Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 833

Countless monks still went deep into the misty forest to look for extraterrestrial meteorites.

From time to time, we can see powerful creatures fighting with fierce beasts entering the misty forest.

Lin Feng has planned to return, although he has not been able to inherit the magical powers of the fighting Saint ape and the four old Buddhas.

However, Lin Feng has obtained the unparalleled unique skill of Taigu star picking hand, which is enough.

Moreover, Lin Feng has also broken through the seven heaven of yin and Yang.

He plans to go to Tiansheng city to say goodbye to Murong Xue, and then go to gentleman city.

After Lin Feng and Liu Piaomiao separated, they returned directly to Tiansheng city.

Tiansheng city is still bustling, and now it is even more bustling than ever before.

Soon after Lin Feng returned to Tiansheng City, song Richeng, the patriarch of the Song family, and song Changjiang, the elder of the Song family, came to visit Lin Feng.

Because song Ziliu successfully worshipped Zhan Junhua as his teacher.

This matter has caused quite a stir in Dongjun and Shenzhou, especially in Tiansheng city.

The Song family even climbed up Zhan Junhua, President of the Federation of Shenzhou spirit array division in Dongjun.

Is this going to soar in the future?

Countless people envy it.

Song Richeng and song Changjiang naturally know that Lin Feng gave all this to the Song family. Although they don\'t know where Lin Feng is sacred, it is obvious that they are definitely a big man worthy of their flattery to the Song family.

In the evening, Lin Feng meets Mu Rongxue.

Murong Xue asked, "can you harvest in the misty forest?".

Lin Feng nodded and said, "it\'s an opportunity.".

Murong Xue seemed very happy after hearing this. She seemed more excited than she had the chance.

Lin Feng continued, "let\'s go boating by Xizi lake tonight.".

There are many flower boats on the Bank of Xizi lake. The night scenery here is very beautiful.

Murong Xue nodded with a reddish face.

The next day, Lin Feng plans to leave. He has told Murong Xue.

Although Murong Xue doesn\'t give up, he won\'t force Lin Feng to stay.

She is a clever woman.

Moreover, there was no such relationship between her and Lin Feng.

At most, it is only hazy ambiguity, which has not been pierced.

Murong Xue sends Lin Feng to the transmission square.

There is a transmission array directly to scholar\'s city.


When Lin Feng was about to set foot on the transmission array, the smell of terror came from a distance.

Dugu Xuan came here.

His cold eyes swept to Lin Feng and his killing intention was like the sea, "you made me find it hard. Now I still found it, boy, no one can save you today".

There are many eyes of the heaven alone city. What Lin Feng is found in the holy city is not a strange thing.

Dugu Xuan knew that Lin Feng appeared and immediately came to find Lin Feng. He wanted to break Lin Feng into pieces.

"Dugu Xuan......" many people were surprised.

Dugu Xuan is well-known. Now he appears here in the transmission square. His killing intention is towering, which will naturally attract attention.

Soon, someone recognized Lin Feng\'s identity.

"Isn\'t that the young monk who fought with Dugu Xuan some time ago? At that time, the meteorite fell outside the sky and Dugu Xuan entered the fog forest, so he didn\'t kill him. I thought the boy had fled the holy city, but he hasn\'t left yet. Dugu Xuan gave him the chance to escape. This guy doesn\'t cherish it.".

"Yes, now he is blocked by Dugu Xuan. It seems that Dugu Xuan will not stop until he kills him. I\'m afraid he will die in the holy city today.".

Many people are talking about it. Obviously, at this moment, they are not optimistic that Lin Feng can escape from Dugu Xuan.

Dugu Xuan\'s fighting power is against the sky.

In the last World War, the special physique was revived, and the combat effectiveness displayed was so strong that people couldn\'t believe it.

After more than ten days, Dugu Xuan rolled Lin Feng again. Naturally, there was no problem.

"Lin Feng, run away quickly and don\'t fight with this person.". Murong Xue said pale.

She was worried that Lin Feng would be killed by Dugu Xuan.

"No harm", Lin Feng smiled.

He has made a breakthrough and his cultivation has increased ten times. He is confident to fight Dugu Xuan.

Lin Feng looked up at Dugu Xuan indifferently and said, "life and death challenge arena, you and me".

"Well, I didn\'t make a shrinking turtle at last.".

Dugu Xuan\'s mouth was cold.

The two signed a certificate of life and death.

No one can intervene in this war except them.

Lin Feng is not afraid of Xu Shu\'s old man to intervene in the war. If Xu Shu dares to openly intervene in the war.

It is against the "state of life and death" recognized by tianwu mainland. At that time, Xu Shu will be killed by Wuhun hall.


They both flew towards the square.

"Open the void challenge arena".

The leaders of the heavenly holy city were alarmed and ordered to go down personally.

The void challenge arena is intertwined with a large array. It is said that it can withstand the fluctuation of God war.

The last ordinary challenge arena was destroyed by the battle between Lin Feng and Dugu Xuan.

Now, open the void challenge arena, which is the highest level challenge arena.

"The void challenge arena will not be destroyed under the attack of gods. Now when the void challenge arena is opened, once the array pattern is activated, no one can enter the void challenge arena or intervene in the battle, and the dueling parties in the void challenge arena cannot leave the void challenge arena. Unless one person is killed, the void challenge arena will be opened again and the living people will come out of it.".

Said a friar who knew the void challenge arena.

Many people took a breath.

This is a real life and death duel.

If one side is defeated and wants to escape, it can\'t escape.



The void challenge arena is activated and suspended in the air. The array patterns are intertwined to condense this ancient challenge arena.

The last time it was opened was more than 30000 years ago, when Tianmo invaded tianwu continent.

The demons are ferocious. Some demons open the void challenge arena and let the friars in tianwu mainland challenge him.

The demons are strong at the level of gods, so the monks challenging the demons have been beheaded one after another.

I don\'t know how many creatures died in the void challenge arena.

Dugu Xuan took the lead in landing on the void challenge arena.

Then Lin Feng landed on the void challenge arena.

A cold breath enveloped the whole body.

Then Lin Feng heard the shrill scream.

This empty arena is very strange. It is branded with the screams of people who died miserably in the past.

Weak willed people will be possessed immediately.

Even the strong willed friars will lose their willpower rapidly as they are consumed in battle.

At this time, it may even be eroded by the demonic nature of the void challenge arena, become possessed, and finally burn themselves, and the soul is enslaved by the void challenge arena.

This is the terrible void challenge arena.

Many powerful people came to watch the war, including some Taigu forces.

Even among the Taigu forces, Dugu Xuan is also very famous.

After all, he is the owner of a special constitution.

"Fight with Dugu Xuan for life and death? Isn\'t this the way to die?". There was a sneer from the strong man of Taigu power. Looking at Lin Feng was like looking at a dead man.

No one is optimistic about Lin Feng in this war.

"Boy, I\'ll cut off your head and cook wine with your blood"

Dugu Xuan was so arrogant that he came here with his black hair dancing like a demon.


Dugu Xuan raised his right hand and slapped Lin Feng to kill him.