan. If he has a special constitution, he is afraid that Dugu Xuan is not his opponent. It\'s a pity that such a demon genius will be killed in the empty challenge arena today.".

A monk looked at Lin Feng and shook his head slightly.

No one is optimistic that Lin Feng can defeat Dugu Xuan with special physique.

Because the special constitution is really too strong.

"Cut the road"!

Dugu Xuan came and activated his ability.

One of the abilities of the body with special constitution to cut the Tao is "cutting the Tao".

Cut off all Tao.

He was impulsive in front of Lin Feng.

Decepticon thunder formula.

Lin Feng gathered a huge ball of thunder and went towards Dugu Xuan.


But the next moment the energy sphere is torn apart.

"Beheading" is really too strong.

Let you have thousands of magical powers and thousands of spells.

I cut them all.

Dugu Xuan broke Lin Feng\'s path and came to Lin Feng\'s body. He directly hit Lin Feng and flew him out.


Lin Feng coughed up two mouthfuls of blood and he was injured.

Dugu Xuan\'s special physique is so strong that it\'s hard to imagine.

Even Lin Feng was shocked. It was hard for the magic power to hurt him.

"I told you long ago that my beheading body can destroy all gods. No matter what kind of gods you use, they are vulnerable to the attack of my beheading body.".

Dugu Xuan glanced sideways at Lin Feng, as if he had mastered everything, and then came with another move of "cutting the way".

Lin Feng\'s unique skill, Da Zhetian hand, was still broken by Dugu Xuan. He was shot out for the second time, and his face became more and more pale.

"It\'s really the body of cutting the Tao without solution.".

Many people were shocked.

Chop, chop!

Special physique is too strong!

"I\'ve only heard that the owner of special physique is almost invincible at the same level and can cross the level to kill. I didn\'t believe it at first, but I believe those rumors when I see Dugu Xuan\'s action today.".

"Yes, the special physique is really too terrible. The strength of the young monk and Dugu Xuan should have been between Bo Zhong, but Dugu Xuan showed his cutting body, and the young monk was crushed. I don\'t know how many moves he can support?".

Many people whispered that up to now, many people feel that the outcome of the war has been determined.

Word death!

Tao word out!

Lin Feng is still gathering his magic power against Dugu Xuan.

He is looking for Dugu Xuan\'s weakness. No matter how strong his physique is, there must be weakness.

Nothing in this world can be invincible.

Even the special constitution is the same.


Lin Feng and Dugu Xuan were together again.

There were few accidents.

Cut the way!

Cut off all the ways in the world.

No magic power can compete with Dugu Xuan.

No matter how powerful your magic power is, you can\'t resist Dugu Xuan\'s beheading body.


Lin Feng\'s chest was torn out, and a deep bone wound was visible. The blood flowed out and dyed half of his body red.

"Lin Feng is afraid to be defeated...". Jin Yichen frowned.

Ouyang Xiyu and Mengxuan all sighed slightly.

They are old friends with Lin Feng and don\'t want to see Lin Feng fall.

However, this is not something they can decide.

"Lin Feng......".

Murong Xue looked pale and worried at the battle above the empty challenge arena.

"The owner of special physique is invincible. Within ten moves, the boy will be killed by Dugu Xuan".

The older generation of strong people said so.

"Chop the road".

Dugu Xuan came again and killed Lin Feng.


Lin Feng wants to imprison Dugu Xuan by using his martial spirit to condense the confinement space.

Dugu Xuan\'s speed decreased sharply.

But then Dugu Xuan\'s body burst out a more terrible smell, and he condensed the murderous spirit.

Using murderous Qi to cut the way, the power is more powerful and tears the imprisoned magnetic field condensed by Lin Feng.


Another blow killed Lin Feng and swept Lin Feng out.

With a bang, Lin Feng\'s body hit the array pattern of the empty challenge arena heavily, and then bounced back and fell to the ground.

"This is the gap between you and me. In front of me, you are as weak as an ant."

Dugu Xuan came in stride, like a devil and a God, arrogant and domineering.


He shot again, still with the terrible ability of "cutting the road" to kill Lin Feng.

"The mole ants are still vulnerable to the Dragon no matter how they resist.".

Dugu Xuan looked indifferent and despised Lin Feng.

Lin Feng raised his head and the five black holes were running.

His combat effectiveness.

Increased fivefold in an instant.

"Now it\'s just beginning.".

Lin Feng stepped forward and killed Dugu Xuan.

"No, it\'s over now. I\'ll take your life like an ant.".

The voice fell.

Dugu Xuan\'s terrible blow had already killed him.