Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 830

The magic power was imprinted in his mind. Lin Feng was shocked and moved by the peerless arrogance of Taigu\'s star picking hand.

It is worthy of being an ancient unique skill. Lin Feng began to carefully understand the ancient star picking hand. If he can practice successfully, Lin Feng believes that he can condense the golden elixir and successfully break through the seven heaven golden elixir realm of yin and Yang.

Once you break through, your cultivation will increase tenfold.

The sun and the moon move together.

This is the core formula of Taigu star picking hand.

Lin Feng is not the first time to practice "Taigu magic".

So he was very experienced. He understood the hand of Taigu picking stars. It didn\'t take long for Lin Feng to understand the mystery.


In the elixir field, the magic talisman works.

Pattern interweaving.

The runes sent out violent fluctuations, and the Taigu star picking hand condensed into a magic power array, which was branded on the magic power runes.

Above the array, a mysterious man in a star robe appeared.

I saw the mysterious man, put out his right hand and stretched out to the starry sky. He took off a galaxy world.

"This person is the ancient giant god who created the ancient star picking hand?".

Lin Feng was surprised.

Any kind of archaic supernatural power is a masterpiece, and only the archaic giant god can create archaic supernatural power.

Obviously, the Taigu star picking hand was also created by the Taigu giant god, but Lin Feng didn\'t know who the Taigu giant God was.

Lin Feng took out a large number of the best spirit stones. He piled them up in the hall.

The best spirit stone has piled up into a hill.

Lin Feng\'s savings are too strong.

Others may only need hundreds of top-grade spirit stones to break through the six heaven of Yin-Yang realm to the seven heaven of Yin-Yang realm.

But Lin Feng is afraid to need tens of thousands of pieces.

Ordinary people can\'t afford it at all.

Practice! Practice!

In this way of cultivation, you can become a strong person not only with talent.

It also needs cultivation resources.

Through the ages, I don\'t know how many talented people, because there are no cultivation resources.

Finally, it will kill everyone.

"Talisman operation, cohesion golden elixir".

Lin Feng whispered in his heart and began to run the magic talisman.

Powerful energy flows into the body and turns into mana.

All mana in the body is infused into the magic talisman.

Supernatural powers and talismans are condensed together and continuously concentrated.

"Is this a breakthrough?".

Liu Piaomiao opened his eyes and looked at Lin Feng, very surprised.

"This is the breath of the golden elixir. He is condensing the golden elixir in his body. Breaking through the golden elixir realm will cost tens of thousands of best spiritual stones? How strong is this guy\'s savings? Will he consume so many best spiritual stones?".

Liu Piaomiao was full of shocked expression.

At the beginning, she broke through the golden elixir realm and consumed 3000 top-grade spirit stones, which has caused a great sensation.

Lin Feng\'s breakthrough, the best spiritual stones stacked together, is afraid of no less than 60000.

"Boom, boom...".

At this time, the power of destruction surged out of Lin Feng\'s body.

This is the unique breath of Jindan.

The golden elixir contains the power of destruction.

This destructive force will continue to grow, and it will be able to attract heaven\'s calamity. At that time, it will begin to impact the yin-yang realm and the eight fold heaven\'s calamity realm.

Now, Lin Feng\'s body exudes destructive power. Obviously, his golden elixir has been condensed successfully.

"Come out...".

Lin Feng waved his big hand and a golden elixir flew out.

I saw that the golden elixir was the size of a fist, and the dense runes wrapped around the golden elixir.

The golden elixir was wrapped in large arrays.

The golden elixir flies in the void.

The surrounding emptiness is slightly distorted.

"Why is it so big?".

Seeing the golden elixir condensed by Lin Feng, Liu Piaomiao exclaimed in disbelief.

The golden elixir condensed by ordinary people is about the size of thumb.

At the beginning, the golden elixir condensed by Liu Piaomiao was twice that of ordinary friars.

It has alarmed all sides.

The golden elixir condensed by Lin Feng is dozens of times larger than that of ordinary friars.

It\'s too bad.

"The magic powers on the golden elixir fluctuate so strongly. Has he cultivated more than one ancient magic power? These ancient magic powers are unparalleled and unique. How did he get them?".

Looking at the golden elixir hovering in the air, Liu Piaomiao murmured to himself, and his heart was like a rough sea.

The alchemy of a friar is related to many factors, such as the strength of mana, blood power, and the power of cultivation.

Lin Feng has strong magic power and strong blood. He has cultivated so many powerful ancient supernatural powers. His golden elixir is so huge. Naturally, it\'s not a fuss.

Lin Feng felt the strong breath from the golden elixir and nodded with satisfaction. He collected the golden elixir into the elixir field and stood up. He only felt that his whole body was full of strength.

Breaking through the seven heaven of yin and Yang and condensing the golden elixir, Lin Feng\'s cultivation increased tenfold.

"Although I haven\'t recovered the immortal body, now I gather the golden elixir and my cultivation has increased ten times. If I fight with Dugu Xuan again, even if he recovers his special physique, I will have the strength to fight with him.".

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes slightly.

Dugu Xuan\'s strength after recovering his special physique left a deep impression on Lin Feng. He had no power to fight back.

It\'s almost like a person before recovering his special constitution.

But now Lin Feng\'s accomplishments have greatly increased and he is full of confidence in himself.

Congratulations on your breakthrough.

Liu Piaomiao said with a smile.

Lin Feng nodded. He immediately said, "it seems that your injury has recovered well. Let\'s try together. Can we open the door of the third stone hall?".

"Then try.". Liu Piaomiao said.

They walked towards the deep temple and came to the stone gate.

Liu Piaomiao looked at the bones everywhere and frowned slightly. She said, "there are so many bones in the second Hall. I don\'t know what terrible things are in the third hall.".

"If you don\'t open it, you\'ll regret it all your life.". Lin Feng Road.

Liu Piaomiao nodded.

Although I know there may be danger.

But it\'s natural to give up.

Lin Feng and Liu Piaomiao worked hard together.


The two exhausted their efforts. Finally, the door of the third stone hall was gradually pushed open.

A cold breath emanated from the third stone hall.

Lin Feng and Liu Piaomiao entered the third stone hall.

When they looked, they saw that coffins appeared in the third stone hall.

A total of 72 coffins were placed in the third stone hall.

Seeing these coffins, Lin Feng and Liu piaomi only felt their scalp numb.

Why are there so many coffins?

Who is buried in these coffins?

"No one has come to the stone hall for many years.".

Suddenly, a sad voice rang out in vain.

"No, go..."

Lin Feng and Liu Piaomiao looked at each other, turned and rushed out. The third hall was too strange.

Now, who is the voice coming from? Is it the evil spirit of yin? Such a terrible existence as Yin God?

They stay here for fear of dying.


But the huge stone gate was actively closed.

Lin Feng and Liu Piaomiao are trapped in the Third Temple.

The cold air filled the third hall.

A coffin exudes a dense smell, which makes people shudder.