Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 820

"What happened? Is there some misunderstanding?".

Jin Yichen said in a loud voice that he was acquainted with Gu Gu Xuan and Lin Feng and wanted to mediate from it.

This person must die.

Dugu Xuan\'s voice was cold and there was no room for relaxation.

Lin Feng said faintly, "I cut off a separate body. When I saw it, I should run away with my tail, rather than continue to jump in front of me.".

Lin Feng\'s words immediately moved everyone present.

No one thought that Dugu Xuan\'s separation was cut off by Lin Feng.

It\'s said that it\'s an ancient art that is refined with countless materials.

And it is blessed with Mana by the giants of all ages.

The combat power can be called against the sky, but he was killed by Lin Feng.

No wonder Dugu Xuan hated Lin Feng so much.

I have to kill Lin Feng.

That\'s why.

"Boy, you dare to talk big in front of me. I\'ll kill you today.".

Dugu Xuan\'s voice was indifferent. He stepped forward and his killing intention shrouded Lin Feng.

Lin Feng looked indifferent and patted the table gently.

A drop of wine flew out of the glass, and Lin Feng flexed his fingers.


That drop of wine was like a sword, and instantly cut to Dugu Xuan.


Dugu Xuan looked indifferent and gathered a murderous spirit to sweep away, and collided with Lin Fenghua\'s move of using water as a sword.

Both of their attacks were annihilated.

"These two people are so strong.".

Many people are moved.

The seemingly simple attack just now made them all feel frightened.

That kind of collision is too terrible.

"Is Lin Feng\'s cultivation progressing so fast?".

Ouyang Xiyu was surprised that Lin Feng\'s cultivation was far worse than now. It\'s only a few years? It has grown to this point.

Also shocked are Jin Yichen and fairy Mengxuan. They knew Lin Feng a long time ago and knew his cultivation at that time.

Now they feel incredible for their fighting power.

Jin Yichen said, "it\'s not easy for so many people to gather here today. How about drinking a glass of wine calmly? If you want to solve your grievances, you can find another opportunity.".

Dugu Xuan looked uncertain and finally restrained his killing intention. He said, "since brother Jin said so, I can\'t destroy everyone\'s interest, let this boy live a little longer.".

Dugu Xuan was so arrogant that he never paid attention to Lin Feng from beginning to end.

He has absolute confidence in his true self and believes that he can kill Lin Feng.

Lin Feng smiled calmly, "people who are too conceited will eventually die miserably.".

"Self confidence and conceit are indistinguishable. Dare you talk nonsense here? It\'s ridiculous. I won\'t say more to you now. Let you live a little longer and enjoy the last time of your life.".

Dugu Xuan glanced at Lin Feng contemptuously.

Lin Feng drank a glass of wine and he stopped talking.

Dugu Xuan was very powerful.

He is Lin Feng.

Not weak.

The atmosphere was a little stiff. At this time, Ouyang Xiyu said, "have you ever heard of the star trial practice?".

The Shinto sect was surprised and said, "is the star trial going to start?".

"Yes, it is said that the ancient Xingchen road destroyed by the heavenly demons during the invasion of the heavenly demons in the middle ages will be opened. Once the ancient Xingchen road can be opened, you can start the Xingchen trial practice.".

Ouyang Xiyu nodded.

"What is the star trial practice?" someone asked.

Dugu Xuan despised the monk who asked him and said, "the star trial practice is a place in the star world called Tianjie star domain, where the stars surround and form a special space. Even if the monk has not broken through to the divine realm, he can fly in and out of the stars, and the opportunities in the star domain world are endless".

"Is there such a starry world?". When even someone is shocked.

Fairy Mengxuan said, "I heard that the star trial practice is extremely not simple, not only countless opportunities, because among senior sister XingKong, you can learn the power of the stars and greatly improve the soul power.".

Many people\'s hearts are hot. They yearn for this star trial practice.

Ouyang Xiyu said, "now the ancient XingKong road is being repaired. If the repair is completed, the ancient XingKong road will be opened again, which is definitely a major opportunity for the friars in tianwu continent.".

"I\'ve heard that there are many magical races in the foreign world. If we enter that star region to participate in star trial practice, will we see the monks of other races?".

Someone said so.

"It is indeed possible," and then a monk nodded in a positive attitude.

Lin Feng said faintly: "if you encounter it, it\'s not necessarily a good thing. The cultivator world is full of intrigues and dangers everywhere. There is a saying called non-human race. Its heart can be punished. I think everyone is not strange.".

Many people\'s faces changed slightly when they heard Lin Feng\'s words.

This sentence really makes sense.

Between people, there are intrigues.

Killing and looting are common.

Not to mention with other races?

If you really see it, maybe something terrible will happen.

Of course, even though the stars are in danger, they can\'t resist the enthusiasm of everyone.

We are obviously very interested in this star trial.

Then Gu Yuner mentioned the "road of Apocalypse".

More people know about the Apocalypse road.

The road of Apocalypse seems to be opening in the next decade.

But the exact time is unknown.

The party drew to an end.

Dugu Xuan drank three glasses of wine.

He suddenly stood up, and the terrible killing intention came out and directly shrouded Lin Feng.

"Get out and die. Today I will cut you off.".

Dugu Xuan\'s voice was cold and murderous.

Many people were shocked. Dugu Xuan really wanted to kill Lin Feng.

During the party, Dugu Xuan was immersed for some time. Everyone thought that Dugu Xuan would not do it again.

Now the party is over.

Dugu Xuan no longer hid his intention to kill Lin Feng.

"Private fighting is not allowed in the holy city". Murongxue worried about Lin Feng\'s loss, so she said aloud.

"Hum, I want to kill this son. Can the rules of the holy city restrict me? No one can save him today.".

Dugu Xuan was very arrogant and his voice was like ice.

Jin Yichen said, "private fighting in Tiansheng city is disrespectful to Tiansheng emperor".

A great emperor, even if he dies.

It is also respected and worshipped by the world.

Dugu Xuan\'s voice was indifferent. "Is there a life and death challenge arena in the holy city? I\'ll cut him on the life and death challenge arena.".,

Whenever they go to the life and death challenge arena, it is a life and death battle between them.

No one else can interfere.

In this way, the war is not a private struggle.

"There is a life and death challenge arena", said a monk.

Jin Yichen looked at Lin Feng coldly, "I\'ll wait for you in the life and death challenge arena. Get out and die.".

The voice fell and he strode out.

Lin Feng got up.

At this moment, his body was full of war.

"Even if you don\'t provoke me, I\'ll kill you. Since you\'re here to die, there\'s no reason not to take your head today.".

Lin Feng\'s body exudes endless war spirit, and he walks towards the outside step by step. With each step, the war spirit in his body will become stronger. He has not gone out of the accord yet. Many Tianjiao are overwhelmed by the war spirit emitted from Lin Feng\'s body.