Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 831

"Trapped...". Liu piaomi\'s voice trembled slightly. Now they are trapped here and are in trouble. The main reason is that they don\'t know what kind of creature the existence hidden here is.

"Why go so fast? I haven\'t talked to anyone for a long time. It\'s very kind to see you.". The gloomy voice came out again.

Lin Feng and Liu piaomi felt chilly.

They can have no cordial feeling with the strange existence in the stone hall.

"Elder, are you a man or a ghost? Please come out and see me.". Lin Feng said in a deep voice. He had quietly taken out the relic and held it in his hand.

If the other party is an evil ghost, his own relic can cope with it.

"Relic, this is something to deal with ghosts. It\'s useless for you to take it out.".

The mysterious existence seemed to have seen everything for a long time, and a gloomy voice came.

Lin Feng frowned and looked around cautiously.

Suddenly, he felt that his hair stood upright. Three meters behind him, an old man as thin as wood and haggard as a fierce ghost stood there with a pair of Yin pity eyes.

Liu Piaomiao looked down Lin Feng\'s eyes. After seeing the old man, he was also scared to turn white.

Lin Feng took a deep breath and suppressed the fear in his heart.

Now the stone gate is closed, and he and Liu Piaomiao are trapped here.

If this person wanted to kill them, he would have started long ago and wouldn\'t say so much nonsense. Lin Feng felt a little at ease when he thought of this.

He looked at the old man and said, "I hope you will forgive us because we are young and ignorant.".

The old man laughed, but his laughter was too gloomy, which always made Lin Feng feel creepy. "I just wanted to talk to you. Why did I ever want to hurt you? If I wanted to hurt you, I would have done it already.".

Lin Feng boldly asked, "I don\'t know what to call you, elder?".

The old man said, "me? I have long forgotten what my name is. I linger and guard the stone hall until the end of my life.".

"Guard the stone hall?". Lin Feng and Liu piaomi were slightly moved.

Liu Piaomiao asked, "is this stone temple a legendary temple? Was it once a temple where God lived?".

The old man said, "this is something that happened endless years ago. Maybe this is really a temple.".

Lin Feng asked suspiciously, "aren\'t you guarding this temple? Don\'t you know if this temple is a temple?".

The old man said, "although I have been guarding for too long, I have never seen God.".

An inexplicable look flashed in the old man\'s eyes. Lin Feng felt that the old man had been looking at himself.

This feeling is very strange, but it also makes Lin Feng very uncomfortable.

Although the old man didn\'t hurt Lin Feng.

Not even hostile.

But Lin Feng felt that the old man seemed to be making his own ideas.

Is it an illusion?

Lin Feng can only keep his fear in his heart and try to keep himself calm.

"What are these coffins?" Lin Feng asked.

The old man looked at coffins and said, "these are God servants.".

"Servant of God?".

Lin Feng and Liu Piaomiao were all surprised.

God servant, isn\'t it the golden giant?

But it is obviously impossible for these coffins to hold the body of the golden giant.

The old man seemed to know that Lin Feng and Liu Piaomiao thought the same thing in their hearts. He said, "are you wondering whether the golden giant is a divine servant?".

Lin Feng and Liu Piaomiao nodded.

The old man said, "The golden giants are not divine servants. They are just the guards of the temple. They have been handed down from generation to generation and continue to this day. Although the blood of the golden giants is far from being compared with their ancestors, their family still adheres to the duty of guarding the temple. The real divine servants are those who lie in the coffin. They are the servants of God and bury themselves in the coffin before falling Inside the coffin.

At this time, Lin Feng\'s face suddenly changed. He looked at the old man and said, "are you also a divine servant?".

The old man narrowed his eyes and looked at Lin Feng. At this moment, Lin Feng felt cold all over.

He secretly warned that the mysterious old man in front of him was too weird.

The old man said, "yes, it can be said that I am the 73rd divine servant.".

In the third stone hall, there are 72 coffins.

Obviously, those coffins were dead servants.

They buried themselves here.

Liu Piaomiao asked, "Sir, the gods are dead. Why are there divine servants here? What is this temple? Sir, can you tell us?".

The old man said, "this temple is called Luoshen temple.".

Lin Feng secretly scolded the old guy for not telling the truth. Before, he said he didn\'t know whether the temple was a temple. Now he even said the name of the temple.

Obviously, the old man hid a lot of things.

Liu Piaomiao exclaimed, "Luo Shen? Isn\'t that the daughter of Fuxi, the ancestor of the human race?".

In ancient times, Luoshen Fu recorded the story of Luoshen.

The daughter of Fuxi, the God of Luohe River.

She is the goddess of heaven.

Countless people fell for it.

Lin Feng said, "Luoshen is one of the great gods in ancient times. Her temple is here. In myths and legends, Luoshen disappeared silently. Even her father Fuxi couldn\'t find her. What happened in the past years?".

The old man suddenly said, "would you like to hear a story?".

Lin Feng and Liu Piaomiao nodded and said, "all ears.".

The old man said, "I don\'t know how many gods were fascinated by the God of Luo when he went on a trip endless years ago. Among them, there was a god named candle Yin, who lived at the foot of Zhongshan Mountain with a red snake face. This was an extremely powerful God, and he began to pursue the God of Luo".

"However, the God who pursues Luo is not only Zhuyin, but also a God called the Arctic God Emperor. The two gods fought against each other. Zhuyin defeated the Arctic God Emperor. He thought he would be able to be with Luo, but he never thought that Luo was involved in a god devil war. Zhuyin killed the God devil battlefield and rescued the dying Luo God, but Zhuyin failed to revive Luo God, When the Lord Luo died, Zhuyin came to the Lord Luo temple and guarded the Lord Luo\'s body day and night until he died.

Lin Feng asked, "did you want to say that this temple actually buried Luo God and candle yin?".

The old man said, "I didn\'t say so, because it\'s just a fairy tale. It\'s too old for people to trace its origin.".


But at this time, a roar came out under the hall.


The whole hall was shaking violently.

"What happened?".

Lin Feng and Liu Piaomiao\'s faces suddenly changed.

"Don\'t be afraid, there is a demon under the hall.".

Said the old man.

"Suppressed a demon?", Lin Feng and Liu Piaomiao wondered, what\'s going on?

"It was suppressed by a god servant. The devil wanted to occupy the temple after God died and was suppressed by a god servant. However, the life of the devil was too long and was still alive after countless years.".

The old man said sadly.