Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 818

Lin Feng and Jiang Chao talked in the VIP room on the third floor, while murongxue and others were arranged in another VIP room.

The VIP room on the third floor is generally a place to receive great people in the realm of creation.

Murong Xue, song Ziliu and others came to the VIP room on the third floor for the first time and looked at everything in the VIP room on the third floor curiously.

"I\'m going to auction two Daoists.". Lin Feng spoke frankly about his intention.

"Tao Qi?". Jiang Chao was surprised. He immediately asked, "don\'t know what Taoist instrument it is?".

Lin Feng waved his right hand and two Taoist instruments flew out.

A white tiger sky breaking knife.

A dragon seal.

Seeing these two treasures, Jiang Chao was surprised and said, "the white tiger broken sky knife of the pirate king longan and the Tianlong seal of the great Jinxian Dynasty. After these two treasures were lost, the longan and the great Jinxian Dynasty have been looking for them. Unexpectedly, they fell into master Lin\'s hands".

Taoist utensils are not trivial. It is not simple to forge a Taoist utensil. First, it is difficult to find materials, and second, it is difficult to find a forger who can forge Taoist utensils.

Therefore, even if the top forces lose their Taoist weapons, they will spend a lot of money to find them.

The pirate king longan and Da Jinxian Dynasty have been looking for white tiger broken sky knife and sky dragon seal.

But these two pieces of baby Lin Feng haven\'t been used since they got them, so they can\'t find out the news.

"I got these two treasures by chance. Can your auction house eat them?" Lin Feng asked.

"Naturally, there is no problem, but I think there seems to be something wrong with these two Taoist instruments?", Jiang Chao\'s eyes are vicious and straight to the point.

Lin Feng nodded and said, "the weapon spirit has disappeared, and its power is not as powerful as in the past.".

"If so, I\'m afraid the value of Daoqi can\'t even reach Chengdu in its heyday.".

Jiang Chao said.

Lin Feng nodded and said, "it doesn\'t hurt. As long as you can sell it, it\'s hot to leave it in your hand after all.".

Jiang Chaodao said, "no problem. Anyway, there will be an auction in about ten days. Now spread the news of the two Daoqi, which must attract more people. Countless people must be very interested in Daoqi".

Jiang Chao\'s words are quite right. Even if the monks in the realm of creation can have Taoist weapons, they are rare.

Although the power of the white tiger sky breaking Sabre and the sky dragon seal has been greatly reduced due to the loss of the tool spirit.

However, its power is not comparable to that of treasure.

What\'s more, if you have an organic fate, you may be able to generate a new spirit again, and the power will recover at that time.

Therefore, once they are put up for auction, these two Taoist instruments are very attractive.

As for the things bought in the auction house, there is no need to worry about the Revenge of the pirate king longan and the great golden fairy.

Whatever comes out of the auction house, regardless of the source, this is the rule formulated by the yuan family in tianwu mainland.

Everyone must abide by it.

If you dare to violate the rules formulated by the Swire ginger family to retaliate against the friar who took the auction.

Then wait for the Revenge of the Taigu Jiang family.

How many people in tianwu dare to offend the yuan family of Taigu zhuquetai?


This is the contract. Please sign it.

After drawing up the contract, Jiang Chao handed it over to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng signed his name on the contract.

At this time, Jiang Li\'s voice came in from the outside, "subordinate Jiang Li asked to see you".

Jiang Chao said, "what are you going to do with Jiang Li?".

"I think Jiang Li is very loyal to you, so let him go.".

Lin Feng smiled.

A Jiang Li is insignificant.

But Lin Feng gave Jiang Chao this face.

Let Jiang Chao feel light on his face.

Jiang Chao is a figure in the core circle of the Jiang family. He can still be used in many places in the future.

Lin Feng naturally wants to win over.

The smile on Jiang Chao\'s face became more and more bright and said, "master Lin came to Tiansheng city for the first time. Did he ever find a place to live? Or he\'d better live in our auction house.".

"I won\'t bother at the auction house. Well, I should go, too.". Lin Feng got up.

Accompanied by Jiang Chao, he walked out of the room.

After leaving the auction house, song Ziliu and others showed a submissive expression in front of Lin Feng. Although they don\'t know Lin Feng\'s identity, they also know that Lin Feng is definitely a big man and is not as casual as before.

"Ziliu, are you a spirit array master?". Lin Feng looked at Song Ziliu and asked.

Song Ziliu nodded quickly and said, "yes, I\'m a spirit array master, but my talent is limited. Now I\'m just a medium level spirit array master of Xuan level, and I haven\'t made progress for three years. I\'m afraid I\'ve encountered a bottleneck.".

"It\'s hard for the spirit array master to go. You need to persevere. If you want to make a contribution to the spirit array master\'s intention, you also need to find a teacher for guidance.".

Lin Feng said.

Song Ziliu said with a wry smile, "a powerful spirit array master rarely takes disciples. Moreover, it is difficult to find a powerful spirit array master in Dongjun Shenzhou. If you go to other states and have no contacts, it is even more impossible to find a powerful spirit array master to ask for spirit array knowledge.".

"Zhan Junhua, President of Shicheng spirit array division Federation of trade unions, has good attainments in array. You can worship him as a teacher.".

Lin Feng said.

"Brother Lin, do you mean Zhan Junhua, the president of the East County Shenzhou spirit array division Federation of trade unions?". Song Ziliu asked.

Lin Feng nodded.

Song Ziliu said with a bitter smile, "I don\'t know how many people want to worship him as a teacher, but they have been rejected. Such a big man won\'t accept disciples easily.".

"In a few days, you go to him and say that I asked him to take you as an apprentice," Lin Feng said.


Song Ziliu stood completely on the spot.

Let\'s go. Lin Feng looks at Murong Xue and leaves with Murong Xue.

Wait until he and Murong Xue leave.

Several childe brothers around Song Ziliu looked at Song Ziliu with envy and said, "Brother song, now that you have developed, you should worship president Zhan as a master. I heard that President Zhan has a deep background in the Lingxian master trade union. If you worship president Zhan as a teacher, you will be able to join the core circle of the Lingxian master trade union in the future. At that time, your song family will prosper. At that time, I hope brother song didn\'t forget his brother who played together when he was young.".

Song Ziliu took a deep breath and suppressed his excitement. He said, "I want to tell my father the good news quickly.".

Then he ran to the direction of the Song family residence.

On the way, Murong Xue asked, "why do you recommend song Ziliu to worship Zhan Huichang as a teacher?".

Lin Feng smiled and said, "as you said, he\'s a good man, but I don\'t like him wandering around you. Since he\'s a spirit array master, I\'ll give him a chance. I believe that with his intelligence, he should know what I\'m doing for? If he doesn\'t know how to wander around you, he\'ll be too ignorant of the world".

Murong Xue blushed and hummed, "I\'m not your woman. Who do you care about hanging around me for?".

Speaking these words, Murong Xue seemed to find the meaning of the hint too obvious. She blushed and dared not even look into Lin Feng\'s eyes.

She quickly changed the topic and said, "what have you experienced these years? Why are big people like Jiang Chao so respectful to you?".

"Because... I\'m a celestial spirit array master." Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Ah? Master of heaven level spirit array?" Murong Xue exclaimed and looked at Lin Feng in disbelief.

She was completely frightened.

If you remember correctly, Lin Feng is 22 years old.

22-year-old Tianjie spirit array master?

There has never been such an adverse existence in the history of tianwu continent, has it?

This is too shocking.