Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 821

The Tianjiao war is about to open.

This incident caused an uproar and many people were moved by it.

"Let\'s go, let\'s go and have a look...".

Everyone in Tiansheng restaurant rushed out together and flew to Tiansheng square, where there is a huge life and death platform.

"Open the life and death platform".

The cry shook the sky, and the life and death platform opened.

The huge life and death platform was suspended in the air, emitting amazing fluctuations.

On the stage of life and death, there are knife marks, sword holes and blood stains. It seems to describe the peak war here in the past.

I don\'t know how many people have blood on the life and death platform.

Now Dugu Xuan and Lin Feng have landed on the life and death platform.

The war shocked the whole holy city. Countless people came to watch the war, and even the ancestors of the five families were shocked.

"Dugu Xuan is said to have special physique, so he was cultivated by the ancient force of shangshenzong. No one knows how strong Dugu Xuan\'s combat power is. What\'s his opponent\'s name? He dared to fight with Dugu Xuan. Isn\'t it death?".

A friar in the crowd said that he was obviously not optimistic about Lin Feng in this war.

"Brother, are you ignorant? The young monk opposite cut off Dugu Xuan\'s body in the rain, and his strength is also very terrible. It\'s hard to say who will win or lose this battle.".

"It\'s not that I\'m ignorant, but you take it for granted. I know that Dugu Xuan\'s split strength is very strong, but there is still a big gap compared with his own. Therefore, being able to kill Dugu Xuan\'s split doesn\'t mean that he can kill Dugu Xuan\'s own master. Dugu Xuan is a descendant trained by Taigu forces. It\'s difficult to kill him, not to mention his special physique The owner, so the young monk was killed by Dugu Xuan, which is a high probability event ".

"I think it makes sense to hear you say that.".

The talk of the monks around could not affect Lin Feng. He landed on the challenge arena and Lin Feng walked towards Dugu Xuan step by step.

His fighting spirit is getting stronger and stronger.

That sense of war is like a thousand troops charging together.

carry the world before one.

It\'s shocking.

"You know how to unite the war spirit", Dugu Xuan looked indifferent.


He shouted and walked step by step towards Lin Feng.

An invisible force surged out of the void.

This is "murderous".

It is the same as Lin Feng\'s "Xingtian war intention" and "fighting potential".

"Murderous spirit" is also a kind of "potential".


The idea of war and murderous spirit collide in the void.

This is the collision of two "potentials".

In the void, the power of destroying heaven and Earth spread out.

Click, click.

The dense prohibitions on the life and death platform began to break.

"Isn\'t that too strong? Before we really fight, we will destroy the prohibition of life and death platform?".

Many people exclaimed.

A friar said, "no, they have fought. These two people are anti heaven characters. They understand the" potential ". Just now the two" potential "collide together.".

"Ah?" potential "? Doesn\'t it mean that monks in the realm of creation understand" potential "like rare? How can they understand" potential "?

A monk said suspiciously.

"There are always some geniuses in the world who master abilities that others cannot master, and obviously, these two people are such geniuses.".

Said an old monk.

"Fist meaning".

At this time, Dugu Xuan shot Lin Feng with a fist.

In the void, a huge fist came out.

Suddenly, all the spectators found that everything had disappeared between heaven and earth.

In their eyes, only Dugu Xuan\'s fist.

Fist meaning.

This is the artistic conception of boxing.

Only when "spirit" degenerates again can it be promoted to the degree of "artistic conception".

This transformation is naturally extremely difficult.

But once "spirit" degenerates into "artistic conception".

The power will be greatly improved.

Just like Dugu Xuan\'s fist intention now, the power is really terrible.

Lin Feng\'s heart was also full of shock.

This is the first time he has been with a friar warrior with "special blood".

Dugu Xuan is really powerful.

Lin Feng mastered the "potential".

Dugu Xuan also mastered the "potential".

Lin Feng mastered the power of "artistic conception".

Dugu Xuan also mastered the power of "artistic conception".

The strength of the descendants trained by the Taigu forces is indeed against the sky.

"Crack the sky".

Lin Feng whispered and burst out suddenly.

In the void, a thunder knife was condensed and killed Dugu Xuan.


The attacks of the two sides once again blasted together.

The array pattern of life and death platform is breaking.

The challenge arena is shaking violently.

"God, this battle is so terrible that the life and death platform can\'t bear it.".

Many people shouted in shock.


Lin Feng and Dugu Xuan suddenly stepped on the stage of life and death, and they rose to the sky.

The life and death platform can\'t bear the two terrible forces. It breaks directly and the gravel falls.

"How many times has the life and death stage experienced? It was destroyed in this way.".

Someone murmured and was shocked. The battle between Lin Feng and Dugu Xuan was not like that between two young monks.

It\'s like two gods and Demons fighting.

"I underestimated you. Do you know what my blood is?". Dugu Xuan\'s voice became colder and colder.

Lin Feng frowned, "what kind of blood?".

"My blood is called chopping.".

Dugu Xuan stepped forward, and the strength of blood in his body was reviving.

Dugu Xuan obviously knew that Lin Feng was not easy to deal with. He wanted to revive his blood to deal with Lin Feng.

Dugu Xuan\'s blood was so bloody that it seemed that a great God was about to recover.

"The power of blood, Dugu Xuan is going to urge his own blood. He is the owner of special physique, and his blood contains unimaginable terrorist fighting power".

A monk roared in shock.

Special blood owners are powerful.

Because of the inheritance of blood.

Lin Feng frowned slightly, although he was the owner of the immortal god body.

However, his undead body has not been able to recover.

Although his undead body is known as one of the ten taboo constitutions in ancient times, the undead body without recovery naturally can not exert its effect.

Dugu Xuan\'s blood was already revived. He revived his blood and rushed to Lin Feng quickly. He raised his hand and killed Lin Feng.

"Crack the sky"!

"Sword meaning"!

Sword merge!

Lin Feng drank low and showed two kinds of "artistic conception" to deal with Dugu Xuan.

But something terrible happened.

"Chop the road".

Dugu Xuan gave a cold drink and cut it with his palm.

Lin Feng\'s idea of splitting the sky and sword broke in an instant.

He was struck by Dugu Xuan, as if he had been hit by an ancient mountain.

The body was directly hit and flew out.

"Too weak".

Dugu Xuan walked step by step, his black hair dancing, looking down at Lin Feng like a demon.

"With such weak strength, what can you fight me? I can suppress you millions of times with one hand".


The voice fell and came with another blow.