Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 819

Mingyue Pavilion is the most upscale Inn in Tiansheng city. There are huge other gardens and elegant environment.

There are small buildings in other gardens. Of course, such high-end Inns cost a lot. People who can live here are either rich or expensive.

Lin Feng rented a small building in Mingyue Pavilion and will stay in Tiansheng city for some time, so he will live in Mingyue Pavilion for some time.

"There will be a small party tomorrow. Would you like to join in?". Murong Xue asked.

Lin Feng nodded and said, "it\'s all right anyway. Let\'s have a look with you.".

Murong Xue looked very happy and said, "I\'ll come back to you tomorrow. You have a good rest today. I\'ll go back first.".


Lin Feng nodded, sent murongxue out, and then returned to his residence. Soon after, three people arrived, song Ziliu, song Ziliu\'s father, song Richeng, the patriarch of the Song family, one of the five families in Tiansheng City, and song Changjiang, the elder.

Originally, song Ziliu told song Richeng that Lin Feng asked him to go to Shicheng to find Zhan Junhua after returning to song\'s house.

After hearing this, song Richeng was shocked and asked Lin Feng\'s identity. Song Ziliu told his father what he saw and heard in the auction house.

Song Richeng knew that Lin Feng was definitely a great man, so he asked people to find out Lin Feng\'s residence. Based on the status of the Song family in Tiansheng City, it was very simple to find out Lin Feng\'s residence.

After finding out Lin Feng\'s residence, song Richeng and the elder song Changjiang came down to meet Lin Feng under the leadership of song Ziliu.

They know this is an opportunity. If they can get on with a big man like Lin Feng, then their song family will certainly prosper.

Lin Feng met song Yicheng, song Changjiang and song Ziliu. After a brief chat, song Yicheng and others left.

Before leaving, Lin Feng left a storage ring for Lin Feng. Lin Feng checked it and found that there were 10000 top-grade spirit stones.

This surprised Lin Feng. The Song family was just an ancient aristocratic family. They took out 10000 top-grade spirit stones at one time. This is not a small number. It seems that the other party is quite willing to pay for it.

The next day, murongxue came to Lin Feng. She spent the afternoon with Lin Feng. In the evening, Lin Feng and murongxue went to Tiansheng restaurant together.

This is the largest restaurant and the most luxurious restaurant in Tiansheng city. When passing through the square, Lin Feng saw a huge statue, very powerful, pointing to the sky and stepping on the ground, like a God.

"The holy emperor?". Lin Feng was surprised.

"Yes, this is the heavenly saint. The elder who founded the Heavenly City was instructed by the heavenly saint. Later, the heavenly Saint took more than 200000 people from the ancient sect of heavenly Saint into the immortal world, which angered the leaders of the immortal world. The leaders of the immortal world surrounded him and killed the heavenly saint. In order to commemorate the heavenly saint, the elder took the ancient city It is named the heavenly holy city, and in the heavenly holy city, there is also a statue of the heavenly holy emperor ".

Murong Xue said.

Lin Feng nodded. He had heard this story before.

In front of Tiansheng restaurant, there are a lot of traffic and people coming and going, which is very lively.

Because the auction house held an auction during this period, it attracted many people.

Naturally, there are many arrogant figures.

The reason why this exchange meeting can attract so many people is said to be because several extraordinary people have been invited.

Jin Yichen, the first day pride of Dongjun Shenzhou.

Ouyang Xiyu, successor of Changsheng hall.

Xianyue mountain inherits the ancient charm.

Tiannv Pavilion descendant Mengxuan fairy.

The ancient god sect is the leader of the Shinto sect.


Many people have heard loud names.

This party will naturally be very lively.

Lin Feng and Murong Xue enter the Tiansheng restaurant.

The descendants of ancient forces are only on the first floor.

The second floor is the descendant of ancient forces.

The elegant Pavilion on the third floor is the top Tianjiao. Only the descendants of the Taigu forces are qualified to enter it.

Even parties are strictly divided.

There was a commotion outside. The ancient Shenzong and the young master shendaozong came. He was very handsome with his sword eyebrows and stars, and his eyes were like stars.

The ancient Shenzong is not the power of the 72 northern states, but the ancient power of the great wilderness states. It has a long history and is incomparably powerful.

Shinto sect is the dragon among people. His arrival made countless people look at him, and many people came forward to greet him.

Then Jin Yichen came, and Jin yilie was born in ancient times, but he was a closed disciple of an ancient giant, so his strength was terrible.

Ouyang Xiyu was dressed in white like snow and moved gently with lotus steps. She was as beautiful as ever. In those years, Lin Feng and Ouyang Xiyu joined hands to explore the eternal shrine in the secret land of thunder knife.

Mengxuan fairy\'s demeanor is still the same. For example, when the nine day fairy comes, her temperament is dusty. She is also an old friend of Lin Feng, but the relationship is not particularly familiar.

Gu yun\'er also came. She is the descendant of Xianyue mountain. She has a peerless appearance. Now she is veiled and has never been seen.

Of course, there are some misunderstandings between Lin Feng and Gu Yuner.

There are too many tianzhijiao children and tianzhijiao women. Among these top forces, Longfeng walks towards the third floor.

"Eh, brother Lin......". Ouyang Xiyu in the hall of longevity saw Lin Feng, showed her surprise and walked towards Lin Feng.

Fairy Mengxuan also saw Lin Feng and smiled. She didn\'t know how many people were fascinated. She also came, "I didn\'t expect to meet brother Lin here. It\'s been a few years.".

"Brother Lin......" Jin Yichen was surprised. He also recognized Lin Feng. He knew Lin Feng, but he was not familiar with him. Now when he meets, he also hugs his fist.

"It\'s this bastard.".

Gu Yuner saw Lin Feng and gnashed her teeth. She still remembered the scene when she woke up and Lin Feng put her hands on her twin peaks, and her clothes were untidy at that time.

At that time, Lin Feng was helping Gu Yuner dissolve the poison of aphrodisiac, but Gu Yuner mistakenly thought it was to be lighter than her.

"Who is that young childe?". Many people were moved and talked about it.

What exactly is the identity? Let these top Tianjiao and goddess greet them warmly after seeing them?

Lin Feng hugged his fist.

"Let\'s talk upstairs in the elegant Pavilion". Ouyang Xiyu said with a smile.

Lin Feng nodded and went up the third floor with the others.

The party was also quite lively.

Murongxue sat beside Lin Feng, surprised Jin Yichen and said, "is it possible that Xiaoxue and brother Lin?".

Murong Xue said, "brother Jin, don\'t get me wrong. We are just ordinary friends.".

But people are not blind. Naturally, they can see that Murong snow wants to cover up.

Jin Yichen smiled and didn\'t say much.

"Here comes Dugu Xuan......".

At this time, there was a commotion outside, and Dugu Xuan came step by step.

"Dugu Xuan joined the practice of shangshenzong. It\'s said that he had just returned to Dongjun Shenzhou. Some time ago, he seemed to have suffered a great loss and was cut off in the rain.".

Jin Yichen said so.

Shangshenzong, an ancient force of "shangshenzhou", is mysterious and ancient. It is said that Dugu family has a deep relationship with this sect.

They were surprised. It was the first time they heard that Dugu Xuan was killed. They were secretly guessing who killed Dugu Xuan.

At this time, Dugu Xuan stepped into the pavilion.

Many people took the initiative to get up and say hello to Dugu Xuan.

Dugu Xuan\'s status in shangshenzong was not simple. He was accepted as a disciple by an ancient giant.

Talent is against the sky.

Combat effectiveness is even more terrible.

Although he is arrogant, he does have arrogant capital.

Dugu Xuan nodded and stepped to a seat.

Suddenly, his eyes suddenly frozen.

Then Dugu Xuan\'s body sent out a huge killing intention. He walked towards Lin Feng step by step with a cold voice, "boy, let me see you here. Did you ever think I would die here today?".

Dugu Xuan\'s killing intention was like a sea, and he went directly to suppress Lin Feng, with unspeakable arrogance.

It seems that Lin Feng must be killed.

The others were shocked. They didn\'t know what had happened. Why did Dugu Xuan kill Lin Feng when he saw him?