Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 832

Lin Feng looked at the old man, but he had a very strange feeling in his heart. He always felt that the old man could not believe his words.

This is a kind of intuition. The old man makes Lin Feng feel uneasy.

"Boom, boom...".

The hall shook again, more powerful than before.

The old man said, "the devil\'s nature is hard to destroy, even after hundreds of millions of years. The devil here is too terrible. Fortunately, his life is coming to an end.".

"What kind of devil is this?" Lin Feng asked.

"A demon that can\'t be mentioned". The old man said meaningfully.

Lin Feng said, "senior, can you let us go?".

"Let\'s go. You can get out of trouble by waiting a little.".

The old man opened the stone gate. Lin Feng was surprised. He didn\'t expect the old man to let him go so happily.

This is different from what Lin Feng thought.

Did you misunderstand the old man?

Actually, he\'s a good man?

But Lin Feng felt that the idea that the old man was a good man was even more unreliable.


He and Liu Piaomiao returned to the first palace.

Liu Piaomiao wanted to say something, but Lin Feng shook his head and motioned not to say anything now.

Every move in this place can\'t hide from the old man.

They are waiting for the old man\'s opportunity to leave, but where is this opportunity?

The next day.

Outside the sky, a strong man came, and the terrible breath surged into the world. Even in the temple, Lin Feng and Liu Piaomiao felt it.

"Amitabha, goodness...". More than a dozen monks came, and the Buddha\'s light was boundless. They were bathed in the Buddha\'s light, which was sacred and inviolable.

This is an eminent Buddhist monk from the Buddhist kingdom of the western regions.

"Wuliang Taoist respect".

Several Taoist priests came here with a dust brush in their hands.

They are the Taoists of Longhu Mountain and the leaders of Taoism in the world.

If Wuliang Taoist sees Longhu Mountain here, these Taoists will probably gnash their teeth.

In those years, the "one vein of mountain moving Taoists" was expelled from "Taoism", which was the decree issued by Longhu Mountain.

The Taoist who moved the mountain is now almost cut off the inheritance of incense. Naturally, it has a great relationship with Longhu Mountain.

"Monks and Taoists are all here. It\'s not common on weekdays.".

There is a strong man whose voice is indifferent and shrouded in endless divine light. This is the strong man of Changsheng hall.

Endless magic clouds cover the sky and block out the sun, and the great emperor of demon sect comes.

The evil cloud is shrouded. This is the strong man of the evil cult.


Many top forces have strong ones coming. They come to look for meteorites outside the sky.

"The news is true. There is an extraterrestrial meteorite here.".

Many people exclaimed.

These top powers are also moved.

Extraterrestrial meteorites are very involved.

Ancient supernatural powers, of any kind, can create a huge force.

Now the Taoist tradition is likely to be that of the fighting Saint ape, which can not be compared with the general ancient Taoist tradition.

Fighting Saint ape, what a figure who startles the world and cries ghosts and gods?

The heavens? Who competes?

"Do it...".

These strong men launched an attack to take away the extraterrestrial meteorite.

These golden giants worship the meteorites outside the sky as gods. Naturally, they are unwilling to let these friars take them away.

The golden giant fought with Buddhism, demons, evil spirits, demons, Taoism and other forces.

A large area of mountains and forests were destroyed. It was like extermination. This level of battle was far from what Lin Feng could imagine.

"The old guy said that the opportunity for us to leave would come soon, and then many powerful people came here. Can the old guy make a prediction? Isn\'t it terrible?".

Lin Feng murmured. He was deeply shocked and worried, because he felt that the old thing had bad intentions for him from beginning to end.

"Boom...". At this time, an extremely terrible smell came from the distance. Then Lin Feng saw a White Peacock flying.

The White Peacock turned into a boy of sixteen or seventeen.

The young man, with sword eyebrows and stars, is handsome and smiling.

His smile is very friendly. He is a good childe in the world.

"Who is this?" Lin Feng was surprised.

The young man in white stepped forward and walked towards the meteorite outside the sky.

"Peacock Lord, it\'s you...".

Many strong men turned pale when they saw this man.

"I want this meteorite outside the sky. You can look for it elsewhere.".

The young man turned into a white peacock said aloud.

"Peacock holy master? Peacock holy master, one of the supreme demons?".

Lin Feng was surprised.

This is definitely a cruel man. He has heard that the peacock Lord is the chief of the demon and peacock families.

Peacock? What race is this?

In ancient times, the Buddha was swallowed by a peacock.

The Buddha planed the peacock\'s back out and wanted to cut it off.

But the Buddhas said that since the Buddha came out of the peacock, he should respect the peacock as the mother of the Buddha.

Therefore, the Buddha granted the peacock as the peacock Daming King Bodhisattva.

It can be seen how amazing the origin of the peacock family is.

Now the arrival of the peacock Lord is really domineering.

"What a powerful peacock holy master. He is so calm and looks up at so many strong people alone. I don\'t know his strength. If so many strong people siege together, I\'m afraid it\'s difficult to deal with it?".

Lin Feng murmured.

"Kill him together".

Sure enough, the strong chose to join hands and kill the peacock Lord.

Peacock Lord stepped forward, waved his right fist and swept it out. Even if more than a dozen strong people were swept out.

It was a strong man at the level of the eternal giant, but it could not resist the attack of the peacock Lord. The peacock Lord swept all the strong men with three fists in a row, came to the tianwai meteorite and reached for the tianwai meteorite.

The golden giant king roared, waved a huge stone hammer and hit the peacock Lord. The peacock Lord roared and roared the mountains and rivers, shaking the golden giant king out.

He collected the meteorite from the sky, flew away, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.


Naturally, these ancient giants were unwilling, roared angrily and chased out quickly.

"Isn\'t it terrible?".

Lin Feng\'s heart was shocked. The power of the peacock Lord made him feel like facing the God residence.

Let\'s go. Liu Piaomiao said.

Lin Feng nodded without hesitation and rushed out with Liu Piaomiao.

All the golden giants took part in the war just now, including the golden giant who originally guarded the stone hall. Therefore, Lin Feng and Liu Piaomiao were given the opportunity to leave. They rushed into the mountains and forests without stopping and flew quickly towards the peripheral area.

In the Third Temple, the "divine servant" narrowed his eyes and seemed to see through the temple and saw Lin Feng in the mountains. He muttered to himself, "he has the blood of that race. It\'s really a perfect body, but it\'s not strong enough. I can\'t do it until I wait...".

Jie Jie Jie.

Then the old man gave a ghostly laugh.

Boom! Boom!

The hall shook violently.


The old man shouted and the hall cracked. He flew to the depths of the cracked hall.

Under the hall, there was a crash.

Vaguely, it can be seen that in the dark, a woman was chained to her limbs and lute bones.

The woman saw the old man coming down and screamed, trying to kill him.

But she couldn\'t struggle to unlock the chain.

"Now I don\'t know people or ghosts. It\'s all thanks to you. Your next life will become more and more miserable. Let you know what life is better than death.".

The old man looked at the woman with disheveled hair and unable to see her face.


In the hall of the Lord.

Dead silence returned.