Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 822

"Dugu Xuan is too strong.".

"That is the special constitution, the power of blood".

"The young monk will be suppressed by Dugu Xuan".


Many people exclaimed with shock on their faces.

Because many people see the owners of "special physique" for the first time.

Activate blood.

The fighting power erupted was really powerful, frightening and unbelievable.

"The power of blood is really strong"!

Facing Dugu Xuan\'s oppression, Lin Feng looked dignified.

Dugu Xuan activated his blood and exerted his blood power to "cut the way", which was really too strong and completely suppressed him.

This is the "body of cutting the Tao" in the special constitution.

Cut, is cut off.

The road is the main road.

Cutting off the body of Tao is to cut off all roads.

Therefore, this beheading body is a very overbearing unique skill. No matter what kind of powerful magic power you use, you will be directly cut off in the face of the beheading body.

Just like Lin Feng\'s intention of splitting heaven and sword, it was broken by Dugu Xuan\'s move of "cutting the way".

Now, facing Dugu Xuan\'s attack again, Lin Feng condensed batian thunder formula, and the huge energy light ball condensed in his palm.

Then Lin Feng offered the energy light ball to Dugu Xuan.

"It\'s no use. Cut the way, cut the way, cut all the ways in the world. Even if you have thousands of magical powers, I will cut you today.".

The voice fell.

A terrible blow, suddenly killed.


Dugu Xuan\'s attack directly tore Lei Guang. He came to Lin Feng and swept him.


With the sound of a dull collision, Lin Feng was swept out again.

"Damn it.".

Lin Feng looked a little gloomy. In the confrontation with the younger generation, Lin Feng rarely held back like today. He was completely suppressed. No matter what moves seemed to work, they were too holding back.

This is the top successor trained by Taikoo forces. The ability to master is too terrible to be compared by ordinary successors.

"It\'s quite good to connect my two moves to cut the road, but I just used 30% of my power. Now I\'ll increase my power to 50% to see if you can resist it.".

Dugu Xuan sneered and stepped forward with black hair dancing.

Countless people were moved. How could they display 30% of their strength with such strong combat power? Isn\'t that scary?

"No wonder Dugu Xuan was trained by shangshenzong. It\'s really against the sky.".

"I\'m afraid he can compete with the older generation of strong people?".

"I don\'t know how many moves the young friar can hold?".

"In fact, the young monk\'s combat power is not necessarily worse than that of Dugu Xuan. The reason why he was suppressed by Dugu Xuan is because of his special physique. Dugu Xuan activated his blood and revived his body of cutting the Tao. His cultivation was crazy and unpredictable, and the gap between the two sides immediately appeared.".

"Yes, Dugu Xuan has been standing in a white place in this war.".

Many people shook their heads and felt that Lin Feng would be defeated in this war. It was just a question of how long he could last.


Dugu Xuan\'s body burst out more terrible power.

This force moves people.

As Dugu Xuan said, he is going to exert 50% of his power.

Dugu Xuan, who showed 50% of his strength, was much stronger than Dugu Xuan before.


Dugu Xuan shouted coldly. He rushed to Lin Feng quickly. Everyone saw that Dugu Xuan turned into a kill.

Between heaven and earth.

It seems that this is the only way to kill all.

And the way killed all and cut at Lin Feng.

Want to tear Lin Feng directly.

This attack is so terrible that it can be called destroying the sky and the earth.

It\'s scary and moving.


Lin Feng looked indifferent. He ran five to devour the soul of the martial arts, forming a strong magnetic field and directly shrouded Dugu Xuan.

Now Lin Feng\'s cultivation has greatly increased, and the imprisoned magnetic field has naturally been strengthened.

Dugu Xuan, who had killed Lin Feng like lightning, was immediately imprisoned in the air.

Lin Feng broke the sky with an axe.

In the void, a huge axe was condensed and killed Dugu Xuan.

"What is this?".

Everyone was surprised to see what was happening in front of them. They thought Dugu Xuan was going to beat Lin Feng, or even kill him.

Lin Feng didn\'t know what means he used to imprison Dugu Xuan, but he fought back against Dugu Xuan.


The axe light chopped down in an instant.

Dugu Xuan looked indifferent. He drank coldly, "broken".

Suddenly, the terrible pressure around his body disappeared.

Dugu Xuan raised his hand and shattered the axe light.

"I\'m more and more surprised, but it\'s not enough. Show me any moves quickly, because you\'ll be a dead man soon. There\'s no chance to show them at that time.".

Dugu Xuan tore Lin Feng\'s magnetic field and came with great strides.

He glanced sideways at Lin Feng and didn\'t pay attention to Lin Feng, but his cultivation was really too strong.

Lin Feng had never felt so much pressure. He frowned and began to condense the word death and death.


The strong wave surges out, and the word Tao dies and the word Tao dies.

Two words, directly towards Dugu Xuan.

He hoped to break Dugu Xuan\'s body of cutting the Tao with the help of the power of "Tao".

"Cut the road"!

Dugu Xuan shouted coldly. He rushed over and collided with Lin Feng\'s Taoist death and Taoist extinction.

Like the collision of Taigu mountain.

The void is shaking.

Dugu Xuan broke Lin Feng\'s Taoist word death and death, and Dugu Xuan was shocked back a few steps.

Dugu Xuan looked colder and colder, "is this your last resort? If so, you will die and return to the yellow spring".

Then Dugu Xuan came to Lin Feng again.

Dugu Xuan\'s combat power will increase greatly with each step.

He raised his strength from 50% to 70%.

"Magic talisman, operation"!

Lin Feng looks gloomy. He works magic talisman, which is his strongest means.

Lin Feng plans to attack Dugu Xuan with magic talismans and soul secrets.

The two sides are about to collide.

At this time.

The sky shook.

"Look, what\'s that?".

Someone pointed up in horror.

High above the sky, a huge flame meteorite fell rapidly below.


With the sound of loud noise, the earth seemed to collapse.

The flame meteorite hit the misty forest outside the holy city.


Endless flames burst into the sky.

In the light of the fire, a fire ape appeared.

Then an old Buddha appeared in the void.

"Evil spirits, prying into the secret of heaven, are unforgivable.".

The old Buddha\'s voice resounded through the sky, and endless golden Buddha lights rose into the sky. He was bathed in the Golden Buddha light, just like the ancient Buddha who got the Tao, but now the Buddha is also angry.

The fire ape roared, "there are three worlds and six ways, hundreds of millions of creatures, and each has an organic fate. Now that I have received the guidance of the master of the fighting Saint ape, this is my chance. Your Buddha world is chasing me, which is contrary to the ethics of heaven and earth. Buddhism, which is full of compassion, is not as good as evil spirits.".


The old Buddha roared, "the fighting Saint ape is the embodiment of evil. His inheritance is not allowed by heaven and earth. If you peep at the inheritance of the fighting Saint ape, you should destroy it together so as not to harm the common people".

The voice fell, and the old Buddha raised his hand. In the void, a huge palm ten thousand meters around exploded at the burning ape.